This is really a question of opinion, but if this is a proven fact, that would be great, too. Who “controls” the Holy Land anymore? Is it still the Moslems after the Crusades?
No disrespect, but Israel has been an oppressive regime for a couple of decades now. Ask any Lebanese how unoppressive Israel is. Anyone can be taken (see: kidnapped) at any point in time and held indefinitely for the slightest suspicion (no proof needed) of terrorism. But at the end of the day, they are still the closest ally to the US in the middle East and that will and cannot change for the good of the US.Israel’s definitely in control. Based on what the International Court of Justice just ruled at the Hague, it would also appear that they’re at risk of becoming an oppressive regime. We really do have to examine America’s relationship with Israel and put the skids on some of their despicably cruel treatment of the Islamic and Christian residents.
Indeed. Sword of Gideon diplomacy has turned into Get the **** Out of Our Country Already diplomacy. Other than a brief period of clarity during the Carter Administration, we’ve been far too close to Israel and burned too many bridges with the rest of the region. Time that Israel give the West Bank back to Jordan and allow the Palestinians to heal. If it could happen in Egypt, it could happen on the West Bank.No disrespect, but Israel has been an oppressive regime for a couple of decades now. Ask any Lebanese how unoppressive Israel is. Anyone can be taken (see: kidnapped) at any point in time and held indefinitely for the slightest suspicion (no proof needed) of terrorism. But at the end of the day, they are still the closest ally to the US in the middle East and that will and cannot change for the good of the US.
Which terrorists? Hebrew or Arabic?I would say that the terrorists control the Holy Land.
Jordan has already made peace with Israel and gave up all claims to the West Bank. As such it seems to me that the West Bank belongs to, protectorate of, Israel under international law as conquerred territory as a result of defensive military actions.that Israel give the West Bank back to Jordan and allow the Palestinians to heal. If it could happen in Egypt, it could happen on the West Bank.
It is very true that many Arab Muslims (possibly the majority) seek the destruction of Israel. And many of the charters to their organisations call for it.The only reason why we have no peace in the holy land is because of the rabid desire to destory the state of Isreal and murder Israelis. These efforts are funded by just about every Arab state in the gulf and many still have open declarations of war against Isreal to this day. ie Iran, Syria and Saudia Arabia and used to be Iraq etc.
Machine gunning pregnant women? Tugging at the heartstrings, aren’t we? In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, far more pregnant women and children have been killed BY Israelis than Palestinians. The Israeli PR likes to say how they are not killing indescriminately, but the statistics and foreign media show otherwise. The mere fact that Israelis launch missiles into heavily populated areas (either buildings or trafic) to “assasinate” a specific person, which they know will result in the deaths of all civilians surrounding their target is proof enough. Since 2000, 111 Israeli children have been killed, while 590 Palestinians have been killed. For a breakdown of how they were killed on both sides, you can go here.Imagine how holocaust survivors feel when they see Germans and give good will grants to Hamas who is a prime fighting force against Israel. The thought of palestians cheering when they machine gun pregnant women and children makes me sick just imagine how the survivors of the holocaust feel about it.
The wall was built both ON and THROUGH Palestinian territory. It si not following the agreed boundaries at all. This is the reason the International Court at the Hague has declared it ilegal. It was an arbitrary decision made by the Likud party and fat man. It is a myth that the wall is preventing suicide bombings and other terrorist infiltrations. There were two such actions carried out within the last 2 weeks.I think Israel has adopted a policy that arguablly is already saving lives, the wisdom to unilaterally declare the new border last agreed to by YA in earlier negotiations, build a wall to keep the killers out and live in peace as best you can has already been credited with the near elimination of terrorist attacks and the need for reprisals. Once security can reasonably be achieved then perphaps Christain and other minority rights abuses will be better heeded.
Your conclusions are invalid because you ignore the manner in which both sides are conducting themeslves in the conflict as a matter of policy.Machine gunning pregnant women? Tugging at the heartstrings, aren’t we? …The Israeli PR likes to say how they are not killing indescriminately, but the statistics and foreign media show otherwise.
