I got married at 22. My husband was 20. At the time, I didn’t want kids, didn’t like kids, wasn’t gonna have kids. Ashamed to say we used ABC for the first 8-9 years of our marriage. Then God softened our hearts and we became open to life. I became pregant the first time at age 31. He was a premie and only lived 1 1/2 hours. I got pregnant again at age 33 and again at age 37.
In some ways I wish we had started sooner. I wish we had at least stopped using ABC sooner, ( or not at all) I’m 45 now, I"m fill of arthritis, and its hard to sit on the floor with them. They are both very active girls, and I usually watch from the sidelines.
But I live a different life now that when we were childless by choice. And I like this life better.