When Jehovahs come calling

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This is a way a priest told me he got rid of em when they came knocking.

He welcomed them in and said that he would listen to them if they would listen to him afterwards and then allow him to baptise them. They haven’t been back since…Well it works if your a priest or deacon.
First of all, if you tried to share your faith in sincerity, you did not fail. I remember a little trinket my mom has in her window sill: “No one fails who does their best for God.”

As far as responding to Jehovah’s Witnesses, I have heard repeatedly that the best thing you can do is LOVE them. It’s my understanding that there is quite a bit of emphasis on works in their organization, and an extra dose of love may open their hearts a little bit, as Jason Evert says. Ask them to share their faith story, and be prepared with lots of specific questions: Why did you become a Jehovah’s Witness? When? What about the organization do you like? Then share your own story.

As far as defending the faith, I just let them give me their schpeal until they said something that I disagreed with, and then I challenged them on it. It would probably be beneifcial to explicitly declare that you want to limit your discussion to the Sacred Scriptures, because, as far as I know, their doctrine comes largely from the Watchtower and not so much from the Bible.

Know that my prayers go with you.
P.S. Please dont’ tell them that the asparagus was cooked with a few drops of Holy Water in them! Gladys took seconds on them! LOL. 👍
that’s amusing! 😛
My Mom is a Jehovah’s Witness- and I could
just IMAGINE her reaction to that- LOL.
I am converting to Catholicism soon
after getting baptized at a U.C.C.
(United Church of Christ) this past Good Friday…
Peace be unto all… :angel1:
Yes, this was our second dinner and about our sixth visit (that is if you don’t count the one they made this Sunday afternoon unexpectedly to drop off some literature, but I kinda suspect it was to check up on me to see how I spend my spare time). I’ll admit it is a stretch for me to bite my tongue and not blast them with all sorts of facts about their rhetoric. I’m not usually one to hold back, but I figure if I respond slowly and charitably I have a better chance of sowing a few good seeds that might grow later on before they catch on that I’m not interested in converting to their hooey. I am however, genuinely interested in their take on their fiath and how they’ve come about to believe what they believe. As it stands right now, they make a statement and try to point out a passage in the Bible that supports their belief and then I get my say and I usually point back with something to contradict their statement from Scripture and then ask why the difference? This past week I was asked to prove one of my points from Scripture and I’m supposed to get back to them this week - namely proof that there is a Heaven for all believers. They have a hard time accepting that I don’t want to live in a new Eden-like world on earth, that I’d much rather go to Heaven, which sadly they seem to have resigned themselves from imagining that as their own final destination. It is obvious that they both think they aren’t of the 144,000 elect who get to go there (Heaven) and will instead inheirit the “new-world” after the old has passed away. Getting them to see that the old has already passed and the new world is now and lasts until Jesus comes again is going to take some time I think. I’m doing a little homework to point out all the places in the Bible that talk about the Kingdom and see where that leads this coming Monday. I’m going to make stuffed cabbage I think because the Gladys said that was one of her favorite meals. Good ole fashioned Christian charity might do more talking then anything! Please keep the prayers coming and I’ll let you know how things keep going. For all of you who’ve turned these poor souls away, perhaps you could re-think your strategy. It really isn’t that difficult to stay a few steps ahead of them. I happen to know my Bible and I trust that God’s will is for them to be saved so I’ve got Him and all the saints plus His Mom on my side. With all that, who can be afraid? 👍

Peace and all good,

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists both believe in “Soul Sleep.” The soul does not die and go to purgatory, heaven, or hell, but “sleeps” until the Second Coming. They each have their own spin on Soul Sleep, of course. Thomas2, it might be interesting to inquire of your visitors about this aspect of their belief and show the biblical reasons why Catholics believe as they do.

I like to discuss Bible history with them :D. Their reaction: history, what history?

P.S. Thomas 2, what time is dinner?
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists both believe in “Soul Sleep.” The soul does not die and go to purgatory, heaven, or hell, but “sleeps” until the Second Coming. They each have their own spin on Soul Sleep, of course. Thomas2, it might be interesting to inquire of your visitors about this aspect of their belief and show the biblical reasons why Catholics believe as they do.

I like to discuss Bible history with them :D. Their reaction: history, what history?

