So then you would say the same for Luke 14:26?I take John 12:25 literally. If John intended it to have a different meaning, he would certainly have said so. If we cannot take this passage at face value, then we should not take anything else that John wrote at its face value.
So you would then say - “I take -]John 12:25/-] Luke 14:26 literally.If -]John /-] LUKE intended it to have a different meaning, he would certainly have said so. If we cannot take this passage at face value, then we should not take anything else that -]John/-] LUKE wrote at its face value.”
Luke 14: 26 is:
"If any one comes to me and does not hate** his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."**
So you hate your Mom and Dad then right?
If not - why?
“If LUKE intended it to have a different meaning, he would certainly have said so.”
And so I should hate not only my “life” but also my Father and my Mother and my Children?
And ignore my Marriage vows and the 4th Commandment to Honor my Father and Mother and the love I am to have for my kids?
and go contrary to the command of Jesus to LOVE?
No that would* not* be correct.
Such would be contrary to what Jesus and the Gospel writer intended (no matter the “face value” to an English speaker).
I am instead to read such as the* Church* reads it - understand it as Jesus and Luke intended it…which is well explained up above in the quote from* Pope Benedict XVI* (who was given his authority by the He who said it) - ( it is a “strong and paradoxical Semitic expression”)…