What's your favorite patriotic song?

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Limon, Yankee Doodle Dandy is a wonderful movie and Cagney was just such a fabulous dancer - no one today compares to him.

And BTW, your post jogs my memory of another great patriotic song, often overlooked: “Over There,” maybe the most-played song in US history, since absolutely everyone sang it 1917-1918.

That song captures the importance of the US contribution to ending WWI: Europe had bled itself white since 1914, and shortly after the US began to arrive in force, it really was “over, over there.”

The best patriotic songs IMHO reference God in some manner and “over there” checks that box too (“say a prayer.”)
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“The Green Mountaineers/The Green Vermonters” by John Greenleaf Wittier. This song relates the experience of Vermont Patriots during the American Civil War, as well as their determination to fight for their freedom no matter how hard the odds.

“Hail Columbia” by Joseph Hopkinson and Philip Phile. A triumphant song about the heroism of George Washington, the determination of the American People to be free, and the appreciation for peace.

“Virginia’s Bloody Soil” by Tennessee Ernie Ford. A sorrowful song about the price American Soldiers paid in the American Civil War to save the Union.

“New York Volunteers”. A triumphant song about Union Soldiers who voluntarily left their homes and families to fight for the Union.
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@(name removed by moderator), can I give that more than one like? ☘️☘️
Well, if La Marseillaise is mentioned, I would also remember Mirielle Matheiu’s version. She is reputedly a strong Catholic and from such a family, Marchons, marchons, the backing chorus is awesome too. Was a big singer over there, more in the '70s era.

Alma Llanera (Venezuela)

Not sure if “Jerusalem” was mentioned for the UK, great song, there are some other great songs in that general vein for the UK…
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American Woman, Lenny Kravitz’s cover
:notes:American woman, stay away from me, American woman, mama let me be:notes:

Just kidding. Though that is a great song. Probably God Bless the USA. As someone previously mentioned, that song took on more power post 9/11. Generally I don’t care for patriotic songs, maybe because I don’t like singing about America instead of the normal Mass songs. I’m not sure why, and please don’t hate on me 😂. I am deeply grateful to be American and both my father and husband served in the Navy.
I don’t think we ever sang this one in school but I believe it came on a children’s-type tv show growing up.

“You’re a Grand Old Flag”, many renditions.

How could I forget. Honorable mention goes to Robert Goulet.

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God Bless America

When Kate Smith recorded "God Bless America" in 1943, American boys, White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian were fighting Hitler’s Nazis, Mussolini’s Fascists, and Tojo’s Fascists across the globe.

By the end of World War II, 407, 316 American Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen had given their lives to defeat totalitarianism.

Another 671,278 were wounded.

We should never for get those who sacrificed themselves so that we can enjoy peace and liberty today.

Regardless of skin color, sex, country of origin, or religious creed, all American patriots bleed red.
I like “You’re a Grand Old Flag.” Maybe mostly because my kids learned to sing it in school in the period shortly after 9/11. They’d sing it every morning after saying the Pledge. “You’re a grand old flag, you’re a high-fivin’ flag…”

As for one mentioned in a couple previous posts, it makes my skin. Every time I hear it…ugh. I won’t say which one, because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I hated it from the very first time I heard it.
One my mom taught me, that she learned from the nuns when she was a little girl. They’d sing it during air raid drills in Pittsburgh:

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition,
All aboard, we ain’t a-goin’ fishin’

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition,
And we’ll all be free

The Sky Pilot said it,
You gotta give Him credit,
For the Son of a Gun of a Gunner was He,

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
And we’ll all be free
When I was younger, my father had a dream one night that he saw fireworks in the sky as a band played “There’ll Always be an England.”

We put on the TV that morning and learned that the Pan Am 747 Clipper Maid of the Seas had been blown up over Lockerbie.

True story. I can never ever forget that when I hear the song - which is rare but we hear it once and again.
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Darryl Worley, “Have You Forgotten,” a magnificent tribute to those who died on 9/11/01.

I saw him perform it live at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. It brought the house down, 15 years later.
The Marines’ Hymn (US Marine Corps Anthem) —never fails to give me patriotic goosebumps!
As for one mentioned in a couple previous posts, it makes my skin. Every time I hear it…ugh. I won’t say which one, because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I hated it from the very first time I heard it.
Assuming you mean the song I think you do, it does seem to be very polarizing. People either love it or hate it.
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