P.S. Thomas 2, what time is dinner?
The Witnesses don’t even believe we have immortal souls. Their idea of the Resurrection sounds more like cloning in the movie the 6th Day. They believe that we can not be resurrected into the bodies we have now due to decay and the passage of time (when we die, our bodies decay and fertilize the trees, grass, etc. Like the “circle of life” in the Lion King.) They believe what will happen is that God will recreate us from the information he has in his memory, analagous to recreating a person from home video recordings.
First of all, thanks to everyone who has contributed.
I just finished having my 4th encounter with the same JW, but of course the second person who comes is always different.

Now I try and make sure to get their names, because I know the junior member is green and in training. So I tell the senior member, bring junior with you next time. In this case junior was the senior one’s son.

Anyhow, here is some advice.
Once you mention something that they can not answer they try to change the subject. -Do not let them. Tell them, “Don’t change the subject, please stay on topic!”
They will start walking back very slowly, so follow them to the curb. :o)

I finally asked them, so who is Jesus Christ, and said, “Well, he’s an Angel.” So, I said. “Well then, if Jesus is an Angel and Jesus is the son of God, then what you are trying to tell me is that God is an Angel?” -Stump City! They needed to come back twice on that one.

Anyhow, it’s tough to explain the truth to somebody when they are not enlightened. They are brainwashed and their bible is different than ours. That brings another point, on their first visit when I told them I was Catholic, they tried telling me how the Church denied access to the bible back in the day.

So I gave them the example of how Bibles were pain stakenly written by hand for lack of presses at the time, and how even banks chain up pens, because people walk away with them.
They were able to accept that, but then I asked, “Where can I go buy your Bible?” They then told me, “Well, we can order you one.” So I said, “Hmmm, and your trying to tell me my Church made it hard for someone to obtain.”

But of course, you got to read and know your faith.
And don’t be ashamed if you don’t know everything, better to admit it, then to make something up.

Da gloriam Deo
Well, Monday’s dinner went well enough - I made Galobki and potatoes - that’s stuffed cabbages for all you who don’t speak Polish. They turned out good. I wish the conversation went as well as dinner.

I got criticised for being an idol worshiper because of the crucifix I wear around my neck and for the many religious objects in my home. I had to become a little defensive and I’m sure I convinced my guests that I’m nuts. Oh well. The younger JW is a former Catholic and that expalins why she is so adamant about getting all this stuff out of her sight while here - it makes her squirm. I can’t wait to see how the Pilgrim Virgin statue on her little altar is received this coming Monday. She is visiting for the nexk few weeks and I’m not planning on hding her while I have company who may or may not be “offended” at her statue. I hope if anything I’ve convinced themthat I’m not an idol worshipper or that my art objects aren’t graven images.

This week they were a little tense and confrontational about why they are coming here. I guess they think they’ve shared enough Scriptures to convince me that what they teach is true. I’ve also been asked to go to their kingdom hall this Sunday afternoon. Thank God it is Father’s Day and I can let them know I’ll be visiting elsewhere. :rolleyes:

Please pray for me and for them.

Oh, one more thing. This week I happened to mention the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven and Pentecost. I was quickly “straightened out” about what JW’s believe - that Jesus did indeed ascend to Heaven but didn’t begin his reign until 1914! Yeppers you heard right! And I’m to keep in mind that He isn’t reigning as God but as the firstborn! All this is to be explained to me this coming week. I can hardly wait. I think I’ll make Chinese. 👍

Peace and all good,

You’ve got my prayers, Thomas. 👍

The Witnesses think that 1914 is when Jesus returned invisibly. I wonder how they’ll explain Matt 24:30, where all the tribes of the earth … will see the Son of man coming on the clouds with power and great glory.
Hey there Quo Vadis -

Yes, I’m finding that “stretching” their point till it shows its silliness is very effective. The “topic” inevitably gets pointed in another direction. (I’ll have to try “the God is an Angel then…” and see what happens - good one!) I’m also finding that since they let me do the readings from the Scriptures, I tend to add a few lines “so that I might understand their point a little better…” and this has helped too. More than once I’ve been “allowed” to let them know "what I’ve gotten out of the passages in question, and have given them a very Catholic view. This usually meets with a moment of silence before they either move on to a different subject or they look up other passages to reference from their little book, Reasoning From Scriptures. This little book provides the JW’s a pat response to any question that may pop up. Since these ladies spend a great deal of their time memorizing these rote answers, it is very hard to get them to think “outside the box” for a minute or two. But it is getting easier. (Perhaps it is the Holy water in the vegies! Hey Karl, now you know why your mom insisted that you finish all you vegetables! LOL.)

