I agree with your definitions of friendships and dating/courting. At the same time, one can easily become the other…
This is possible but not without being aware that the friendship is entering another stage. All that I am saying is that before two people start down that particular path, they should consider keeping it at a friendship level. Then, after they have finished school, matured and are established they will be better ready to open the door towards marriage. When a person is young, they have decades of time still in front of them (God willing). Why rush towards a life long commitment before having as many things going for them as possible?
Let me tell you my situation. I met my fiance two years ago, we were just friends at first, then we became best friends, then we realized we fell in love. We decided to pursue the relationship with the intent to discern marriage (no, we didn’t have everything ready to get married, but once the feelings were there we couldn’t say goodbye either, which seems what you would have had us do). After a while we realized that we did indeed want to spend the rest of our lives together.
You misunderstand me. I am not saying that a person should say “goodbye” to their friend. I’m suggesting simply that a person should maintain that friendship at the friendship level and continue to make their primary focus education, spiritual maturity, professional stability. He/she can certainly can have friends and still do this.
Can we get married now? No. We must wait for several years until we graduate from college.
See, we are not so different then. You are acknowledging that education should come first and that there is plenty of time to pursue marriage after the hurtle of education is behind you.
If you were my parent, it seems that you would have told me to forget about my fiance and keep my life “simple”.
No, that is not what I would have said at all. I would never suggest that you “forget” about someone you care for. Rather, I would have suggested that the two of you hold off on progressing down the path toward marriage until you finished school and knew yourselves better. How many people entering college really know what they want to do and stick with it? Ask an education counselor how many times he/she sees students who want to change their majors. If a person cannot even stay focused on what he/she wants to become in life, why make decisions about a sacrament, which is a life long commitment?
We don’t have our own apartments, we don’t have financial means. We depend on our parents to put us through college.
As do most. Which is exactly why I strongly support children waiting until they can support themselves before looking toward taking on the responsibility of a family?
Does that make the commitment we have for each other or the love we have for each other any less deep? No. We would rather get married now, but alas we cannot so we will wait.
That is very mature and wise.
If you had been my parent and had somehow prevented me from developing the wonderful relationship that I am now in (by the way, my fiance brought me to Catholicism from being an atheist/agnostic), I would probably have never met another person like him, never have had a relationship this wonderful, never would have had a happy life.
You may be correct. However, I would have not forbidden you (or tried to forbid you) from being friends with your current fiancé. I trust God has a plan for each individual He has placed on the earth. I hardly believe that I could change that plan. Rather, I could be an instrument in assisting His plan toward reality. We can discuss “what ifs” or “probablies” all day. In the end, God’s plan for you and for my sons will be realized with or without my (name removed by moderator)ut. Maybe, I simply feel the need to help smooth out the obstacles which may impede that plan.
(PART 1 of 3)