People have different opinions and perspectives, don’t let it trouble you
To be clear; Anything that people have invested time, love and passion into - are worthy of respect.
Many people the world over are gamers. They play games, from football down to games like these (electronic or whatever else).
They foster co-operation, understanding and have even helped people learn about cultures they once thought hostile.
I know this, having spent years on what the British and American armed forces call ‘hearts and minds’ campaigning.
To bond with the people on the ground and show them that they matter. A common element of humanity.
I have lived through more Brutality and war than most can imagine. I’m not asking for pity, it’s to highlight that my experience is of truly awful places.
And in the midst of that; games brought light, where there hadn’t been any for a long, long time! Hard to believe that I played Halo on Xbox in Baghdad only months after Saddam fell!
So please do think in a more open way. This is not a world where people should be bullied for what they love. Instead they should be encouraged to learn.
Because let me tell you something ‘mr real world only’.
Those games programmers, many ot them have gone on to make medical and scientific technology that has saved thousands, if not millions of lives across the globe.
No mean feat.
Don’t neglect reality. Certainly that is not healthy. But don’t let fear of that cause you to avoid engaging in people’s fun. Nor reaching out and meeting them in a way that can build bridges. To
Not do so is such a big loss
Games are for everyone.