Which is your favorite ecumenical council?

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This is for you Church history buffs.

There have been 21 ecumenical councils, but there is room in a poll to list only seven items. I have chosen seven councils that may have been the most influential. Choose which one is your favorite or which one you think was the most important. Feel free to give reasons for your choice in a reply to this post.

Note that I have omitted Vatican II from the list because it is too easy for people to vote for something that has occurred in their own lifetimes.


I think my favorite has to be Nicea II. It was a nice capstone to the Church’s development of Christology, and demonstrated the practical implications of the Church’s oftten heady and complex theological formulations.

Perhaps, instead of Trent, tradition-minded Catholics should look to Nicea II as a model of what a future council could do to restore the liturgy and rid itself of heretical abuses?
I like the pink one, good flavor. Lateran IV is pink. Tastes like bubble gum. What kind of poll is this? 😃 Or just testing the Poll option out?
I like the pink one, good flavor. Lateran IV is pink. Tastes like bubble gum. What kind of poll is this? 😃 Or just testing the Poll option out?
Nicaea I (325) Because it is older than I am. It has to be wise and wonderful, because nobody is really interested in argueing about it. 🙂
Nicaea 1 rocks!
Of course Nicaea 1 because you have to have the first council to then have all the rest.

Besides, if it weren’t for Nicaea 1 the Church would be what the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons are…saying that Christ was only a ‘perfect being and the stepson of God the Father.’ Chirst’s Divinity is basis for Nicaea 1.
Sorry, but the greatest council has got to be Nicea 1.

Top 3 List Why Nicea is so Great:
3. Emperor Constantine Calls it to Order
2. Creates Nicene Creed
  1. Arius: Anathema Sit! :clapping:
Come on, how could you not like this Council?
I tip my hat to Nicea :tiphat:
Ric << Jerusalem Council (49/50) >>

Ah ha, so you admit Ecumenical Councils are biblical.

Go pink, go Lateran IV. 😛
Ric << Jerusalem Council (49/50) >>

Ah ha, so you admit Ecumenical Councils are biblical.

Go pink, go Lateran IV. 😛
Yes, only the “Biblical” ones! lol! 😉 😛 😉
Gotta be Trent!!! Session Six clears-up any misunderstandings about Justification.

Deo Gratias!!
OK, call me ignorant, but I know nothing of Ecumenical Councils , but I have heard of Vatican II .
Where can I read online about them please so I may too vote in this poll?
Love Kellie
OK, call me ignorant, but I know nothing of Ecumenical Councils , but I have heard of Vatican II .
Where can I read online about them please so I may too vote in this poll?
Love Kellie

You might wanna read each council entry on newadvent.org (this is a Catholic online encyclopedy) to get an overal look instead of reading through all the decree and canons.
of course this is disputed by… well… people whose opinion i don’t really care about, but at Nicea I apparently St. Nicholas, so incensed at Arius’ heretical talk, punched out Arius. I always imagine Arius as the nice, polite, theology professor. It’s good therapy for me when I get into a violent mood.

I vote for Nicea I.
of course this is disputed by… well… people whose opinion i don’t really care about, but at Nicea I apparently St. Nicholas, so incensed at Arius’ heretical talk, punched out Arius. I always imagine Arius as the nice, polite, theology professor. It’s good therapy for me when I get into a violent mood.

I vote for Nicea I.

Because AFAIK Arius’ personality was not bad.
I think Nicaea (STOMP out Arianism, “worst heresy ever” at that point) Trent was good.

I would have voted for Vatican III Oh wait, that one doesn’t exist yet 🙂

I think a thread about this would be great. Someone start one 🙂

“If anyone saith that they can worship the mirror and be a good Catholic, let them be anathema.” 🙂

whomps himself with pillow - I can dream, can’t I? 🙂
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