
The Bible itself points out Jesus did so much more than could be written.Excellent point Will, and we all know which Church is the household of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth (which is Jesus), ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. In fact, His Real Presence, ever present in the House of God, still is today, just as when He walked with them on the road and revealved Himself to them in the Breaking of the Bread (that is when they recognized HIM. Remember, He revealed all of Scripture to them(which is the Old Testament, He took them all about how it referred to HIM.) He sent the Holy Spirit to His Church, (those who in Acts of the Apostles(our first Bishops and Priests), Acts says, were praying with His Blessed Mother, and some of the other women, which we still do now. We Catholics are the People of God, the Body of Christ(He is the Head), and the temples of the Holy Spirit. We will be saved, are saved, and are being saved, by His grace alone. The Bible, which we compiled and wrote down was around long before some King named James deceided to write his version. The Bible alone has never been what Jesus taught,* He* is the Good News!!