Who can deny that the evils in this world help to separate us from God?

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Does anybody have evidence to the contrary? Can anybody on this forum argue otherwise? To think that we are fully united to God by attending Sunday Mass would be absurd!

What are the implications?
Does anybody have evidence to the contrary? Can anybody on this forum argue otherwise? To think that we are fully united to God by attending Sunday Mass would be absurd!

What are the implications?
Hi, Robert!

…do you believe that St. Paul Wrote the Epistles under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

…if you do, how do you account for his counter argument nearly two thousand years ago?:
35 Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation? or distress? or famine? or nakedness? or danger? or persecution? or the sword? 36 (As it is written: For thy sake we are put to death all the day long. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.) 37 But in all these things we overcome, because of him that hath loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 8:35-39)
So, if God’s Word states that nothing can separate/keep us from God, why do you say that evil has more power than God?

Maran atha!

Hi, Robert!

…do you believe that St. Paul Wrote the Epistles under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

…if you do, how do you account for his counter argument nearly two thousand years ago?:

So, if God’s Word states that nothing can separate/keep us from God, why do you say that evil has more power than God?

Maran atha!

Are you trying to say that we are as united to Christ here in this world as we will be at His Second Coming? Yes, Christ does love us here in this world and nothing can separate us from that love, but our being loved by Christ here in this world does not compare to the experience of fully knowing Him and our fully loving Him, which the evils in this world prevent.

If we are currently fully united to Christ, why the need for His Second Coming.

I suggest you re-read the passage of scripture you just quoted to see what it really implies.
If we were fully united with Christ, by receiving the Holy Eucharist, for example, we would not still be sinners in need of salvation. The Holy Eucharist keeps us in communion with Christ but does not fully unite us to Him like we will be at the Second Coming.
Evil leads all of us to sin, and sin always separates from God.
Does anybody have evidence to the contrary?
What are the implications?
Evidence to the contrary. Okay, let’ see…

Jesus once rebuked his disciples who were attempting to keep little children away. Jesus said (and this is not verbatim),“Do not withhold the children from me. Unless you become as little children you shall not see God, for such as these is the kingdom of Heaven made.”

Most of understand side A of that exhortation. But there is another that I think a lot of people don’t get. By example, a three year old little boy goes with his dad to buy Mommy/wife flowers for Easter. He asks, “dad why do you give flowers to mommy?” Dad replies, " to show Mommy we love her." Later that afternoon, the little boy goes out in the back yard, gets filthy dirty, picks a handful of dandelions ( a weed actually), tracks mud across the clean kitchen floor and the living room rug, looks up into mommy’s eyes, holds out his fist full of dandelions, and says, “I love you mommy, I picked these flowers for you.” Mom and Dad see the mud on the floors, the mess of the little guys clothes, but the fist full of flowers and the look of pure love on the little tykes face makes them forget the mess and concentrate only on the love in the child’s heart.

Does God see us as no more that little tykes, doing a lot of messy things, but also acting out of love as best we understand it;, often in a slightly misguided form? Is God a heavenly father/mother who sees His children through the eyes of love, concentrating only on it, and forgetting the messes the minute we act out of love and ask for forgiveness when we realize we screwed up?

Mass is our perfect way, given to us by Christ and His church, to show and appreciate that love he pours out on us.

That thought gives me a better understanding of God’s mercy and love, when I can see it in everyday human terms.

My :twocents:
Evidence to the contrary. Okay, let’ see…

Jesus once rebuked his disciples who were attempting to keep little children away. Jesus said (and this is not verbatim),“Do not withhold the children from me. Unless you become as little children you shall not see God, for such as these is the kingdom of Heaven made.”

Most of understand side A of that exhortation. But there is another that I think a lot of people don’t get. By example, a three year old little boy goes with his dad to buy Mommy/wife flowers for Easter. He asks, “dad why do you give flowers to mommy?” Dad replies, " to show Mommy we love her." Later that afternoon, the little boy goes out in the back yard, gets filthy dirty, picks a handful of dandelions ( a weed actually), tracks mud across the clean kitchen floor and the living room rug, looks up into mommy’s eyes, holds out his fist full of dandelions, and says, “I love you mommy, I picked these flowers for you.” Mom and Dad see the mud on the floors, the mess of the little guys clothes, but the fist full of flowers and the look of pure love on the little tykes face makes them forget the mess and concentrate only on the love in the child’s heart.

