When Jehovahs come calling

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That’s strange that they’ve never been back to your neighborhood. Doesn’t each congregation have a specific territory that they go to on a rotating basis, to make sure that they get everybody, do the back calls, and see if any houses have new occupants?

Perhaps Mr. Schwehm could explain this procedure a bit? The last missionaries here were Mormons about 3 years ago, but my last residency, I used to get Witnesses coming to the door once every month or two. This was about 10 years ago though, so I was giving them Buddhist lines; dumbfounded some of their elders, but it was fun. 😃
Hi Amanda, Yes, it is strange, since the family lives in the same housing area as I do. Maybe they consider me a lost cause for now. But you do have to admire their dedication sometimes.
Ya know…

Last night after I’d turned off my puter for the night, I realized that Amanda’s comment about the sausage was more than likely a joke, but it was done at the expense of another. I know all about this particular fault, having a rather twisted sense of humor at times. It sort of blows off steam for me, but I rarely let fly in a public forum!

And that is exactly my point. If I were a JW struggling with returning to the One True faith, I think I’d have a real problem with the general impression I’d get from comments such as that about my ability to be accepted in the Catholic community. It is very hard for JW’s to return precisely because of the shunning that occurs when they leave their halls. If I was perusing this thread, I don’t think I’d get past the welcome I’d imagine from some of the comments made.

Please, these poor souls need Jesus and Mary and the love of God in a major way. Their poor souls are starving! Making fun of them or treating them like they’ve got the plague won’t give them a very good impression of us Catholics. **The only Jesus they may meet is the one you are ** when they knock on your door. Love moves mountains; criticism and bad jokes make mud puddles. We’re the ones who are supposed to be turning the other cheek not causing others to turn theirs! 😦
Peace and all good,

Veronic Ann, no it wasn’t. It’s a pocket-size booklet called “Living Faith” daily catholic devotions. It comes out every 3 months and has a daily bible verse with commentary by priests and different people. If you are interested, go to www.livingfaith.com It’s reallly a nice booklet, but evidently they didn’t think so.
Davy39, I just took a look at the Living Faith site. Thanks!

At the site there’s an excerpt, which I find to be quite helpful.


Again, thanks!
  • Well, we had our little dinner Monday night. It went well. Salmon in phyllo with asparagus. I’m a good cook.*
Sheesh! I am getting hungry reading this thread. Spaghetti! Galobki! I am going to come knocking at your door and pretend that I am a Jehovah Witness. Did you make dessert too? 😛
Last night’s dinner went very well. I made Gemelli with sauce, which is my favorite pasta. Yummy! And I get the leftovers today for lunch. I think they are getting more relaxed with me as I am with them. We started out as usual, reading their magazine’s lessons. Yesterday was a lesson on “Who is Jesus Christ?” Now, they’ve been priming the pump for this question for some time now, expecting that their rhetoric is going to convince me that God isn’t Who He says is. I let them talk and talk and then I asked if I could tell them what I believe about the passages involved. I was given the “ok” by the elder and I proceeded to explain what the passage meant from my perspective. Well, that got some results! I guess this poor woman was confident of the conclusion I would draw if I read more, I got the okay to read more of the passage so as to show the deeper meaning in context, rather than out of context as they tend to learn things. So at that point I read the whole Chapter 1 of Colossians and explained along the way what the different parts meant. After that, I repeated the “dare” that Gladys had made about me “proving” my point about God and Jesus in the beginning and asked to read another Chapter. I read the First Chapter of Hebrews and mentioned before I started that early on this very chapter was written to show some Jews who thought they’d seen an angel when they saw Jesus, that He was indeed Who He said He was, and not just an angel. Then I got to read. (I know how to read Scriptures for a group because I’ve been privileged to have read the Readings at Mass on more than one occassion, so I gave it all I had!) This Chapter was met with silence. I looked up and saw from the look on Gladys’ face that it hit home. “Well, then let’s look at First John…” and knowing where they were headed, I just repeated the words verbatim without opening my Bible. Then I asked her how could Thomas the Apostle, looking at Jesus after His Resurrection and touching the wounds in His hands and in His side, fall on his face before Him and say “My Lord and my God!” without it being true? I challenged her to repeat that they believe that the Bible is the Word of God and if they really believe that, then she would have to admit that what Thomas said had to be true - the Jesus really is Who He says He is - God! (Gladys, the older one, said she knew the story well and was going to go home to look that one up. I think that is because of the mutual fear these gals have of the other one snitching the other one out to their congregation. They get a really rough time when they try to leave!)

