Which US State has the most Traditional Catholicism?

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just as if I moved to a Spanish-speaking area to experience Spanish Catholic culture.
If that’s the sort of thing you are looking for, you aren’t going to find it anywhere in the US. Traditionalist Catholics are a niche demographic, and even in areas that have diocesan approved EF Masses, traditionalists make up only a small percentage of the general populace, and even of the Catholic populace.

So there aren’t any communities in the US where Traditionalists in communion with Rome make up enough of the base population to create the “Traditionalist ambience” that you seem to long for. There is no Traditionalist “Promised Land”.

The only exception are a handful of tiny places dominated by sedevacantist cults, and that is not what you are looking for.
I’ve been thinking along the same line as the OP. I’m inclined to consider Cabot Arkansas due to the FSSP parish and other factors. Anyone familiar?
Quick question
Since he/she mentioned mountains I wondered if Denver has TLM. I found a site that lists all the cities in Colorado that have it. Denver is one. I also noticed parentheses stating CMRI and independent after some…could someone tell me what that means? Thanks.
Anyone familiar?
In order not to waste your time, and everyone else’s, make sure to ask perspective employers BEFORE you go for a face to face interview how much they intend to pay. Wages in the south are often shockingly low for those from other parts of the country. And despite assurances to the contrary, the “low cost of living” doesn’t offset the low wages, and is not as low as they would have you believe.
I also noticed parentheses stating CMRI and independent after some…could someone tell me what that means? Thanks.
CMRI (Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen) is a rather nasty sedevacantist cult.

“Independent” means sedevacantist or other schismatic.
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Thanks…seems many here are those.

A few were listed as closed…at first I thought because of the virus but I wonder if it means permanently?

❤️❤️❤️❤️ extra hearts for your answer!
A few were listed as closed…at first I thought because of the virus but I wonder if it means permanently?
Probably permanently. There are approximately 400 sedevacantist and other schismatic groups in the US. Most are very tiny and don’t last long. There is a lot of churn in the movement.
Sure. My pastor told me that, per my request, he would have liked to add more Latin to the Mass (or have full Latin Masses), have ad orientem Masses, add an altar rail, etc., but he was not given permission to do so by the bishop.
With all due respect to the bishop, a parish pastor does not need his bishop’s permission to have Latin Masses, celebrate ad orientem, or add an altar rail.

A public Latin Mass may be added if there is a group within the parish that desires it. Ad orientem is technically the default way to celebrate Mass. The only thing that would prevent the addition of an altar rail would be the parish finance committee saying no.
dangerous liberal movement that has and continues to do tremendous damage in the church. Of course, you should respect all of your superiors but whether you want to admit it or not, there are many corrupt ill-formed priests currently in high positions of power who are certainly not working for the salvation of souls.
I disagree. The situation, for instance, in Germany with some of their bishops is the only major thing that is concerning. But our Holy Father has warned them and won’t let them put into action any of the concerning things that some of them think are acceptable.

Dissent from Church doctrine among the hierarchy is very rare. It does happen, but it’s very rare.

The Tridentine Mass is not more reverent than the Novus Ordo. They are both equally reverent and pleasing to God. I would consider going to the Latin Mass every Sunday if I had the option (which I don’t at the moment), but that doesn’t mean that it’s more reverent than the Novus Ordo. Pope Benedict XVI said that both forms are mutually enriching.
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Here he would. I remember when our Bishop sent out the blanket disapproval for the Ordinary Form to be celebrated AO. He issues us a one time per year permission, because we have one Mass at the Cemetery where the altar is built for AO Mass.
And, without trying to be accusatory or derailing the thread, he has no authority to do this. The priest’s orientation is up to the individual priest, and both versus populum and ad orientem are acceptable as per the rubrics. The bishop has no authority to change the rubrics or force his priests to celebrate one way or the other.

Of course, practically speaking, is this the hill that most priests would want to die on? Of course not.
The Latin Mass best expresses the reality of Christ’s sacrifice, offering himself, an innocent lamb on behalf of a sinful humanity, with the priest constantly fixed on Christ and not the laity. There is silence where necessary, beautiful Gregorian chants, the uncorrupted language of Church Latin and we receive on the tongue by the consecrated priest. This does not make the laity who attend better or superior to anyone - not at all. . . .

In relation to corrupt clergy just look t the former cardinal of the United States! A convicted pedophile who abused seminarians and had adult relations with many other men. Many high ranking bishops new and were also practicing homosexuals but did nothing about it. Blessed Benedict XVI placed restrictions on McCarrick’s ministry back in 2008, only for the Holy Father to remove them when he assumed the throne of Saint Peter.

The truth about Pope Francis is that all these controversial statements and encyclicals that only fall short of promoting heresy by their ambiguity, are sowing confusion in the minds of the faithful. Not to mention the outright bizarre situation happening with the China Vatican deal, Cardinal zen Strongly believes Cardinal Pietro Parolin to be a very bad influence on the Holy Father. Communism and Catholicism cannot work in conjunction period.

Regardless we must pray for the Holy Father and the Church, remembering that Mary’s Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Benedicat te omnipotens deus.
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This has kind of derailed again, if we could please stay on topic to my original travel question please.
Louisiana? Texas? Arizona?

I have lived in one state since I have been Catholic and have belonged to 4 parishes. We have had a conservative Bishop which I think makes a difference
and Latin masses are allowed. I have come to realize it depends on the priest
you have leading the parish. Some are more traditional than others.
Respect your bishop.
Did the OP indicate that he doesn’t?[
I think it is unwise to characterise any diocese as being more traditional.
There is the ideal world, and then there is the real world.
All our bishops uphold the same Apostolic Faith.
Yes, and they have a fair amount of discretion over HOW to best uphold this faith… and the OP has discretion over where to live and what forms of liturgy to pursue.
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And they have a Chesterton Academy in Spokane at the Cathedral.
If you include SSPX and sedevacantist cults of all sorts, it’s hard to beat the area from Spokane, Washington to Couer d’Alene, Idaho. But be prepared because the various sects don’t get along too well. And they are generally not popular with the local communities at large. Plenty to read on the net about the various groups. Just Google away.
I’ve looked into that area, and there’s no nice way to say this, but CDA looks a little depressing (Google Street View), just something a bit “off” about it, and the real estate is sky-high. Spokane has the bonus of actually being a mid-sized city, if one regards that as a “bonus”. The areas north of CDA, Rathdrum, Hayden Lake, and so on, ditto for the real e$tate. I don’t know, though, I’m a Southern boy through and through (wish my beloved Southland were Catholic instead of Baptist!), not sure how well I’d transplant culturally to any other part of the country. Sarcastic, direct, and blunt-spoken are a foreign language to me.
I attend an SPPX church and they are definitely NOT sedavacantist.
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