Who Baptized John the Baptist?

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Did John the Baptist get baptized? Who did it or did he baptize himself? When Jesus came to be baptized, why didn’t John ask Jesus to baptize him?
This is “way out there”, but perhaps he was to be born at the time of Christ, he was already baptized before being born “in some way”. Then he started baptizing later on. Or, he baptized himself in the waters while praying. But overall, I don’t think scripture mentions.
thanks – for this thread

it is interesting to see how the development of false beliefs are developed,

i have studied under a few Hebrew roots scholars–some of the answers show why Saint Paul warned about believing myths and traditions of men…

kind a like Valentine day, as some one how it came about and you get many different beliefs. duh?? maybe if it sounds good. it must be true…

it’s been the tradition for years to believe --“fill-in-da-blank” so it must be true.

Hermeneutics (/hɜrməˈnjuːtɪks/), broadly, is the art and science of text interpretation.
Exegesis involves an extensive and critical interpretation of a text, especially of a holy scripture, such as of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, the Talmud, the Midrash, the Qur’an, etc. An exegete is a practitioner of this science, and the adjectival form is exegetic.

The word exegesis means “to draw the meaning out of” a given text. Exegesis may be contrasted with eisegesis, which means to read one’s own interpretation into a given text. In general, exegesis presumes an attempt to view the text objectively, while eisegesis implies more subjectivity.

One may encounter the terms exegesis and hermeneutics used interchangeably; however, there remains a distinction.
=Rozell1;10342275]In Acts, it says the apostles baptized in the name of Jesus; is it sufficient just to baptize in the name of Jesus or does it need the Trinitarian blessing? I was having this discussion with a protestant and it left me thinking if the disciples actually followed Jesus’ commandment to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19-20

AND JESUS SAY’S " [19] Going therefore, teach ye all nations;** baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost**. [20] Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world"
In Acts, it says the apostles baptized in the name of Jesus; is it sufficient just to baptize in the name of Jesus or does it need the Trinitarian blessing? I was having this discussion with a protestant and it left me thinking if the disciples actually followed Jesus’ commandment to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
well my experience is that " if it does not lead to Jesus baptising you with the Holy Spirit" then all you did was get “wet”

1sam10, acts19,acts 10 is an example of what happens … most protestants and roman catholics weem to “just get wet”
Women were ASSUMED and Included through the husband or father to be included in the OT Covenant.
well these jewish woman seem to have a different opinion than you

the mikvah–(baptism) how a woman does it-- and why !

“Mikvah: Splish Splash Is It a Jewish Bath?”

Ep. 6, Season 2

tp://JewintheCity.com and MikvahCalendar.com answer:

What’s a mikvah?

Who goes to it & why?

JITC’s wig by Freeda.com (click “more” for rest of credits)

shot and edited by Elliot Gabor eliecreative.com
co-special effects by Elliot Gabor and Jack Kamhaji craftv.com
clothes by Junees.com
stylist Sharon Langert fashion-isha.com
makeup: Jenna Hanley jennahanley.com and Bleema Weinstein facebook.com/bleemasheadquarters
music by: Shalsheles “Esah Einai”
wig stylist Suzannah Luchins nechama31@gmail.com
production assistants: David Khabinsky, Lisa Dolan, Annie Dolan

Thank you to the Teaneck Mikvah for allowing us to film there!


thanks for this string i also have learned more about the baptism–

what john’s role was

and what Jesus’s role is
See patrick457’s post #10. The mikvah could have been considered a sort of baptism. And the word “baptism” doesn’t necessarily mean “Christian baptism;” for starters, John’s baptism was not a Christian baptism.

I don’t know. It just appeared in the Gospels, with John preaching repentance and then dipping repentant sinners in the waters of the Jordan River.
thanks – for this string – to demenstrate the difficulity of recognizing that the mikvah- in the Hebrew tradition was was being performed by John - as also referenced in hebrews 6- where it references moveing on to the foundations o “baptisms”
it is necessary to to read about the “hebrew roots” of this God made ceremony,

to avoid developing imaginary and man made understanding of what the scripture means.

as peter said "be mikvah in the water of repentence and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,

this is why paul said in acts 19 what were you “baptised” or mikvah in?

