I really want to find somewhere where I can buy MREs by the gross to have them to hand out, but the prices I’ve found are always close to $10 a pop.
I’ve tried to figure out a way to pack sandwiches or whathaveyou that can last a couple of days in the car, but the 100F+ here kind of tanks that.
I like the soup idea.
I’m more inclined to give cash to someone who hasn’t asked.
Las Vegas has a grotesque number of professional fakers. Also folks with the “need money for beer” (or pot) signs.
We have had a drop in the number of vietnam vets in their 30s over the past decade
While I’m at that, in discussions with a friend who actually
is a social worker . . . if you see someone claiming to be a vet, he’s either a fraud, or you’re about the first one who has seen him. He has a number to call, and I assume that’s true in other cities, which gets near instant help for actual vets. Even without that, I have the cell numbers for a couple of guys in veterans organizations who would, well, not deploy a swat team, but actually get a vet where he needed to be.
But ultimately, if you give charitably, and it’s abused, the fault is with them, not you.