Phil: Good thing the Catechism already points this out; the story of Adam and Eve is explicitly refered to as “symbolic language”. It’s absolutely true, but the words aren’t used to mean the same things that “Young Earth” types say they are. This comes directly from the Magisterium.A more symbolical / figurative / allegorical view of the early Genesis chapters might solve some of these.
hecd2: Actually, if I read what you posted correctly then I think you’ve addressed many of my concerns, and demonstrated that I’m more inline with contemporary science than I believed. In school I was taught the “purely random mutation” style evolution as being the absolute end all of contemporary accepted science, and that caused me to wrinkle my nose quite a bit. The evidence you mention of the “genome savings bank” that is used in response to environmental stimuli in “parents” is precisely the kind of thing I always suggested in school and was criticised heavily and repeatedly for. It’s nice to know that science is catching up with my visionary theories
My point about Ice Ages and what not was that the speed of change in certain species required for survival seemed to preclude the timeline necessary for purely random mutations to breed true and affect survival (just how many wooly elephants are born every hundred years?). Despite your lack of certainty on my meaning, no doubt due to my sleepless attempt to state a position I haven’t discussed in 10 years, you nailed the exact issue I have struggled with as someone who accepts evolution fully, yet couldn’t swallow what I thought was the predominant model for it.