Things went on from there and no matter where they took me in Scripture, I could relate it to what had already been said. We wound up in Revelation, in Chapter 3 where they were trying to stump me and I just said, “Look at verse 20!” and read it for them. It begins, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock…” I asked if they knew Who was knocking and if they’d ever seen the picture of Jesus standing at the door knocking and they both had. Then I said did you ever notice there is no doorknob on the door? That He is knocking at the door of our hearts? I asked her if she could let Him in?

We ended our night shortly after that, and I was again promised that some of the stuff we’d gone over would be brought back next week with better answers. I look forward to it. I’m definutely making Chinese! Please, please, please keep your prayers coming for me and for them. We need all the help we can get! 👍

Peace and all good,

I’m sorry I’m a bit off topic here, but I saw the title of this thread and just had to share my Jehovah story.

One summer when I was 19, I was getting ready for work. I hear a knock on the door and thought it was my buddy coming by for our carpool to work. It wasn’t.

There were two very attractive young ladies standing there with dumbfounded looks on their faces. They didn’t say anything…and then I realized why. I was wearing only my underwear!!! :dancing:

So after the initial 2 seconds of embarrassment wore off, I asked what I could do for the ladies. They stumbled to get out the simple fact that I needed jehovah witness salvation…and I said I was Catholic and I wasn’t interested in going to hell, but thanks anyway.

The lesson here is this: to get rid of jehovahs at the door, stand there half naked.
I don’t think the lesson should be to get rid of them as fast as possible. They are very sincere in their beliefs and want to spread it around as much as possible. Why can’t Catholics do the same? Why not take the opportunity to witness to them instead? If the only thing that happens is you all agree to disagree when they leave, there’s still the possiblity of a seed of truth being planted within them.
*I made Gemelli with sauce … I’m definitely making Chinese! *

Hmmm…… If I was a JW, I wouldn’t be in any hurry to convert if I was getting fed like this …

Maybe you should pick up a copy of White Trash Cooking to speed things along a bit.
I had JWs come calling quite a bit last year when they heard I was in RCIA classes - wanted to “save me” from the Catholic church and were sure I would have questions. It came down to interpretations - example: Thomas was talking to two different people -1,my Lord 2,my God They were unwilling to take the information I printed from Catholic Answers (excellent material- thank you very much)
Yes, they do frequently say “TWO people!” all the time. That and putting the name “Jehovah” in front of every reference to God in the Bible there is! It drives me batty, but I’m getting much better at biting my tongue! I understand they are just pschologically re-enforcing what they are taught and have to talk like that. If they didn’t, it would be very easy to see the real meaning of the text right in front of them. It gets wild!

Mitch, did you point out that only Jesus was standing there? Kinda obvious. I even looked the passage up in their New World Translation and whaddaknow? They left it like that - it reads “My Lord and my God!” I guess their anonymous editors passed over that passage.

I’ve been comparing some of their re-writes of Scripture to the same passages in my NAB and boy o boy have they done a mangle job on it! I try to imagine some nasty old geezer in the dark of night with a big red pen going over a King James and shaking his head, and laughing, “Boy this will really knock 'em for a loop!” as he re-writes the Bible! Add a few scretching owls and some bats flying around his head and it is enough to give me the creeps! LOL. Could you imagine? :eek:

Peace and all good,

I let NO ONE into the home when my husband is not home. Unless it is a scehduled delivery or a repair. If they want to take it up with my husband they can come back in the evening… they never come back ;).

I don’t live in a gated community, so it’s a wonder why I haven’t seen Witnesses or Mormon missionaries going around door to door. Then again, around here, there’s always a lot of dogs that decide they want to trot around the neighborhood and sneak out of their yards.

Monday’s dinner went okay I think. I’m not sure. We had chinese - I made teriyaki beef and vegies. I was kinda tired as I’m getting sicker - oh did I mention I’m disabled? Guess not, now you know (sigh.) I really didn’t want to make dinner - I reeeeeally just wanted to go to bed and pull the covers up. I guess I was a little out of it for the conversation. It got a little off. Like I said I wasn’t actually up for it, but I kept praying to the Holy Spirit and so I’m sure things turned out okay, even though I’m having a little trouble recalling all we went over.