This coming week I think I’m going to have to take the lead and read a few Scriptures and ask a few questions about their explaination of said Scriptures, (perhaps John 6) at least a little more openly than I’ve done in past conversations. If they begin to “twist them to their own destruction,” I’ll have to back off and go elsewheres. I’m hoping to cover some more fimiliar ground for every Christian - the proclamation of the Kingdom at the Sermon on the Mount and see where that goes. They have a problem seeing that God’s Kingdom is now or within, not just where they say it is. One point I think I’ve made clear is that God isn’t restricted to man’s understanding of Him. I think I’m also getting a good glimpse at the basic psychology behind the appeal of this sect to certain types of individuals. hmmmmm…


Please, please, please keep the prayers coming. You might even do a Novena for Gladys’ re-version! The other Gladys hasn’t even the grace of valid Baptism on her poor soul!

They went through the JW’s baptismal process with me and there is no way on earth that it is valid. I really feel sorry for them, since I too, came later in life to the font and know what if feels like to not have that grace. It really is sad. But at this point, this poor woman has only in inkling of what she is missing. To her it is a matter of mere wording and as she has been taught that anything that smacks of Catholicism is wrong, the wording of the formula in Scripture doesn’t “matter.” For her it is the person receiving the baptism’s mind set at the time. They stressed the importance of the “baptismal talk” that the person gets before they get dunked. Wow. Thousands upon thousands of these people have even been cheated out of the graces of Baptism. No wonder they are so easily lead astray - they are still reasoning with minds clouded by original sin! They simply can’t think straight. This is true except for those who’ve come from other faith walks that have at least given valid Baptism to it members. The yonger Gladys has this. She was Baptised as an infant and was basically a “C & E” Catholic via her parents limitations and this carried itself into her adult pattern of life. She is very prideful about her participation in the JW’s many “meetings.” Oi.

Please keep the prayers coming.

Peace and all good,

Have you ever noticed that as soon as you pick up a flyswatter, the flies all disappear?
A few years ago we had a steady stream of JWs and LDSs come to my door and engage me in the street and I was unprepared to deal with them. I decided to educate myself and read Catholic Answer tracts and whatever else I could find to defend my faith. Well guess what? I haven’t seen one since. Go figure. :confused:
Bea'(name removed by moderator):
I had a visit yesterday from my neighborhood Jehovahs. I attempted once to defend my faith years ago (a miserable failure:() and have since either not answered the door or gave a lame excuse why I couldn’t give them time (e.g. my baby was sleeping yesterday). I know Catholic Answers has some great material on this but was wondering, how have you all replied to these unsolicited visits and their claims? I’m thinking I’ll just keep a supply of CA’s tracts by the door and we can exchange materials?🙂

If you have a nice, short rebuttal I can use that would be great!

Love and God bless,
Bea’s Mom
Invite them to pray the Rosay with you:thumbsup:

Ask them why Tomas refers to Jesus as my lord and My God (Jn 20:28)

Please, please, please keep the prayers coming. You might even do a Novena for Gladys’ re-version! The other Gladys hasn’t even the grace of valid Baptism on her poor soul!

They went through the JW’s baptismal process with me and there is no way on earth that it is valid. I really feel sorry for them, since I too, came later in life to the font and know what if feels like to not have that grace. It really is sad. But at this point, this poor woman has only in inkling of what she is missing. To her it is a matter of mere wording and as she has been taught that anything that smacks of Catholicism is wrong, the wording of the formula in Scripture doesn’t “matter.” For her it is the person receiving the baptism’s mind set at the time. They stressed the importance of the “baptismal talk” that the person gets before they get dunked. Wow. Thousands upon thousands of these people have even been cheated out of the graces of Baptism. No wonder they are so easily lead astray - they are still reasoning with minds clouded by original sin! They simply can’t think straight. This is true except for those who’ve come from other faith walks that have at least given valid Baptism to it members. The yonger Gladys has this. She was Baptised as an infant and was basically a “C & E” Catholic via her parents limitations and this carried itself into her adult pattern of life. She is very prideful about her participation in the JW’s many “meetings.” Oi.

Please keep the prayers coming.

Peace and all good,

I’ll keep praying. Hopefully prayers from a non-Catholic will help. About the younger Gladys, I’ve heard that converts tend to be some of the most fanatical when it comes to defending their faith.