Does God see us as no more that little tykes, doing a lot of messy things, but also acting out of love as best we understand it;, often in a slightly misguided form? Is God a heavenly father/mother who sees His children through the eyes of love, concentrating only on it, and forgetting the messes the minute we act out of love and ask for forgiveness when we realize we screwed up?

Mass is our perfect way, given to us by Christ and His church, to show and appreciate that love he pours out on us.

That thought gives me a better understanding of God’s mercy and love, when I can see it in everyday human terms.

My :twocents:
Can you please explain to me how this relates to the evil in this world helping to separate us from God? Yes, there are many of us who do good deeds that greatly pleases God, but that does not change the fact that the evil in this world helps to separate us from God.
Does anybody have evidence to the contrary? Can anybody on this forum argue otherwise? To think that we are fully united to God by attending Sunday Mass would be absurd!

What are the implications?
We can be united in heart and unseen hope.

But I completely agree that evil keeps us from this. It hurts to know that the evil resides in us.
The world contains both good and evil, and the evil draws us away from God.
Mark 7: 14 And he called the people to him again, and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand: 15 there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him.”

The world is where we come to know God by the good in it, where we come to see creation journeying to its end in God, where everything exists by God’s will and participates in His act of existence, where we are able to live out the Love of God by asking Christ to live in us, to approach God while still in the flesh, to know that God united His own divine nature to our finite one.
Mark 7: 14 And he called the people to him again, and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand: 15 there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him.”
Very appropriate passage.
The world is where we come to know God by the good in it, where we come to see creation journeying to its end in God, where everything exists by God’s will and participates in His act of existence, where we are able to live out the Love of God by asking Christ to live in us, to approach God while still in the flesh, to know that God united His own divine nature to our finite one.
That’s alright, but the world is also described as the sea of people, in scripture, no?
Some people look at the world, see the good, and have reason to hope. Others see the bad, and they despair. Glass half full or half empty?

It’s not perfect, so make it better. Look with hope toward heaven, but as long as you are here, live and love in this world.
Can you please explain to me how this relates to the evil in this world helping to separate us from God? Yes, there are many of us who do good deeds that greatly pleases God, but that does not change the fact that the evil in this world helps to separate us from God.
You’re right … if you let it.

Robert, as a former military man, there is one thing I learned from the get go. You can’t defeat evil if you run away from it. And if you stay you have to face it and understand it.

There are two rules of life.
Rule #1, Satan exists and causes evil in every place he can.
Rule # 2. No one but the God of all creation, love, and grace can change rule #1.

We can just understand it, face it, and not choose it. In fact, much of my Catholic faith and understanding has come from realizing the evil I had allowed to enter my life, understanding the true nature of it, and choosing the other path. The one shown me by the man with the five crimson stars had on His way home.
OP;maybe you need help with this depression? I mean that sincerely and kindly…
Doesnt the church officially state "it is a great mystery why purity allows the diabolical’…meaning, it is a complete mystery why God permits satan to do the things he does in our world.

I cannot recall when this was said or by whom, but I have heard it somewhere, and thought it came from the church or a past pope maybe…?

I do not think anyone can argue that evil in this world is trying to lead as many of us away from God as possible, its very obvious to me and Id imagine it goes much much deeper than most of us can even recognize, its probable the most subtle evil one can think of, has very severe implications in the long run.

Evils greatest success was to kind of change the definition of ‘evil/immoral’, if something is constantly being shown in a positive/ good light, well eventually most people are going to believe just that.
Mark 7: 14 And he called the people to him again, and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand: 15 there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him.”

The world is where we come to know God by the good in it, where we come to see creation journeying to its end in God, where everything exists by God’s will and participates in His act of existence, where we are able to live out the Love of God by asking Christ to live in us, to approach God while still in the flesh, to know that God united His own divine nature to our finite one.
Are you saying that Satan does not tempt all of us into committing evil while we are in this world?