Again the topic was who is Jesus Christ and at one point the elder tried to tell me that JW’s are Christian in principle. I said you can’t be a Christian unless you believe that Jesus is who He says He is, namely God. She claims that following “Christian principles” is all that is necessary for calling oneself Christian. If I’d been feeling better, I would’ve given her a run for her money. I guess we’ll have to go over it another time. I do remember that we mentioned John 6 and that at some point in the future we will address this “issue” as they seem to think it is symbolic. What got us to bring this up was a passage from Revelation that talks about those entering Heaven who’ve eaten the bread and the wine. Well, like just about everything else in the Bible, the JW’s have their spin on this too! I can hardly wait. 👍

Please keep them and me in your prayers. I think I’m beginning to lose my patience. That isn’t a good thing. I do have temper that can be pretty tough if you rub me the wrong way. Lord, help me to stay patient and treat these poor lost souls as You would. You know I’m only me and not really capable of loving them as You do. My Jesus, mercy.

Peace and all good,


Monday’s dinner went okay I think. I’m not sure…I was kinda tired as I’m getting sicker… I really didn’t want to make dinner - I reeeeeally just wanted to go to bed and pull the covers up. I guess I was a little out of it for the conversation. It got a little off. Like I said I wasn’t actually up for it, but I kept praying to the Holy Spirit and so I’m sure things turned out okay, even though I’m having a little trouble recalling all we went over.

…I do remember that we mentioned John 6 and that at some point in the future we will address this “issue” as they seem to think it is symbolic. What got us to bring this up was a passage from Revelation that talks about those entering Heaven who’ve eaten the bread and the wine. Well, like just about everything else in the Bible, the JW’s have their spin on this too! I can hardly wait. 👍

Please keep them and me in your prayers. I think I’m beginning to lose my patience. That isn’t a good thing. I do have temper that can be pretty tough if you rub me the wrong way. Lord, help me to stay patient and treat these poor lost souls as You would. You know I’m only me and not really capable of loving them as You do. My Jesus, mercy.

Peace and all good,

Y’know, Thomas2… you are a great witness to the real Jesus in all you’re doing, already. You’re planting seeds… and fertilizing them… and watering them. Gives a new meaning to “when I am weak, He is strong!”

Hang in there, buddy!! You’ve got the very best attitude to do this kind of ministry… even though smoetimes you might lose your patience, all would NOT be lost!!

I am praying for you… and for those JW’s, too.

:blessyou: :gopray2: :gopray: :bible1: :coffee:
The way to stop JW’s from coming to your door is to politely ask them to put you on their do not call list. I have done this and they have respected my request. My neice is a JW and I asked her how do I stop them from knocking at my door and she said that they have a list that they can put names on instructing other witnesses not visit a certain address…

Hope this helps:)

As a side service to us you could start posting some of your recipes…you’re making me hungry.
First, I am polite. Then, I assure them I am Catholic and happy in my faith. Third, I wish them well. Finally, I make the sign of the cross over their heads. They leave immediately.
As an ex-Jehovah’s Witness, it is funny to read 'when Jehovah’s come calling" - I get a mental image of God the Father himself and his clones knocking on the door LOL. Just sounds funny to us ex’s.

Anyways. Don’t worry too much about the JWs. I have had a few knock since my departure and most of the time when I try to engage them in friendly chit-chat they always seem anxious to leave and never return. I even want the magazines to see what the latest and greatest is in the Org. I don’t debate/challenge or anything. I understand that they are simply ‘marking time’ on their monthly slips and know that my home is checked off until the next cycle. Really only see them on the blitz for the Memorial and that’s about it. At least in my neighborhood nobody is really looking for bible studies - just getting their time in.
OT: I am sad to see that the Watchtower is no longer available as a subscription, but found online sources.
First, I am polite. Then, I assure them I am Catholic and happy in my faith. Third, I wish them well. Finally, I make the sign of the cross over their heads. They leave immediately.
You gave me an idea. :newidea:
Maybe I should ask, “Can I bless you first before you come in?” and “Can we say the rosary before I start giving you lectures about my Catholic faith?👍
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