Annunciata said:
Not teaching your chidren the faith, solely relying on others …
Having been a catechist fo over 30 years you just cannot imagine how many parents do not teach their children anything about the Faith… and
do rely on CCD to do the job! Then they don’t send them to Mass because they feel that CCD is enough…poor babies to much for them on Sundays…might interfere with their sports, etc…
As a Catechist, I also encountered this one. Sports taking priority over one’s eternal soul. I had parents that pulled the kids from class any time there was a sports practice that interferred, let alone a game. I could understand if once during the year, the kid was in a Championship Game and needed to be excused. Especially if a call were made in advance and a request were made to help ensure the student remained up to speed on the curriculum. This I would find completely appropriate and would go out of my way to support.
But the thought that CCD or other religious obligations take last place to other worldly concerns boggles my mind. It shows that the parents don’t really understand what’s going on in the first place. If they fully realized that they have been given the responsibility of preparing their children for the difficult path to attaining Eternal Life, and truly believed that there is Eternal Life and it’s NOT a foregone conclusion for anyone who isn’t absolutely evil, I don’t know how they could set their priority as they do.
It’s sad that so many parents don’t live the truth in their lives as they raise their children. I thank God that I at least know it’s my job. I may be doing an imperfect job, but at least I know to try. And I’ve taught my daughter to pray for Faith, and at this time she’s done so, and her prayers have been answered, Thanks be to God.
With the rest of the details where I so frequently fall short, and I do, I’m somewhat less concerned, as I know I’ve done what I know to do and given her to God’s care.
I also liked the post regarding TV. I grew up with the TV on non-stop around the house. I did take a 6 year hiatus with no television during the 80’s and when I started watching again, I was amazed at what was on television. But we quickly become numbed to the messages we are seeing and forget that they are even offensive.
Now that I’ve immersed myself into my faith, I’m finding that I’m reevaluating what I watch and what I allow my daughter to watch. My husband isn’t making the same decisions, so there are times I watch things with him that I wouldn’t personally chose, so as to avoid being scrupulous. But I am amazed at the level of disrespectful sexuality portrayed in the media and the promotion of outright sin especially in commercials. I try to minimize the amount of TV my daughter is allowed to watch. (The excess in homework works in my favor here!)