Which mortal sins would be a surprise to most Catholics?

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Do you mind that I don’t stick with the options you listed, because I immediately thought of the following deadly sin that many don’t give too much thought. It is described as part of verse 22, Matt. 5: *Whoever says, "Thou fool!"shall be liable to the fire of Gehenna. *

I looked up the word *Gehenna *in a dictionary concordance to the New American Bible and the description for that word among other things is “the place of eternal torment through fire reserved for the impious after their death.”

I know on occasion have mumbled the word “idiot” meant for someone who I thought did something infuriatingly stupid. That reminds me to make that part of my confession the next time.
Mass attendance. Take a body count on a any given Sunday besides Easter and compare it to Easter Sunday, Christmas, etc. Not to mention the other Holy days of obligation.
There are more spiritually ill people playing Bingo than going to mass. As it stands currently, there is only enough room in church for 1% of the population. Even though maybe 10%-20% of people are catholic 1% goto Mass.
not teaching your children the faith yourself is a mortal sin?
My children were nearly teenagers when I became Orthodox and my exwife was against any kind of religion I was interested in. I wanted the boys to be baptized and I spoke to a (Orthodox) priest about it. He told me, given my circumstances to raise the kids in a good Christian home, pray for them and let the Holy Spirit guide them.

They came to Church with me and we prayed before they went to bed and read the Bible to them. My youngest son was baptized in the Catholic Church about a year after I returned to the Church. Still praying for my oldest son, but God has done some amazing things in his life.
i dont believe you can lose your salvation. the bible teches that when people come to know Christ as their Savior, they are brought into a relationship with God that guarantees their salvation as eternally secure. Numerous passages of Scripture declare this fact. (1) Romans 8:30 declares, “And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.” This verse tells us that from the moment God chooses us, it is as if we are glorified in His presence in heaven. There is nothing that can prevent a believer from one day being glorified because God has already purposed it in heaven. Once a person is justified, his salvation is guaranteed - he is as secure as if he is already glorified in heaven. (2) Jude 24 declares, “To Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy.” God’s power is able to keep the believer from falling. It is up to Him, not us, to present us before His glorious presence.

(3) The Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand” (John 10:28-29b). Both Jesus and the Father have us firmly grasped in their hand. Who could possibly separate us from their grip? (4) Paul asks two crucial questions in Romans 8:33-34 “Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died more than that, who was raised to life - is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? No one will, because Christ is our advocate. Who will condemn us? No one will, because Christ, the One who died for us, is the one who condemns. We have both the advocate and judge as our Savior.

(5) Believers are born again (regenerated) when they believe (John 3:3; Titus 3:5). For a Christian to lose his salvation, he would have to be un-regenerated. The Bible gives no evidence that the new birth can be taken away. (6) The Holy Spirit indwells all believers (John 14:17; Romans 8:9) and baptizes all believers into the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). For a believer to become unsaved, he would have to be “un-indwelt” and detached from the Body of Christ. (7) Ephesians 4:30 tells us the believers are “sealed for the day of redemption”. If believers could lose their salvation, the sealing could not truly be unto the day of redemption, but only to the day of sinning, apostasy, or disbelief.

(8) John 3:15 states that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will “have eternal life.” If you believe in Christ today and have eternal life, but lose it tomorrow, then it was never “eternal” at all. Hence if you lose your salvation, the promises of eternal life in the Bible would be in error. (9) For the most conclusive argument, I think Scripture says it best itself, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39)." Remember the same God who saved you is the same God who will keep you. Once we are saved we are always saved. Our salvation is most definitely eternally secure!
Knowing that knowledge is a requirement, lets assume all Catholics were taught moral theology.
***Well if all Catholics were taught moral theology, then it wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it? 😛 ***
Does anyone know if it is a sin (mortal or venial) for a Catholic parent to send their child to a public school?
Does anyone know if it is a sin (mortal or venial) for a Catholic parent to send their child to a public school?
== It used to be ==
Does anyone know if it is a sin (mortal or venial) for a Catholic parent to send their child to a public school?
Perhaps not specifically, but I’m sure from a certain point of view it can be considered a mortal sin. First of all, you’re exposing your kid to scandal. Second, sending your kid to public school is counterproductive as far as raising your kids in the Catholic faith. It’s also a little irresponsible to let someone else worry about your kids. They’re your kids, you teach them.
Adam Costanzo said:
Perhaps not specifically, but I’m sure from a certain point of view it can be considered a mortal sin. First of all, you’re exposing your kid to scandal. Second, sending your kid to public school is counterproductive as far as raising your kids in the Catholic faith. It’s also a little irresponsible to let someone else worry about your kids. They’re your kids, you teach them.

