Where will Christianity be in 100 years.

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I chose other because the premise that the Church will start to grown is incorrect. Over all the Church has grown and will continue to grow. It is only in the west that the numbers are not growing.
Great observation! My own prediction (same disclaimer as BobCatholic and others: :rolleyes: i ain’t no prophet) is that both growth and unity will be more dramatic in the Third World, in places where Christianity has a shorter history. The people there haven’t been divided along Catholic vs. non-Catholic lines for generations, so they will be more willing to consider the Church,:yup: even if they converted into a Protestant (Mormon, JW, Cao Dai, etc.) church.
And, we will still be at war with Mohammedanism. Frankly, that religion is the single greatest weapon that Satan is using for the destruction of humanity. Historically this has been the case, and currently this is the case. I see no reason to assume that it will change in the next 100 years… I hope I am wrong.
We really should refrain from using that term for Moslems; many of them still find it offensive. Oh i’m not arguing that Islam is the brilliant invention of the Devil to lead as many people as possible away from the Faith (:eek:) but if that is so, then the members of that religion need to see our good side!
Overall i am not afraid of the Moslem incursion into the West, even if they do become the dominant culture in Europe as it appears they will. Our Lady of the Rosary saved us last time (Battle of Lepanto, 7 Oct. 1571) and with our faithfulness to all that the Rosary stands for, we will ultimately prevail again.:dancing:
Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,
I imagine that Maronites have a lot more contact with Moslems on a regular basis than many of us Latins do. I’ll keep you in my prayers along with all future priests! 😃
I dunno, Asia and Africa seem to be seeing the truth concerning birth-control practices. One country choose abstinence and saw a drop in the cases of Aids from about 67% to 6% of the population in 20 years. And many Asian priests tell of the endeavors of their families and freinds speaking the truth even with persecution. These could become such huge bastions of faith that it could pour into many Islamic countries and into hindu India. If china converted and russia reunified man Asia would become a new stronghold for Christianity. And by being close to Russia man eastern european countries could feel a swell of Faith.

I think in the America’s there is a growing chance that the Youth shall pick up the reigns of their grandparents for many of their parents didn’t choose to be steadfast. So when they stumble upon the faith they will choose to learn about it and live it!

Of Course it won’t be easy, most likely it will take 50 years to see a differnce. We will most likely be sued and taxed oh yeah baby. But that wont stop us! We will aide each other just like in the old times like in Acts when there was a collection to aide Jerusalem from all the other ancient churches. If we stand strong we Won’t fall and we won’t be able to lose what is ours.

And I’m not sure if yall know this but if we get attacked by the Government there are ways set up in the constitution to either retain our rights or to change the government.

So don’t be disheartened share your faith! Spread the joy of the Gospels, teach the beatitudes. Actions speak louder than words. Who knows maybe there will be such a transformation with protestantism crumbling many will cling to the Catholic church of course after they learn the doctrines. Then there will be such a swell! Of course there may always be protestants/heretics/atheists/non-christians but if there is 1 soul saved all heaven shall rejoice am I right?

So do your part, Pray, Go to daily mass, Use the sacraments so that you become more Holy, Preach the Gospel use words if you Must, Pray the rosary, Chaplet of Divinie Mercy, do acts of Kindness, show ecumenism without watering down the faith.

Cuz If we all pitch in Who will stop us? God’s on our side be not afraid! I mean yeah its scarry to be persecuted but its rewards are heaven! Yeah I am afraid and I havent mastered my fear totally yet but when I do things are gonna change.

So rise up a Catholic Revolution! (steubenville conference theme this year, 30,000 teens/young adults learning about their faith):cool:
The Church will continue to grow. Until the ape rebellion. There will continue to be a Church for awhile, but it will consist mostly of apes. Radiation in the Forbidden City will cause Mass attendance to decline still further. Worship of the doomsday bomb eventually replaces the Catholic Mass. Approximately a thousand years later arrival of the human herald Charlton Heston will initiate events culminating in the detonation of the holy bomb. The old earth will then pass away.
So i guess the gates of Hades will not prevail against the Church, but that doesn’t mention anything about monkeys huh?
Racer X:
The Church will continue to grow. Until the ape rebellion. There will continue to be a Church for awhile, but it will consist mostly of apes. Radiation in the Forbidden City will cause Mass attendance to decline still further. Worship of the doomsday bomb eventually replaces the Catholic Mass. Approximately a thousand years later arrival of the human herald Charlton Heston will initiate events culminating in the detonation of the holy bomb. The old earth will then pass away.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Now that was really prophetic or pathetic. LOL!
Now THAT made my evening!

Go with God!

