That is a bunch of liberal speak. There is nothing you wrote that can be measured.
Weird. It’s always bizarre when people try to tag me as a “liberal”.
You’re the only one talking in terms of white privilege being something bad, and as for measurement, again— weird. Why must we measure the good we do?
Please tell me how aware I need to be before my white privilege is now lowered to an acceptable level.
Again, I don’t think you understand what white privilege is. It’s not something to be ashamed of, afraid of, it’s not a sin, it’s not something you do or don’t do to obtain it.
It simply is.
And you, the beneficiary of it, can use it towards virtuous ends. Something we are called to do as Christians.
I don’t measure the corporal or spiritual works of mercy I do. You can’t
measure the amount of virtue you cultivate— prudence, temperance, modesty, faith, hope, Charity.
And you’re never done with any of the works of mercy or with building virtue. It’s a lifelong pursuit.