. Absolutely no credible observer believes that Israel uses it weapons indiscriminatly. The fact that they repeatedly select only the smallest scale munitions demonstrates a profound desire to minimise death and damage to palestian civilians. The same can not be said for the palestian fighter.The mere fact that Israelis launch missiles into heavily populated areas (either buildings or trafic) to “assasinate” a specific person, which they know will result in the deaths of all civilians surrounding their target is proof enough
The fact that there never has been a legitmate palestian state makes the above statesments impossible to defend and basiclly just more of the same propoganda.The wall was built both ON and THROUGH Palestinian territory. It is not following the agreed boundaries at all.
When the palestian fighters wage a war of extermination against the Israelis horrible things happen including abuses against minorities. To claim that any religious minority is better off in a islamic dictatorship/revolutionary state then a liberal democray is so wrong that it makes a mockery history and sound moral and intellectual development. Christains are fleeing every muslim state in droves be it lebanon, pakistan, idonessia, sudan etc. to suggest that palestian christains will enjoy more human rights under a muslim dictatorship is highly speculative and without much credibility.I used to believe the Israeli government was the lesser of two evils for the Christians. Now, I don’t believe that at all.
Jordan never HAD a legitimate claim on the land to begin with. The West Bank belongs to the Palestinians, seperate from Jordan, according to the U.N. mandate that both Jordan and Israel ignored. Before the Israelis took the West Bank, the Palestinian militias were fighting against Jordan, and that’s the reason Jordan has not sought to reclaim the land from Israel.Jordan has already made peace with Israel and gave up all claims to the West Bank. As such it seems to me that the West Bank belongs to, protectorate of, Israel under international law as conquerred territory as a result of defensive military actions.
One was never allowed to develop because of the surrounding Arab states and Israel going after the land immediately after the U.N. order came down. Palestine was always intended to be a seperate state, but the states of Jordan and Egypt annexed it illegaly in their war with Israel.The fact that there never has been a legitmate palestian state makes the above statesments impossible to defend and basiclly just more of the same propoganda.
No, my conclusions are valid. You are just unwilling to see the truth through your own brainwashed vision. You say no “credible” observer thinks Israel does not use it’s weapons Indescriminately. I guess Amnesty International or the Vatican is not “credible” enough for you.Your conclusions are invalid because you ignore the manner in which both sides are conducting themeslves in the conflict as a matter of policy.
LOL! So in one breath you laud the Israelis for building a wall on the 1967 borders then when you find out they have breached these borders, you say, “uih…well, see…that’s OK because…”The fact that there never has been a legitmate palestian state makes the above statesments impossible to defend and basiclly just more of the same propoganda. .
This is probably the one and only point we can agree upon. No, I do not condone the death of innocents. At the hands of any Palestinian terrorists or Israelis.I hope we both can agree on one point that no rational person desires the innocent death of so many people caught in the middle of a war.
No, we cannot change history. That is such a profound statement I think I will lay awake tonight. You are truly a philosopher on par with Nietsche for that one. But while we cannot change history, we can seek to address present injustices. As long as the Israelis and Jews continue to play the victim card (and they have been the clear agressors for over 2 decades now, ask any Lebanese if you don’t know about this) then they will never win international sympathy or legitimacy for their actions.Unfortunatley nothing can change the historical record that Israel is the victim of an attack from enemies bent on its extermination.
Typical Americath propaganda. Who is supporting terrorists? Not me. You think in a very shallow 2 dimensional way: “Either you support Israel or you support terrorists.” Just to let you know, not all Palestinians are terrorists. For instance, during the Israeli seige at Bethlehem (which the Vatican denounced as Israeli agression) the PA fighters fought the Israelis conventionally. The terrorists who commit suicide bombings are not part of the PA government (although one can draw conclusions that YA tacitly supports their actions). I support Palestinian Christians and their right to live unpersecuted in Israel and the PA. You seem to support Israel doing whatever it wants because they can justify it due to an historical persecution.To support an unjust use of military power demonstrates a poor grasp of natural law and Christian morality. Christians can never support murderers that target unarmed students in university cafeterias or commuters on buses. These immoral and illegal choices of the Palestinian fighters are never defendable by Christians.