P.S. Something tells me you are a Speed Racer fan? Oh, it must be your screen name! Doh!
Racer X:
The Church will continue to grow. Until the ape rebellion. There will continue to be a Church for awhile, but it will consist mostly of apes. Radiation in the Forbidden City will cause Mass attendance to decline still further. Worship of the doomsday bomb eventually replaces the Catholic Mass. Approximately a thousand years later arrival of the human herald Charlton Heston will initiate events culminating in the detonation of the holy bomb. The old earth will then pass away.
ROFL!!! We have a winner! 👍
I ultimately can’t even guess, it’s that confusing! I just hope that we can join as one church, because united we stand, divided we fall, and I don’t want us to remain divided, yet this poll isn’t about hopes, it’s about the prediction of reality. I guess I’m going to go with the growth of Catholocism because more and more people are starting to learn their faith and the more we learn our faith and evangelize, and the more children we have that we teach the faith to, the more evangelists we’ll have so we could be the ultimate army that is the church militant on Earth bound to fight through false religion and heresy. We’ve been in worse situations. God said that nothing would stand against his church, and so far, ultimately nothing has, I believe it’s going to stay that way.
Christianity will always be there, as so stated, " until the end of time". The real question is will we recognize it as “Christianity”
or some political correct movement. Remember Christ said when he returns only a FEW shall enter the kingdom of Heaven. Not ALL or MANY…
Some saint in the late 1800’s had a dream where the devil and Jesus were talking and the Devil said that he could destroy the Catholic church in 100 years…well the devil hasn’t!!! So I think for the time being we are going to be on a much more faith filled road.
Some saint in the late 1800’s had a dream where the devil and Jesus were talking and the Devil said that he could destroy the Catholic church in 100 years…well the devil hasn’t!!! So I think for the time being we are going to be on a much more faith filled road.
“Nowhere”, NY? Must be upstate. 🙂 Here on LI, pretty much any part of NY state north and west of NYC is considered “nowhere”, hehehe. 😃
ktm: bing!bing!bing! You are right!!! I live in the middle of New York, a little town off the New York State thruway halfway between Albany and Buffalo

I know you NY city folk think you own the whole state nanners!!! ur wrong! I live in the real NY
Some people are predicting that the Church is in for a rough time, and maybe it is. But the Church will survive because the Lord will make sure it survives. One of the greatest comeback lines in history was uttered two hundred years ago. As his armies were swallowing up the countries of Europe, French emperor Napoleon is reported to have said to Church officials, “Je détruirai votre église” (“I will destroy your Church”)." When informed of the emperor’s words, Ercole Cardinal Consalvi, one of the great statesmen of the papal court, replied, “He will never succeed. We have not managed to do it ourselves!”

If bad popes, immoral priests, and countless sinners in the Church hadn’t succeeded in destroying the Church from within, Cardinal Consalvi was saying, how did Napoleon think he was going to do it from without?
I think we’re going to lose a huge chunk of our Christian population (especially Catholics and conservative Protestants) to atheism or liberal Protestant groups. In my generation, many of my fellow classmates go to church because their parents make them, and probably won’t go after they turn 18. Of course, they still believe in God & Christ, but they will probably join a liberal Protestant group that changes doctrine to suit the time period. Why do so many younger men and women turn from Christianity itself? I need an answer.
Catholic Dad:
Pretty pessimistic replies. However, I can’t say as I disagree.

Listen, if the Catholic Church in the U.S. does slowly degenerate it’s everyone’s fault. It is the fault of our bishops for allowing people like pro-abortion Catholic politicians to re-define what it means to be Catholic. It’s the fault of our priests for watering down the liturgy and making it a mockery of how it is actually supposed to be done. It is the fault of our religious for emracing such garbage as the Enneagram and Labrynths as spiritual exercises. And, it is our fault, the laity, for not being more strict in our own adgerence of the faith and for not calling all of the aforementioned members of the Church to greater fidelity.

I am hopeful that things will turn around but, given human frailty and inclination to embrace the wide road of sin and death, I do not expect good or great things. In fact, I am praying that something happens to separate the wheat from the chaff so that the truth becomes more obvious. But, I can’t help but see that Satan is having his way with Christianity right now and the sad part is that no one even sees it.


Catholic Dad
You’re right, but those statements might be a bit broad, you think? You’re making it seem like all bishops are allowing the pro-choice Catholics to define what it means to be Catholic. Not all of us are that way. You probably are not, either.
The way I see it, Protestants (especially Lutherans) are especially defensive about Catholicism, and, because of that, there will be even more denominations than exist now.

As a Protestant, all you need to start your own chuch is your own interpretation of Scripture, and you’re on your way.
Instantly we know what is going on half way around the world, so things can move much quicker. Once in a while people think it is the “end of times” but the world has been much worst off, it just wasn’t publicized as much. Christianity has been taken over by materialism, I don’t know if we can get any more materialistic.
Read the Book "Triumph- The Power and Glory of the Catholic Church’ by H.W. Crocker. The Church has experienced almost every kind of attack possible during its 2000 year history. There has never been a time when she could sit back and rest on her laurels. There has always either been attacks from without or corruption within…

It survived all that. I’m sure it will survive any future blows…

dream wanderer
I imagine that in 100 years the Western Europeans will have almost died out and that part of the world will be predominantly Muslim. Although I think Africa and Asia will see great growths in Catholic populations, I’m not so optimistic about Latin America. Protestant “missionaries” (vultures would be a more appropriate term) are preying upon uneducated Catholics there and turning them into Protestants. I read in the paper a few weeks ago that in about 30 years Guatamala will be majority Protestant and Brazil will be 50% Protestant. The Church is in for a rough ride.
It is impossible to predict what events will be 100 years from now. If we continue on an evolutionary path things will be pretty much the same. If the church makes some serious attempts to go back to its roots before the regal hierarchy was established, then I see Catholicism growing in numbers. It is very difficult to find Jesus in the current context of grouchy old men in Rome.
It is impossible to predict what events will be 100 years from now. If we continue on an evolutionary path things will be pretty much the same. If the church makes some serious attempts to go back to its roots before the regal hierarchy was established, then I see Catholicism growing in numbers. It is very difficult to find Jesus in the current context of grouchy old men in Rome.
Ouch, what a loaded statement. The Church has a wonderful thing called Sacred Tradition. Going back to the roots as you claim it would involve getting rid of how much? The Protestants tried that one…30,000 Churches later. Or perhaps you are refering to going back to the roots in the sense of pretending the second Vatican Council never happened. Either way would be a grave error. As for the grouchy old men in Rome. How can I argue with someone who fires off loaded questions, with only the purpose of hearing himself talk?
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