Adam, Adam, Adam. Your post of “They’re your kids, you teach them” belies your youth and inexperience. Come back in 20 years when you have your own kids and see if you give the same response.
I chose the “having a certain # of children” because I don’t understand what is being said here. We are obliged to be open to life in our marriage, and use NFP only with a good reason for spacing and putting off children. But I’ve never heard of a magic number. Whats that about?
Obviously to see if you were paying attention. This is the one thing that people can’t really control if they’re not violating Church Teaching.

WE don’t say that two people are committing a sin if they simply can’t have children - Say one or both are sterile or are prevented from having children as a result of illness. accident or genetics. NO SIN could attach in that situation.

What they are saying is that if we think we know better than God about how many children we should have, we’re wrong.

Otherwise, the ones to look at are the ones dealing with going to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligations (no mattter whether you’re on Vacation or not) and the ones dealing with how you raise your children in the Faith.


In Jesus, Michael
Adam, Adam, Adam. Your post of “They’re your kids, you teach them” belies your youth and inexperience. Come back in 20 years when you have your own kids and see if you give the same response.

I would agree with you if Public Schools weren’t dedicating themselves more and more to an assault on the values, ethics and religion that you’ve tried to instill in your children.

Several schools now have as a regular reader Sarah has two Mommies or two Daddies, a book which extolls the vitues of Two Same-sex parents. Others have banned both prayer and the pledge of allegience. In New York, a school district discontinued an abstinence program which had reduced the teen pregnancy rate significantly because it made a few of the parents UNCOMFORTABLE! And, in California, NO Public School may inform ANY parent when their daughter leaves school to have an ABORTION!

I wouldn’t leave my kids there if I had any option!

It’s one thing to send your kids to schools that will either repeat the moral instruction they’re receiving at home, or will not actively contradict it. It’s entirely another to send them to schools you know will contradict what you’re trying to teach them!

Remember, young kids just don’t have the mental equipment to know which “adult authorities” are right.


In Christ, Michael
Traditional Ang:

I would agree with you if Public Schools weren’t dedicating themselves more and more to an assault on the values, ethics and religion that you’ve tried to instill in your children.

Several schools now have as a regular reader Sarah has two Mommies or two Daddies, a book which extolls the vitues of Two Same-sex parents. Others have banned both prayer and the pledge of allegience. In New York, a school district discontinued an abstinence program which had reduced the teen pregnancy rate significantly because it made a few of the parents UNCOMFORTABLE! And, in California, NO Public School may inform ANY parent when their daughter leaves school to have an ABORTION!

I wouldn’t leave my kids there if I had any option!

It’s one thing to send your kids to schools that will either repeat the moral instruction they’re receiving at home, or will not actively contradict it. It’s entirely another to send them to schools you know will contradict what you’re trying to teach them!

Remember, young kids just don’t have the mental equipment to know which “adult authorities” are right.


In Christ, Michael
:amen: God bless you. I was starting to cool off a little.
Adam, Adam, Adam. Your post of “They’re your kids, you teach them” belies your youth and inexperience. Come back in 20 years when you have your own kids and see if you give the same response.
ktm 👋

I want to understand your post better.
  • Are you saying we shouldn’t bother teaching the Faith?
  • CCD or PSR are good enough options
  • It doesn’t matter, it is luck if your kids will keep the faith
  • It is alot harder than you make it out to be.
Could you please be more specific.

Thanks for posting.

God :blessyou:
ktm 👋

I want to understand your post better.
  • Are you saying we shouldn’t bother teaching the Faith?
  • CCD or PSR are good enough options
  • It doesn’t matter, it is luck if your kids will keep the faith
  • It is alot harder than you make it out to be.
Could you please be more specific.

