Yes, and as I said before, I’m personally very joyful and optimistic towards the Hereafter, but as for our loving our actually being in exile, separated from our creator, I think we would be sadistic to love this exile. So much pain and suffering surround us! So much war and crime! So much vanity!
Speaking for myself, I listen to music, classical music with much gregorian chant and Masses, but that’s about the only worldly thing that I can extract pleasure from. Nothing else is the least bit pleasurable to me anymore. Looking back on my life, it mostly looks like vanity. Nothing motivates me but studying religion, talking to and praying for my daughter and granddaughter, and looking forward to Heaven. I live in solitude and I believe I’m not allowed to seek any consolation from anybody but God.
The wisest thing I do is to donate to charity even though rents have gone sky-high where I live and I live at the poverty level. The dumbest thing I do is spend time on the Internet, including this forum, when I should be praying and preparing my soul for the Hereafter that I pray I’m able to enter ASAP.
I know there are many cold hearted people on this forum who will try to criticize me for what I believe and who I have become, but be it as it may, this is me and I believe I’m serving God the best that I can. I’m not an angry person by any means, and I often feel peace and calm, and I’m willing to stay in this world until God calls me home.
I’m not suggesting that anybody else should live like me, and I do not condemn those who do not, but I believe there is a heuristic value in sharing this with people on this forum, and I hope that at least some find some value in it!