No matter how much we may want it to happen, we cannot be fully united to God while living in this world. Therefore, our free will must be somehow limited. This only goes to show that the evil in this world, wherever it may exist, must separate us from God.

As for these bodies being evil, let me state that compared to our glorified bodies at the Second Coming, these bodies are loathsome at best. Similarly, as far as the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, these bodies must somehow have inferiorities that do not allow us to be fully united to God in this world no matter how hard we try.
OP;maybe you need help with this depression? I mean that sincerely and kindly…
I can assure you that I’m full of joy and fully optimistic that we will eventually be united with God after leaving this wretched world if we are found worthy! Whoever loves their life in this world is being deceived by Satan!
"Many weak and foolish people, say, “See what a good life that man enjoys! He is so rich, so great, so powerful, so distinguished!” But raise your eyes to the riches of Heaven, and you will see that all the riches of this world are as nothing. All are uncertain and even burdensome, for they are never enjoyed without some anxiety or fear. The happiness of man does not consist in abundance of this world’s goods, for a modest share is sufficient for him. The more spiritual a man desires to become, the more bitter does this present life grow for him, for he sees and realizes more clearly the defects and corruptions of human nature. For to eat and drink, to wake and sleep, to rest and labour, and to be subject to all the necessities of nature is a great trouble and affliction to the devout man, who would rather be released and set free from all sin.
"The inner life of man is greatly hindered in this life by the needs of the body. Thus, the Prophet devoutly prays that he may be set free from them, saying, “Lord, deliver me from my necessities!” Woe to those who refuse to recognize their own wretchedness, and doubly woe to those who love this miserable and corruptible life! For some cling so closely to it, that although by working or begging they can hardly win the bare necessities, they would yet be willing to live here for ever if it were possible, caring nothing for the Kingdom of God. 

"How crazy and lacking in faith are such people, who are so deeply engrossed in earthly affairs that they care for nothing but material things! These unhappy wretches will at length know to their sorrow how vile and worthless were the things that they loved. But the Saints of God and all the devoted friends of Christ paid little heed to bodily pleasures, nor to prosperity in this life, for all their hopes and aims were directed towards those good things that are eternal. Their whole desire raised them upward to things eternal and invisible, so that the love of things visible could not drag them down. My brother, do not lose hope of progress in the spiritual life; you have still time and opportunity."
-The Imitation of Christ, CHAPTER 22 - On Human Misery
"Many weak and foolish people, say, “See what a good life that man enjoys! He is so rich, so great, so powerful, so distinguished!” But raise your eyes to the riches of Heaven, and you will see that all the riches of this world are as nothing. All are uncertain and even burdensome, for they are never enjoyed without some anxiety or fear. The happiness of man does not consist in abundance of this world’s goods, for a modest share is sufficient for him. The more spiritual a man desires to become, the more bitter does this present life grow for him, for he sees and realizes more clearly the defects and corruptions of human nature. For to eat and drink, to wake and sleep, to rest and labour, and to be subject to all the necessities of nature is a great trouble and affliction to the devout man, who would rather be released and set free from all sin.
"The inner life of man is greatly hindered in this life by the needs of the body. Thus, the Prophet devoutly prays that he may be set free from them, saying, “Lord, deliver me from my necessities!” Woe to those who refuse to recognize their own wretchedness, and doubly woe to those who love this miserable and corruptible life! For some cling so closely to it, that although by working or begging they can hardly win the bare necessities, they would yet be willing to live here for ever if it were possible, caring nothing for the Kingdom of God. 

"How crazy and lacking in faith are such people, who are so deeply engrossed in earthly affairs that they care for nothing but material things! These unhappy wretches will at length know to their sorrow how vile and worthless were the things that they loved. But the Saints of God and all the devoted friends of Christ paid little heed to bodily pleasures, nor to prosperity in this life, for all their hopes and aims were directed towards those good things that are eternal. Their whole desire raised them upward to things eternal and invisible, so that the love of things visible could not drag them down. My brother, do not lose hope of progress in the spiritual life; you have still time and opportunity."
-The Imitation of Christ, CHAPTER 22 - On Human Misery
Thank you for posting that. It’s been a long time since I read that book! I hear where you are coming from, my friend. I know sorrow. God give us strength to fight the good fight!
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