Well, if the men who knew of the Harvey Weinstein acted like the women you just described, they would have sacrificed their careers and told everyone what they knew. If that is “effeminate,” then we need more effeminate men. Or they could punch Harvey in the nose, get thrown in jail, and accomplish nothing in the way of protecting the victims. That’s what you get with “spit and vinegar.”
Actually, neither strategy would be very good since neither would succeed in bringing about the ultimate outcome being sought.
Women would, in the past, have warned each other, stood together, pre-empted attacks and strategized. Sacrificing careers would only have been a last resort since it is a losing strategy. But the fact that so many women were left vulnerable to one rat, it doesn’t appear that the women involved even played their traditionally defensive role all that well. Perhaps, they were too busy trying to be like men – competitive and offensive – to successfully carry out their strengths. And the men were too busy playing defensive and nurturing roles (and doing those very badly), that Weinstein slipped in between badly played offense and defense because none of the players executed with their strengths. In better days, women being women exceptionally well, and men being men exceptionally well, would have taken care of the annoying rat.
Besides, in better days, a man protecting a woman’s honour by punching another in the nose WOULD NOT have gone to jail. Perhaps another sign that societal roles are not being well executed?
Perhaps if fewer effeminate men were judges there wouldn’t be so much protecting of the perpetrators. Noses could be properly punched without risk of a jail sentence. Seems to prove the point, no? (
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