I don’t know if I wish to start with this point, but you write “The objective reality is the physical world.” Why? Why not reality is all things that exist?
As soon as you present an entity, which is NOT physical, but is physically active, I will take it into consideration. I am
very flexible.

If something is not physically active, it cannot interact with our senses, and as such we cannot know about it. After all the principle of “nihil est in intellectu quod non prius fuerit is sensu” is very well established.
Now that does not mean that everything we imagine comes from a direct observation of the external reality. Fortunately we are endowed with vivid imagination and can create non-existent, imaginary entities.
The biggest question precisely at issue is how “information” from observation becomes present to you?
This is premature, until we establish what is knowledge? In the axiomatic systems the information comes from the axioms and the rules of transformation - both are abstract entities. In the physical reality we rely on our senses. Knowledge is nothing but a
model of reality.
Just for a moment, let’s consider the arctic summer, when millions of birds have millions of nests with millions of offsprings waiting for their daily food. The tundra is a very busy place during the summer. The parents find their own nests and their own kids among millions. That is very serious knowledge, don’t you agree?
That is, the knower has not in his knowledge the object known but something that resembles or represents the object known.
Correct. It is called a model.
Descartes opened up the skepticism problem with this, because, trapped in our minds as we are, we’ve no way to step outside out minds and see if these representations are in any way actually congruent with the object we believe they represent.
He was wrong. We constantly interact with our environment, and if our model is incorrect, the environment will “punish” us.
As long as we survive, our model was sufficiently accurate. Because no matter how wonderfully active our imagination can be, we cannot imagine that we are still alive, when we are dead.
There are many functions inside you for each a mind required.
Have you ever heard of multitasking? The brain is a massively parallel, multitasking wetware.