First of all let me tell you I carry you in my heart. I had a run with death not long ago and its a dark ugly place.This is partly to apologize to any posters who I upset before I abruptly stopped posting last December. I think I took out some of my frustration and pain at CAF. Sorry.
My wife was diagnosed with cancer in 2012, and underwent an operation followed by chemo, but sadly took a turn for the worse last Christmas and died in February. I miss her lots.
Our local Catholic priest is new in town, and the first time we met was when I asked him to officiate at the funeral. His dad was very ill at the time and we got wet-eyed together. He said he will do any kind of rite, not just Christian, to help the loved ones of the departed, and offered either the town church or the local village chapel. I told him of my wife’s wish for a simple Baptist service. We sang psalm 23 in English as she had wanted: “Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale / Yet will I fear no ill / For Thou art with me, and Thy rod / And staff my comfort still.”
Neither the priest nor the nuns in the hospital offered any proofs about why God allows suffering, or if there is such a place as heaven, or even whether God exists. Those kinds of apologetic might be popular on CAF but turn out to be irrelevant in the face of death. All that matters then is the simple intuition, for which no proof is possible or asked, “Thou art with me”.
Please feel free to discuss any of the above. (It will also help me at this time.)
I lost my brother to a brain tumor, then my Father in Law, then my beloved Dad, then my own baby. For awhile I felt God was picking on me.
It took me years to get thru this, and at times I believed God even left me. But it is later I learned that when you feel God leaves you the most is when he is carrying you.
I still have a time with my Mom, she still misses my Bro and Dad daily. But I told her its her cross to carry. Only she can do it with the help from God.
But remember while you are suffering your loved ones are in heaven and in perfect happiness with God. They did all God asked of them, and it was their time to go home and have eternal life and peace with him, Their suffering is over.
I remember someone told me when I lost the baby, as you are sad, millions of angels in heaven are rejoicing for the baby is coming home. Didn’t help at the time, but it puts things in order now.
You are the chosen one to stay behind and continue to carry you cross and accept it from God and You carry that Cross proud. But remember God is with you, you are not alone. And when your mission is finished, you also will be called home and will look into the eyes of God and hear good Job!
And will endure everlasting Joy with all of your loved ones in heaven forever and ever. But like the rest of us here on earth, we can say we do not always understand WHY God does what he does, we just trust and obey him and wait to be called home, and pray we can also enter into eternal happiness with him.
Remember this life is short, the next is everlasting. I will continue to pray for you that you can carry that Cross, with perhaps Joy In your heart, and may someday help others understand.