Which is the greater sin, fornication or abortion?

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they all will be burnt in hell in unrepentent. but the degree of punishment in hell varies with the sin one commits.

it’s unfair one who murdered one people and the other who murdered 100 people suffer the same fate in hell. maybe they both receive life in prison or death penalty on the earth but that just due to human’s inability to incarcerate/execute him 100 times.

ps: pakistanian judge sentenced serial killer Javed Iqbal to be strangled 100 times with the rope(chain?) he used to kill. don’t know how that would be carry out since Javed hanged himself in prison.

The eskimos love fire, because they are surrounded by ice - So their version of hell is eternal ice and freezing. Dante’s Inferno Pictured the the most fixed part of hell as being frozen over…

We use fire, because of our experience with forest fires and with deserts and killing heat.

I don’t believe that God wants any of us to go there. That’s why He’s posted so many warnings about the place and why He gives us so many chances to repent of our sins.

At the same time, the Punishment must seem to fit the crime. For example, in the case of the murderers of 9/11/2001, they were able to commit the slaughter of some 3,200 of their fellow human beings because they were either unable to see them as humans or to empathize with them to the extent that they would see that they had a right to live that was more important than whatever grievance they had against Western Society. To force them to see that failing, as well as the gravity of the evil they did, I imagine the terrorists who did the evil deeds of 9/11/2001 relieve their deeds FROM THE VIEWPOINTS OF THEIR VICTIMS for all eternity.

The same would hold true for SS guards who never repented of the evil they did in slaughtering Jews, or for the dictators who ordered these things to be done.

In that vein, unrepentant Abortionists may be punished by reliving the experience of being some of the older babies they abort.

The realization that the people they killed were really human beings, and experiencing the terror they felt would truly be hell, since there would be no way of changing the reality of what happened.

That would be one more reason to repent of the evil…

Blessed are they who act to save the innocent. Michael
how’s an unwed mother compared with married couples who have abortions?
Which is worse murder or pornography?

That is pretty much what it comes down to…
I presumed fornication does not envolve adultery.
What be forinification?

Read my news article in ecclesia mundi
"Le pretit chaunters de Lyon "
I changed the original title, but I can’t do anything about the survey. Let me know if you want me to close the thread.
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t both intrinsically evil? I am sickened by abortion. I am so glad that the vatican has come forward about the vaccines!!!

:clapping: :bounce: :clapping:
Robert Bay:
I changed the original title, but I can’t do anything about the survey. Let me know if you want me to close the thread.
Thanks a lot. 👍
no need to close it though.
Either way, I think both are mortal sins in the eyes of God. Both can result badly for a child.
Abortion can result badly for a child?

I had a chat once with Dr. Colbert, who runs the Respect Life office here in the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese. She noted that not once in years and years of counseling women who had resorted to abortion did she ever once meet such a woman who wasn’t coerced into the act.

Freedom to choose. Yeah, right.

– Mark L. Chance.
Speaking of death,

My cousin was pregnant, went in for a checkup and they said the fetus didn’t have a heart beat. It had been dead for a couple weeks. She was so sad.

They did the same procedure they do for abortions at that point.
Technically she had an abortion, that is she aborted a dead fetus. Is everyone on this board going to hate her?
I miscarried last April at 14 weeks. Went in to listen for heartbeat, heard none, had an emergancy ultrasound, saw no fetal pole, no baby, but the sac was there, everything. I was heartbroken but then MORTIFIED when a doctor (who, by the way, has a poster in her office that has a rabbit with a bazillion other rabbits behind it with the caption “Don’t forget to take your pill.”) tells me “You’ve had two abortions already, this is exactly the same.” Ya know… my babies paid with their life for my ulitimate and absolute stupidity and I have to live with that grief and heartache for the rest of my life. I’ve paid for it and prayed about it so many times it hurts… I didn’t need a doctor to tell me that in another time of pain, when I just realized at 14 weeks pregnancy, that I am not pregnant anymore. I knew she would be on shift for 24 hours and my D&C surgery wasn’t scheduled until the next day so I made sure she wasn’t on shift. Asked the nurses in the OR to wait until 0905, just to make sure that doc wasn’t on call. I didn’t want her views coming near me with anything that could possibly result in permanent problems.

But to answer the question… abortion is the greater sin… it takes a life… as for the numbers game… married women are more likely to get abortions than unwed women because they feel pressured by either careers or husbands. I’ve seen the statistic somewhere, I’ll try to find it. But speaking just from one experience, in my first abortion “counseling session” before hand, it was a group session and there were 10 women in there, only three of us were unwed. The exuses from the married women were “I have three children, I don’t want more.” or “I travel too much for work and the boss won’t let me off.” and “My husband doesn’t want any more children, he’s threatened divorce if I don’t do this.”

Peace to ya’ll,
Fornication is a sexual sin.

Abortion is a sexual sin as well as a sin against life (murder)

In that sense, abortion is worse simply by the fact that it is two sins instead of one.

(abortion is considered a sexual sin because it closed the sexual act from producing life, aka the sin of contraception. The early church fathers taught that abortion was a sexual sin long before they taught abortion as murder. Since murder is a ‘graver’ matter than a sexual sin, the church no longer teaches abortion as a sexual sin since this is ecclipsed by the sin of murder. However, the doctrine of abortion as a sexual sin remains to this day and forever since I do believe it is part of the infailibility of church teachings)
I don’t believe all mortal sins are equal. there’re different punishment in hell, for different sins. if an unwed mother and a women who performed both fornification and abortion die without confession, who’ll be punished more in hell? suppose in this world every kind of offence, no matter theft or serial killing, are all punished with the same death penalty. there’s every reason for criminals to commit the biggest crime possible.
I didn’t know their was hierarchial stages of suffering in hell? Is this Catholic teahcing? NO where in my CCC does it mention that, only spirtual real seperation casuing pain nothing about less and more pain!?
Wow! Way to resurrect an ancient thread. I think it was Dante who proposed different levels of hell in The Divine Comedy. It’s not official Church teaching.
Fornication often leads to abortion, but abortion is worse, because fornication doesn’t usually kill anybody. Both are mortal sins that, unrepented, condemn one to hell.
I voted abortion as a greater sin than fornication because it is killing an innocent human being. Both will lead to eternal damnation eventually so it hardly matters in the long run. What matters is repentance.


When you think about it, women who have an abortion are more likely to repent of what they have done than those who are ‘just’ fornicating.

Sooooooo …

maybe fornicators are more likely to end up in hell than those who have abortions.

Just a thought!
I can’t believe this is a Catholic Forum and nobody has given the right answer.

Abortion is the greater sin because THE POPE says that “your brothers blood cries to me from the ground for justice” applies to abortion and that abortion is “an abominal crime”.
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