Satan and those who follow him. More so, those who follow him willingly.
And you are here to talk about it because…Tough luck that God and his angels do not SEEM to care about the “enemy”. God could wipe out the enemy… allegedly, but he does not SEEM to care. Maybe the story of Job is true (horrifying as it may be). God and the Adversary are bosom buddies, sipping mead on the clouds, making “bets” and having a good laugh at our expense.(Or should I say… at YOUR expense?)
Why should anyone “hate” the church? Maybe some previous members of the church are so dissatisfied with the church, that they actually “hate” it.** But don’t worry. Most people simply do not care about the church and the teachings.**
Absolutely! Such evil in the world.Freemasons,ISIS,planned parenthood,liberal political leaders such as Hilary Clinton along with sedevacantists.
Lastly modernist Catholics who refuse to follow the Church and Her infallible teachings on Faith and morals.
Most importantly every single one of those groups are lead by Satan and these people choose to disobey out of ether ignorance or hatred for Christ
I care about your mental health. After all, not every atheist eats children for breakfast.And you are here to talk about it because…
You do care evidently. It’s a good thing.
The irony is striking . Persecution complex indeed:I care about your mental health. After all, not every atheist eats children for breakfast.A few of us can care about others. Your kind of “persecution complex” is very unhealthy.
Originally Posted by Solmyr View Post
Tough luck that God and his angels do not SEEM to care about the “enemy”. God could wipe out the enemy… allegedly, but he does not SEEM to care. Maybe the story of Job is true (horrifying as it may be). God and the Adversary are bosom buddies, sipping mead on the clouds, making “bets” and having a good laugh at our expense. (Or should I say… at YOUR expense?)
Why should anyone “hate” the church? Maybe some previous members of the church are so dissatisfied with the church, that they actually “hate” it. But don’t worry. Most people simply do not care about the church and the teachings.
I’m glad you’re one of those who do care about the Church and her teachings enough to be here day after day to discuss it all with us.And you are here to talk about it because…
You do care evidently. It’s a good thing.
Don’t forget the reptilians that run the Illuminati. They’re harvesting Earth’s gold to inject into themselves like some bizarre drug in order to boost their nervous system. They’re also responsible for atheism.I think socialists and the Illuminati are the main enemies of the Church along with extremist Muslims.
Are the present day illuminati groups in any way linked to the original Bavarian illuminati?Don’t forget the reptilians that run the Illuminati. They’re harvesting Earth’s gold to inject into themselves like some bizarre drug in order to boost their nervous system. They’re also responsible for atheism.
Yes. There is no Satan; Satan IS the Illuminati.Are the present day illuminati groups in any way linked to the original Bavarian illuminati?
I thought that there was a Satan. Now you tell me that there is no Satan?Yes. There is no Satan; Satan IS the Illuminati.
Mostly it’s because of things that have to do with the pelvic region.I am looking more for people or groups who are deliberate enemies of the Church. Certainly though you do raise some good points, dissenting Catholics bring down the Church. But why are they dissenting?
Absolutely! The media and the government come hand in hand. In every country there no friend of the church.I can see that. And as many Catholics she can drag into her religion the better. If opposed, fines will be delt. She and Sanders have the media who is not a friend of the Church on their side. The media twists everything the Church says to their own agenda.
The media and politicians continues to primote divide and conquir techniques. For instance they get people motivated by luring on racism, sexism, gender, class, same sex attraction. The Bernie Sanders Democrat Sicialist party preys in that non sense. While racism does happen they blow it up by a few events or a select few firing people up.
We can fight back which plays into their hands and causes more if a stir which is precisly what they want.
We can sit back and try not to feed into it but then they continuento pass laws that hurt humanity, women, and families.
So what do we do? Who else and what other techniques do the enemies if the Church have?
I think you would like to see it that way, but there’s been some good discussion here.Wow, lots of fear, demonizing and very scary us vs them imagery in this thread.
Good discussion like comparing Hillary Clinton, atheism and planned parenthood to Isis and Satan?I think you would like to see it that way, but there’s been some good discussion here.
Oh, geez. Now this is a bit, ironically, alarmist.Good discussion like comparing Hillary Clinton, atheism and planned parenthood to Isis and Satan?
Freemasons be one of themWho are the enemies of the Church?
PR, this is precisely the problem. Making lists of your enemies is not the work of Christian charity, it is the work of the Adversary.All the thread has done is examined who the enemies of the Church are.
I find this post to be most peculiar.Grace & Peace!
PR, this is precisely the problem. Making lists of your enemies is not the work of Christian charity, it is the work of the Adversary.
It doesn’t matter who the supposed enemies of the church are. What matters is what we do about the patterns of enmity, violence and death in our own lives that oppose us to the God who, when we were enemies of grace and dead in our sins, graciously loved us and gave us his own life.
Suppose the Masons are, in fact, opposed to the church. Do you imagine that placing Masons on the “them” list represents more than simply the mirror image of their own rejection? What do you imagine this counter rejection participates in apart from the same spirit of division and animosity? As the philosophers used to say: “one and the same is the union of opposites.”
Under the Mercy,
All is Grace and Mercy! Deo Gratias!