You don’t get to tell me what the Vatican says or doesn’t say on the subject. I am far more in tune to this than you are obviously. I read L’Osservatore Romano consistently. The Vatican has stressed on numerous occasions, specifically during the seige at Bethlehem when many unarmed Christians were killed by Israelis, that Israel was clearly the agressor in the conflict and asked for a cessation to all conflict on both sides. And just so you know, that incursion into PA territory had nothing to do with any suicide bombing.The Vatican on numerous occasions has concluded that Palestinians must stop killing Israelis if diplomatic normality’s are to proceed.
Then you are living in a dream world that has no basis in reality. What “credible evidence” do you have to support this? The fact that Israel continues to build a wall against the UN’s ruling? The fact that Israel has invaded a sovereign state (Lebanon) and kidnapped people, holding them for decades incommunicato? The fact that Israel continued to build settlements in PA lands long after the Oslo accords? Is this the “evidence” you are referring to? Because if it is, you are once again confusing evidence with your own baseless personal feelings on the subject.All credible evidence indicates that Israel would behave as any other democracies behave if its population were assured of peace and security.
Just recently he saidDespite the recent setbacks on the road to peace and fresh outbreaks of violence and injustice, we must continue to affirm that peace is possible and that the resolution of differences can only come about through the patient dialogue and persevering commitment of people of good will on both sides. Terrorism must be condemned in all its forms for it is not only a betrayal of our common humanity, but is absolutely incapable of laying the necessary political, moral and spiritual foundations for a people’s freedom and authentic self-determination.,
To argue that the central problem undermining the diplomatic efforts for justice and peace is Israel’s reactions to terrorism, is simplly wrong and is not what the Catholic Church believes.“The scourge of terrorism has become more virulent in recent years and has produced brutal massacres which have in turn put even greater obstacles in the way of dialogue and negotiation, increasing tensions and aggravating problems, especially in the Middle East.”
I will state it again and again.I used to believe the Israeli government was the lesser of two evils for the Christians. Now, I don’t believe that at all.
God BlessThere is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Israel were at peace with its neighbors then Christians in Israel and Palestine would be better off. The only reason why there is no peace now is because the Palestinian fighters want the destruction of Israel.
Actually, given your consistently patronising tone and regurgitation of baseless propganda, I have actually been quite charitable with you.Your last post lacks civility and is clearly vitriolic. It’s too bad you feel the need to be so petty in your characterizations of those who disagree with you.
Well, there, you’ve earned your daily “DUH!” Of course the Vatican supports the existence of the state of Israel, and denounces terrorism in all its forms, as should we all. I also support the existence of Israel, but that doesn’t mean I support Sharon or his regime.You need to learn to separate a regime and the people who live within it. I realise this may be a heady concept for you, but give it a day or two.An entrenched anti-Israeli stance is not and has never been the catholic position, on the contrary the church has always called on Arab Catholics to be loyal citizens of Israel, as Patriarch Michel Sabbah made that point at the recent chapter of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, held in Amman.
Sad. Now you are given to pulling out fictitious statements out of your hat. Where is there any doctrine of the church on Israel’s peace in the world? Where has the church issued any binding statements on Israel’s diplomatic efforts? Don’t tell me what “the church believes”. I am more Orthodox on this or any other subject than you will ever be.To argue that the central problem undermining the diplomatic efforts for justice and peace is Israel’s reactions to terrorism, is simplly wrong and is not what the Catholic Church believes.
You mean when the pope said:On more than one occasion you misrepresented my positions, in particlular I have never said or implied that I support everything Israel does however I do take my cue from the pope and his assessment of the situation.
No, you are a liar. It is YOU who do not agree with the Pope (who last I heard heads the church, FYI) on the issue of the Wall AND the Israeli treatment of Palestinians. I will restate: you are a typical Americath. You pick and choose what is convenient for you, then say the pope is “wrong” or misquote things to suite your agenda. I am betting you also supported America going to war in Iraq when the Pope clearly condemned it. I’m right, aren’t I?Unfortunately you don’t agree
with the church, your public position is completely the opposite of what the church teaches.