Thanks for posting.

God :blessyou:
Option 4.

Sending your kid to a “Catholic” school is as much a gamble as sending them to public school as far as I’m concerned. Which is worse in your opinion – having your kids get no religious education during the day, or getting heretical religious education? At least with the first option there is no damage control, unless if you wind up in some wacko place like discussed above (condom distribution, etc.) If I had kids I would rather send them to public school and educate them on matters of faith myself than trust them to some lesbian schoolteacher, as my cousin’s daughter did in her “Catholic” school.

Even worse is Catholic institutions of higher learning. Ever since the Jesuits as a religious order went a little crazy, it’s simply too risky to send one’s kids to a Catholic university or college. Again this is all my own opinion of course.
Option 4.

Sending your kid to a “Catholic” school is as much a gamble as sending them to public school as far as I’m concerned. Which is worse in your opinion – having your kids get no religious education during the day, or getting heretical religious education? At least with the first option there is no damage control, unless if you wind up in some wacko place like discussed above (condom distribution, etc.) If I had kids I would rather send them to public school and educate them on matters of faith myself than trust them to some lesbian schoolteacher, as my cousin did with her daughter in her local “Catholic” school.

Even worse is Catholic institutions of higher learning. Ever since the Jesuits as a religious order went a little crazy, it’s simply too risky to send one’s kids to a random Catholic university or college. Again this is all my own opinion of course, and I realize I’m in the minority on this one.

Ok now well that’s really annoying. I guess I ran up against the edit time limit. Oh well.
I’m not advocating Catholic school either. I went to Catholic school in 3rd grade, and aside from the psycho school I went to a few years after, that was the worst school experience I had. My teacher was an ex-nun lesbian too. Kept telling me that they were going to send me to St. Joseph’s Villa and that the FBI were looking at me through hidden cameras in the plumbing and electrical systems. Not only that but even kids in Catholic schools get poisoned by the public school bullschnide (ask my friend Jessica, she’s turning her life around - thank God! - but she’s in a Catholic school and by all rights she shouldn’t have even had to turn it around).

I’m suggesting that you teach them yourself. I can’t imagine anyone having kids and not wanting to teach them. Making sure your kids go to Heaven is much more important than going to work so you can feed them. If you just feed them, the only thing they gain is a longer miserable life before they go to hell anyway. Of course if you really do have faith, then you know that God will provide (see Mt.6:25-34).
Adam Costanzo said:
I’m not advocating Catholic school either. I went to Catholic school in 3rd grade, and aside from the psycho school I went to a few years after, that was the worst school experience I had. My teacher was an ex-nun lesbian too. Kept telling me that they were going to send me to St. Joseph’s Villa and that the FBI were looking at me through hidden cameras in the plumbing and electrical systems. Not only that but even kids in Catholic schools get poisoned by the public school bullschnide (ask my friend Jessica, she’s turning her life around - thank God! - but she’s in a Catholic school and by all rights she shouldn’t have even had to turn it around).

I’m suggesting that you teach them yourself. I can’t imagine anyone having kids and not wanting to teach them. Making sure your kids go to Heaven is much more important than going to work so you can feed them. If you just feed them, the only thing they gain is a longer miserable life before they go to hell anyway. Of course if you really do have faith, then you know that God will provide (see Mt.6:25-34).

I retract everything negative I said to you. You have your head screwed on straight after all. What got me annoyed initially was your suggestion that perhaps (perhaps, I say) sending one’s kids to public school is a mortal sin. I thought that was preposterous and I still do.

Glad to hear you got out of an extremely set of bad circumstances. It’s sad that those whom we should be able to trust unconditionally to defend and teach the Faith are sometimes so untrustworthy. Kudos to you for figuring out a lot of important lessons while still so young. 👍
How many children is a single person called to have? Or is the single life not a calling?
How many children is a single person called to have? Or is the single life not a calling?
Thanks goofyjim :bounce:

Single people can have children! :rolleyes:

Spiritual ones. 😉

God :blessyou:
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