God bless,

P.S - How about blood sausage as a dish? Or perhaps as a last resort if you want them running for the hills. 😃
Bea'(name removed by moderator):
I had a visit yesterday from my neighborhood Jehovahs. I attempted once to defend my faith years ago (a miserable failure:() and have since either not answered the door or gave a lame excuse why I couldn’t give them time (e.g. my baby was sleeping yesterday). I know Catholic Answers has some great material on this but was wondering, how have you all replied to these unsolicited visits and their claims? I’m thinking I’ll just keep a supply of CA’s tracts by the door and we can exchange materials?🙂

If you have a nice, short rebuttal I can use that would be great!

Love and God bless,
Bea’s Mom
Hello Amanda,

Thank you for the prayers. God hears ALL prayers.

No, I don’t want them “running for the hills!” I want them to say “Jesus IS Lord!” and insulting their faulty system of belief won’t accomplish much in that direction.

In fact, one thing I’ve learned about their mind-set is this - every time they get turned away and laughed at, it re-enforces their belief that what they are doing is right simply because of the persecution it inspires from others. I think if more folks actually took the time to talk to them, they might be given enough seeds to bring them to the full knowlege of the Truth. But then again I might just be crazy! LOL.

I try my best to show them respect, which for me is difficult since my thoughts run wild over some of the actual blasphemy they utter! They have a right to believe as they do. I can respect the fact that they are very devoted to remaining as they are even if it jeopardizes their immortal souls to do so.

Part of my “strategy” is to just be as charitable as I can, to show them the love of Jesus and let the Holy Spirit work in their lives to make up for what I’m lacking in apologetic finesse. They are in my prayers constantly.

Peace and all good,

Sorry, the comment about blood sausages was meant to be a joke. :o

I think the way you are reaching out to the two women is great and shows an amazing amount of charity. I pray their hearts are opened.

Bea’s Mom, don’t worry about the JW’s. With grate advice posted here already, and with the information you can get at cathilocanswers you will not only feel confidant but you will actually look forward to their visits.

Here’s a little true-life story for you. I had a Jehovah’s Witness that stopped by my house one day. Rather then close the door and felling rather cheeky the first words out of my mouth were “You’re a Jehovah’s Witness, I am so glad you’re here. I have been wanting to talk to you guys about some things.” It went down hill for the poor girl from there. The following week I had a group of three of them on my door (the young lady and I assume two elders form her kingdom hall) with their “bibles” in hand (Does the NWT count as a bible anyway?) well this time there were ready, all the standard attacks were pulled, but I had one question form them **Matthew 16:18 *And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. ***the elder thought for a moment and came back with the following (and I an not making this up) he told me that that line was mistranslated in the Catholic bible. Ok I admit it I was ready for this response; the whole Peter is form the Greek for pebble right? Well what I got was “see you Catholics put the comma after the word Church it could be after the word Peter.” I was shocked but my reply came quick “let me get this straight, 2000 years of human history revolve around a comma?” to witch no reply came. They turned and left with a thank you.

What does that little story prove? Nothing except that they are not invincible, and with a little study you can do it!

One day I was mowing lawn, a car pulled up and a couple of nicely dressed young ladies got out. They walked up to me, said good morning, and asked me if I was going to heaven when I die. I told them that I sure hoped so, but I thought I was a work in progress. Then they offered one of their booklets, and asked me if I would read it. I said I sure would if they would read my booklet which I promptly whipped out of my pocket. They started backing up toward their car, saying that they couldn’t accept my booklet. It was almost as if I had pulled a gun on them. They got in the car , drove off, and haven’t been back since. But if they do come back, I’ll be ready for them. Pax
One day I was mowing lawn, a car pulled up and a couple of nicely dressed young ladies got out. They walked up to me, said good morning, and asked me if I was going to heaven when I die. I told them that I sure hoped so, but I thought I was a work in progress. Then they offered one of their booklets, and asked me if I would read it. I said I sure would if they would read my booklet which I promptly whipped out of my pocket. They started backing up toward their car, saying that they couldn’t accept my booklet. It was almost as if I had pulled a gun on them. They got in the car , drove off, and haven’t been back since. But if they do come back, I’ll be ready for them. Pax
Silly JW’s 😛

They must not’ve thought that you come loaded for bear when you mow your lawn!!


Lemme guess… the booklet in your pocket was the fold-out brochure of the 20 mysteries in our Lady’s rosary?

Veronic Ann, no it wasn’t. It’s a pocket-size booklet called “Living Faith” daily catholic devotions. It comes out every 3 months and has a daily bible verse with commentary by priests and different people. If you are interested, go to www.livingfaith.com It’s reallly a nice booklet, but evidently they didn’t think so.
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