Knowing that knowledge is a requirement, lets assume all Catholics were taught moral theology.
If it is, it’s certainly surprising to menot teaching your children the faith yourself is a mortal sin?
It would be debatable.:yup: Here is an example.not teaching your children the faith yourself is a mortal sin?
Generally, this means deciding that you know better than God how many children you should have. If you go through your marriage prayerfully considering whether God is calling you to have another child, that’s ideal. A lot of people decide that X number of children is all they want and never want to discuss or consider it again. They would not be “listening” to determine if they are called to have another child.Not having the number of children one is called to have???
Wait a minute??? How do you know that? So if you are “supposed” to have 3 children and you only have 2, then what? What if your spouse dies and you don’t have any children…does that mean you weren’t called to have children??
Someone please explain this to me…
Those are good examples. When I read this, I was thinking more about what the kids learn before they become school age. If a child has never learned anything about his/her faith prior to entering CCE or Catholic school, then the parents may not be fulfilling their duty to raise their children up in the faith.It would be debatable.:yup: Here is an example.
Your child goes through Catholic school or CCD and is not taught the true faith. They leave the house not knowing the faith and fall away from the Church. While growing up your only involvement was taking them to mass and praying before meals.
Gross negligence would have to be assumed. It is Church teaching that parents are to be the primary faith formatter.
“Solely relying on others” would be the major factor to determine if it is mortal or venial.
Either way, I would definitely want to confess this before I had to answer to God about how I raised His kids.
Other than EWTN (which I don’t get) that pretty much eliminates TV. I got tired of the regular fare of immoral teaching and haven’t watched TV for years. One hour a week if that much, usually the weather channel.I would say, one many never consider is- watching TV or a movie and not making sure your child or yourself does not look at any immoral shows and especially advertisements that can be semi pornographic or worse. Our Lord warned us it would be better to have a millstone tied around our necks and be thrown into the sea, than to cause one of these little ones to sin.Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
Saints are just sinners who keep trying.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
Dear friendThus you can say that the child’s very salvation depends on us. Heavy responsibility.
We must follow the teachings of the Church.Not having the number of children one is called to have???