Which mortal sins would be a surprise to most Catholics?

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I have a problem with the way this poll is phrased. By definition of a mortal sin it has to be serious matter, one has to know it is, and do it anyway. So if a Catholic would be surprised it wouldn’t meet the standard of being a mortal sin. It would have been better worded What would Catholics be surprised were serious matter? I know some people that were surprised that getting drunk could be a mortal sin.
How can not having the number of children you’re called to have be a mortal sin?

You are never quite sure about how many you’re called to have. God doesn’t come down from Heaven to tell you the exact number.

If you think that maybe God wants you to have another child (and I don’t know how you can ever go beyond a “maybe” about another child unless I’m missing something big in discerment of God’s will), but maybe not, and you choose not to you’re in mortal sin?

I am all for having the number of children God wants me to have, but how can I possibly know the exact number???
I am afraid that the very existence of mortal sins at all escapes most Catholics. At least here in New Soddom, err, America.

I guess by definition, they would no longer be mortal, but you know what I mean.
not teaching your children the faith yourself is a mortal sin?
I did not have my youngest (4th) baptized in the Catholic Church. He was baptized as a Congregationalist. I felt responsible by not teaching the faith. I confessed.

“I would not worry to much about that”, said the priest. “Not all people need to be Catholic”, he continued. I smiled and continued with the reconciliation. Although we did not agree I gladly accepted absolution of my other sins and still considered my lack of teaching my son a sin.
Since sex occupies the minds of most Americans and those of the Western World, I don’t think most people are clueless on Mortal Sin in this area. I think missing Mass on vacation or any other time when they are supposed to be attending Church would be a bigger shock. Most people go on vacation and totally forget about God or put him on the backburner and focus on having fun first. This causes many problems in the spiritual and physical when many go on vacation and make stupid/dumb decisions, when otherwise they would have known better.
I have found this to be a handy reference to examine my conscience. catholic.org/frz/examen/ Just click on the mortal sin link.

But beware. One of the three things that make it a mortal sin is knowing it’s a sin, so don’t click on the link above if you would rather not know.

Peace in Christ,
surf(name removed by moderator)ure:
This is a tough one for my husband and me as well. Our first child was born with major complications, and we are now pregnant with our second (and with trepidation!). I am only 23 and have many childbearing years left, but I worry about the medical problems that may result from having an unlimited number of children.
hello surf(name removed by moderator)ure,

Congratulations on the new baby. I am sorry to hear about your pregnancy complications. Our family will keep you in our prayers.

I just wanted to clarify Catholic teaching. We are not called to “have an unlimited number of children.” :nope: We are called to be open to life. There is a huge difference between the two. Have you talked to a good priest? Here are a few excellent references to help answer your questions.

A free CD of Christopher West’s CD “Marriage and the Eucharist.” You will love it.
*Catholicity.com *

Christopher West’s .Good News About Sex and Marriage: Anwsers to Your Questions about CatholicTeaching

Life-Giving Love : Embracing God’s Beautiful Design for Marriage – by Kimberly Hahn, Scott Hahn (Foreword)

May God continue to give you many blessings.

Ann Cheryl:
I have a problem with the way this poll is phrased. By definition of a mortal sin it has to be serious matter, one has to know it is, and do it anyway. So if a Catholic would be surprised it wouldn’t meet the standard of being a mortal sin. It would have been better worded What would Catholics be surprised were serious matter? I know some people that were surprised that getting drunk could be a mortal sin.
I agree I should have worded the poll differently, but the poll is based on the assumption that all Catholics were well informed. (see post # 1)

I would vote for the first alternative. Using artificial contraceptives and having martial relations. The relationship between a man and wife very often appears to be martial, but there definitely should be limits.
I would say you should definitely never post a machine gun nest in the kitchen, or lob a grenade into the bathroom while your mate is taking a shower. Other than that, it is hard to say for sure. Who was it that said, “Marriage in the midst of life is like a duel in the midst of a battle.”?
Agus go gcasfar le chéile sinn arís, go gcoinní Dia i mbosa a láimhe thú.
Gotta love Irish, the art of putting together impossible consonants and coming up with a sound that seemingly involves neither.

Agus go gcasfar le chéile sinn arís, go gcoinní Dia i mbosa a láimhe thú.

Gotta love Irish, the art of putting together impossible consonants and coming up with a sound that seemingly involves neither.

Not having the # of children they are called to have. By the way, that doesn’t apply to people of Holy Orders, does it?
Not having the # of children they are called to have. By the way, that doesn’t apply to people of Holy Orders, does it?
Well, yes it could, the Eastern Orthodox priest are allowed to marry? I am thankful our priest take a vow of celibacy.

God :blessyou:
I think the mere fact that THERE STILL ARE mortal sins would be of a great surprise to most Catholics …

. I felt responsible by not teaching the faith. I confessed.

“I would not worry to much about that”, said the priest. “Not all people need to be Catholic”, he continued.

Dear Peter,

Your Priest is typical of a “watered down” version of what the Catholic Church should be…I wish to God that our parishes were stronger in their convictions in the Catholic teachings, but it seems more important to convert and keep Catholics happy than teach them responsibility. I voted for the education of our children.

Kudos to you for caring and knowing what is right and wrong!!
It would be debatable.:yup: Here is an example.

Your child goes through Catholic school or CCD and is not taught the true faith. They leave the house not knowing the faith and fall away from the Church. While growing up your only involvement was taking them to mass and praying before meals.

Gross negligence would have to be assumed.😦 It is Church teaching that parents are to be the primary faith formatter.

“Solely relying on others” would be the major factor to determine if it is mortal or venial.

Either way, I would definitely want to confess this before I had to answer to God about how I raised His kids.

Failure is not a sin. I know many devout parents whose kids have fallen away. Sending your kids to Catholic schools or CCD, attending mass and saying grace regularly looks like a pretty serious attempt to me. There are so many factors at play here. Among those devout parents I mentioned above is an elderly devout lady all of whose children and grandchildren are lapsed. She’s convinced she’s going to hell! Yet she prays the rosary and attends mass daily, goes to confession weekly and gives countless hours in service to her parish and to the poor. If she’s going to hell, heaven is a very lonely place. All of my grown children are devout and attend mass regularly. Likewise, all of my wife’s brothers and sisters. What did my wife and I and my in-laws do right? I really don’t know other than give the kids Catholic education and practice the faith as a family. Lots of other people do that and fail which is no sin.
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