This is for you Church history buffs.
There have been 21 ecumenical councils, but there is room in a poll to list only seven items. I have chosen seven councils that may have been the most influential. Choose which one is your favorite or which one you think was the most important. Feel free to give reasons for your choice in a reply to this post.
Note that I have omitted Vatican II from the list because it is too easy for people to vote for something that has occurred in their own lifetimes.
There have been 21 ecumenical councils, but there is room in a poll to list only seven items. I have chosen seven councils that may have been the most influential. Choose which one is your favorite or which one you think was the most important. Feel free to give reasons for your choice in a reply to this post.
Note that I have omitted Vatican II from the list because it is too easy for people to vote for something that has occurred in their own lifetimes.