so he got them mikvah in the Holy Spirit-- and there is a difference-- between the two baptism’s or mikvah- other wise – why bother

so – obviously-- john the baptis – what Mikvah in water as was the tridition in the religious ceremony-- i suggest that the readers of this string-- research and learn what the baptism or mikvah is all about–

so you don’t become mis-lead or deceived
The Essenes did not ‘baptize’ in the Christian sense. They partook of ritual immersions in a miqveh, but then again so did all Jews at the time. The only difference is that the Essenes apparently did it several times a day.
thanks-- for the info-- but when did the “christian sense” of baptism develop – what time period was that?-- maybe around 325 ad?

or do you think it started on the “day of penecost” with peter ?

when he said be baptised and repent and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit ?
thanks-- for the info-- but when did the “christian sense” of baptism develop – what time period was that?-- maybe around 325 ad?

or do you think it started on the “day of penecost” with peter ?

when he said be baptised and repent and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit ?
It was certainly known at Pentecost, for there we see the sacrament of Baptism was used to bring the listeners into the Church. But the sacrament itself was commanded just before the ascension of the Lord when he informed his apostles how to baptize (the form the of the sacrament - with water[or it would not be baptism] and what words to use) and the intention - those following Christ (Christians) and those who were not… ie it was an entrance rite to join the Church.

BWT, traditionally AD preceeds a date (AD 325) whereas BC follows a date (200 BC). One in Latin, one in English.
I’m not totally sure (somebody correct me), but I believe that it would be after the Resurrection, when Jesus gave the command to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

As an aside (tongue-in-cheek moment), I have a hard time imagining Jesus using the Trintarian formula. “In the name of the Father, me, and the Holy Spirit”? 😃
Christ didn’t personally use the formula …scripture saying he didn’t Baptize…only his disciples did. But, he, having received a Trinitarian Baptism …jointly, from John & the Father,…would of certainly conveyed the Trinitarian Formula to his disciples…so that John, realizing this, soon stopped his penultimate, non-trinitarian baptism, and let Christ & his 12 assume the ultimate Trinitarian NT (the Kingdom has come upon you) Baptism …that Matthew’s Gospel confirms words thereof.
In Acts, it says the apostles baptized in the name of Jesus; is it sufficient just to baptize in the name of Jesus or does it need the Trinitarian blessing? I was having this discussion with a protestant and it left me thinking if the disciples actually followed Jesus’ commandment to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
what the heck is the Trinitarian blessing? i never heard of that before,

is it different than the blessing of receiving the Holy Spirit?
In Acts, it says the apostles baptized in the name of Jesus; is it sufficient just to baptize in the name of Jesus or does it need the Trinitarian blessing? I was having this discussion with a protestant and it left me thinking if the disciples actually followed Jesus’ commandment to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
As I understand it, doing something “in the name of …somebody…” meant doing it by their authority. Like, I sentence you in the name of the King, or Open in the name of the law. So to baptize in the name of Jesus would be doing it according to his authority. And he said “Baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”.
As I understand it, doing something “in the name of …somebody…” meant doing it by their authority. Like, I sentence you in the name of the King, or Open in the name of the law. So to baptize in the name of Jesus would be doing it according to his authority. And he said “Baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”.
right on–

in hebrews 6-- the baptism of idenification is one of the 6 types of water dunking that is referred to–

after the water baptism then Jesus is supposted to baptize you with the holy spirit
=1answer;10437436]thanks – for this string – to demenstrate the difficulity of recognizing that the mikvah- in the Hebrew tradition was was being performed by John - as also referenced in hebrews 6- where it references moveing on to the foundations o “baptisms”
it is necessary to to read about the “hebrew roots” of this God made ceremony,
to avoid developing imaginary and man made understanding of what the scripture means.
as peter said "be mikvah in the water of repentence and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,
this is why paul said in acts 19 what were you “baptised” or mikvah in?
so he got them mikvah in the Holy Spirit-- and there is a difference-- between the two baptism’s or mikvah- other wise – why bother
so – obviously-- john the baptis – what Mikvah in water as was the tridition in the religious ceremony-- i suggest that the readers of this string-- research and learn what the baptism or mikvah is all about–
so you don’t become mis-lead or deceived

**John 3: 5 **“Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

**Matthew 28: 19-20 **"[16-20] "And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And seeing him they adored: but some doubted. And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.


The ONLY relation to Jewsh Tradition is through circumission with is NOW overriden by Christian Baptism.🙂 The Old Covenant by the New Covennt.

God Bles,
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