That’s strange that they’ve never been back to your neighborhood. Doesn’t each congregation have a specific territory that they go to on a rotating basis, to make sure that they get everybody, do the back calls, and see if any houses have new occupants?
Perhaps Mr. Schwehm could explain this procedure a bit? The last missionaries here were Mormons about 3 years ago, but my last residency, I used to get Witnesses coming to the door once every month or two. This was about 10 years ago though, so I was giving them Buddhist lines; dumbfounded some of their elders, but it was fun.
Perhaps Mr. Schwehm could explain this procedure a bit? The last missionaries here were Mormons about 3 years ago, but my last residency, I used to get Witnesses coming to the door once every month or two. This was about 10 years ago though, so I was giving them Buddhist lines; dumbfounded some of their elders, but it was fun.