The main problem is not liberalism or men being too girly or whatever. It’s not something you can blame on one particular issue.
Rape has been going on for a long time, even when pre marital sex was sooooooo scandalous, even when men were running to open doors for women. A man who would punch a nose for his woman would probably not care about the black peasant girl being raped or molested. It’s time to put down the rose tinted glasses.
People in power are just too giddy with greed, they don’t face consequences. When someone is in that position, they do unbelievable things. It doesn’t have to be about rape, it could be about other stuff as well. It’s about them being able to give into the temptation of sin because they’re powerful enough to not face terrible consequences. Sure, the view that women are sex objects or ornaments has a part to play, but that’s been going on for ages, even in very conservative cultures so it’s silly to blame it on a political movement we hate.