When Mormon missionaries call on a Jehovah Witness home

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I actually know a JW who had Mormons come to his house. He offered to prove the BOM to be a fraud, and the Mormons left abruptly!:rolleyes:
Do you have time to disprove it, you could be one of the few among the many who have tryed. I know I couldn’t
I invited some Ms & JDubs to spend time with me and all went well they agreed with many points and there was much chat and agreeance until I questioned them about where their power came from to go door to door.

I then told them of the miracls that had happened through Jesus by myself, such as stopping the wind stopping the rain causing a persons leg to be the same as the other healing the sick. All this as you would know in the name of Jesus Christ. Tha was the end of that.

So I asked then were the words in the bible only for those of the times of Jesus or are they also for us. They are allso for us they exclamed. At that I asked them how come they don’t accept Mary as their mother, since Jesus last words were telling us to do just that. the last words Jesus spoke to any person. Also how come they don’t believe in God’s gift of miracles and provieion,. They then walked out.
You mean it was the last recorded word that he said, we don’t know what were all his words for it doesn’t take long to finish what is actually recorded of what he said. I am sure he said more than what we have recorded.
. . . I am going to do some praying on this, I don’t want to be led astray by the weakness of mortal man, just because some Jew doesn’t believe it. I mean that’s why they kill Christ, Because he claimed to be the Son, but are we not his son also. IT’S Scripture, so it’s true. My eyes have been opened to them, and darkness is in the unbelief. I know how we feel about the Mormons, but this doctrine, is heavy. This doctrine is beyond Man only God can teach me this.
The fable of Hercules is not a pattern from which a Christian of any sort would draw upon for spiritual insight. Further, it is not to the teaching of Mormonism - which is FAR from “heavy” and truly man made! - regarding becoming “gods” that any Christian would go, but rather to the teaching re deification (theosis) as presented by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. We are not natural children of God, as Christ is, but we have been “partakers of [his] divine nature” by virtue of our being baptized into His Death and Resurrection and living in fidelity to our adopted sonship. IOW, we are created in our mother’s wombs, not spiritually born in heaven then sent to earth having to earn back eternity through the “mysteries” of Mormonism.

Divinization or theosis is the process of growing into our identity in Christ bestowed upon us in Baptism. We do not remain mere creatures; we are elevated by grace to the status of sons and daughters. Through baptism into Christ there is an ontological change in our identity. It doesn’t prepare us (contra Mormonism) to become gods in our own right, but to participate by grace in the life of the Most Holy Trinity, to prepare us to enter into the Beatific Vision.

The temptation of Adam and Eve’s was to “become gods” without conformity to God; that has been turned on its head in Christ Who now offers us, through our obedience, not to become “gods” on our own, but to participate in His own Divine Nature that IS His has by Nature. He invites us to participate in that Nature by grace; He wants us to be even more closely united to Him than as Creator and creature. He wants to relate to us as Father to child. The possibility for this deeper relationship is founded first in the creation of the first Man and Woman who walked in friendship with God, but then lost all that would have been theirs through that sin of disobedience; the second, New and ultimate foundation now is the re-creation of Man in the Life, Death and Resurrection of His Incarnate Son, Jesus Christ.

“Divinization” expresses the absolute transformation of oneself through the soul’s participation in God’s Divine Nature. This is not something we of ourselves have, but can only receive by grace initiated in Baptism and grown through fidelity to the sacramental life of the Church. We have become, as St. Peter writes, “partakers of the divine nature;” we become truly united by grace to the Divine Life which the Divine Persons alone have by their Nature.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
1726 The Beatitudes teach us the final end to which God calls us: the Kingdom, the vision of God, participation in the divine nature, eternal life, filiation, rest in God.
1812 The human virtues are rooted in the theological virtues, which adapt man’s faculties for participation in the divine nature: for the theological virtues relate directly to God. They dispose Christians to live in a relationship with the Holy Trinity. They have the One and Triune God for their origin, motive, and object.
1988 Through the power of the Holy Spirit we take part in Christ’s Passion by dying to sin, and in his Resurrection by being born to a new life; we are members of his Body which is the Church, branches grafted onto the vine which is himself: [God] gave himself to us through his Spirit. By the participation of the Spirit, we become communicants in the divine nature. . . . For this reason, those in whom the Spirit dwells are divinized.
continued. . .
I suggest reading such as The Spiritual Canticle, by St. John of the Cross for a profound reflection of the Church’s teaching; for example.
“. . .the Bridegroom [Christ] communicates Himself to the soul by means of the adornment of these virtues, He feeds on the soul, transforming her into Himself, now that she is prepared and seasoned with the flowers of virtues, gifts, and perfections, the seasonings with which, and among which, He feeds on her. By means of the Holy Spirit, who prepares the dwelling, these virtues delight the Son of God so that through them He may feed more on the love of the soul. This is the characteristic of the Bridegroom: to unite Himself with the soul amid the fragrance of these flowers.” Stanza 17, #10.
"Turn Your face toward the mountains. . .The face of God is the divinity, and the mountains are the soul’s faculties (memory, intellect, and will). This verse is like saying: Let Your divinity shine on my intellect by giving it divine knowledge, and on my will by imparting to it divine love, and on my memory with the divine possession of glory.
“The soul asks in this line for everything she possibly can ask of Him. She is no longer satisfied with the knowledge and communication of the “back” of God - which was His communication to Moses [Ex. 33:23] - and which is knowledge of Him in His effects and works; she can only be satisfied with God’s face, which is an essential communication of the divinity of the soul. This communication is not brought about through any means, but through a certain contact of the soul with the divinity. This contact is something foreign to everything sensory and accidental, since it is a touch of naked substances - of the soul and the divinity.” Stanza 19, #4
“. . .Beloved, first turn to the interior of my soul, and be enamored of the company - the riches - You have placed there, so that loving the soul through them You may dwell and hide in her. For, indeed, even though they are Yours, since You gave them to her, they also belong to her.” Stanza 19, #6
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