Who in your life is a fallen away/non-practicing Catholic?

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Basically my whole family, Except for uncle and aunty in Vegas and a cousin and aunty in Hawaii. The rest of them just look at me and my family and give me that look. You know the look, the you think you are better than all of us look. Funny they give me that look and then they ask me to do all the prayers at gatherings.
To start with there’s my husbands sister who married several times and doesn’t like the Catholic rules in order to validate her marriage so has joined her son’s evangelical style church. It’s much easier I guess. There there’s 3 of our 5 children… :confused: our oldest girl,40 now and stuggling with cancer, became mormon 20 years ago, and has 3 little girls… then as a result our oldest son, 38, rejected all religion and I really can’t blame him what with all the arguements that were flying around at the time of his sisters conversion. His teens boys weren’t raised in any faith. The last is our youngest son who is basically just lazy about his faith and doesn’t think it’s very cool. At 28 he’s too old for that attitude. He needs a good Catholic woman to influence him. We have 2 daughters, 36 and 35, who are active Catholics…they both work for our Catholic school here and the one’s 4 kids go to or have graduated from it. Unfortunately her husband…sort of mormon…left her recently after 18 years of marriage. It’s a really tough situation. 😦 The other’s kids are still too young and she’s considering Catholic homeschooling. Her husband is a non-practicing Catholic.
I wasn’t Catholic when we married in the Catholic church but converted after we moved to Utah from Calif. 35 years ago. My husband returned to the sacraments some time after our Marriage Encounter week-end, 30 years ago. I’m a secular Carmelite now. 👍
In His Love…M.A.
Two of my three brothers on no longer practicing Catholics. 😦

All of my four sisters have left the Catholic Church for other religions. 😦

My Dad is non longer a practicing Catholic. 😦

I continue to pray for them everyday for their conversion back to Christ’s church.

In the meantime, my wife and I hope to make up for these losses with strong Catholic children of our own (five down, one to go). We try to bring our Catholic faith into everything we do and pray together often. 🙂

Pray for us!

Sorry to hear about that, I believe in prays and hopefully your husband will come back.

God Bless
Saint Andrew.
loveCatholic, I think I will join your support group at Yahoo.

I indeed am married to a semi-fallen away Catholic. My story is much too long here, but sufficed to say, we married at a courthouse when we both were fallen away, and since then I came back to the Church in full, then we married in the Church, but he says he only did that to please me, not to become some holier than person, like he says I am.

I admit I am a judgmental person, it is one of my biggest flaws, and coming back to the Church has probably made me be more sensitive to sin, kinda scrupulous, and it is just very hard to explain. But I guess I have an excuse to not being more active in the Church than I am now, or was even last year. When I pick at his flaws and failings, and he ignores or retreats from the “teaching” I have given him, I feel like maybe I am not a good CAtholic, so if not so good, then why bother doing any more in the Church? It is stupid, but I feel stuck, and I hate feeling stuck. I would love for both of us to join some groups at Church and get involved and do things with other Catholics, but he has no desire to do that, and doing things by myself seems like the opposite of what a family should do to get closer. So I don’t know, I am stuck and unhappy, bigtime.

I also have fallen away siblings, and MANY fallen away friends and coworkers. It is sad. Divorce and the secular society have destroyed many cradle Catholic’s ideas of what is God’s will…and I am a living example of what not to do when your spouse is not interested in religion, spirituality, or even prayer. Don’t nag them, it doesn’t work, and often makes things worse.

I’m a secular Carmelite now. 👍
In His Love…M.A.
grandmama, what is a secular Carmelite? How do you become one? And what requirements are there in your daily and spiritual life?

Just curious.

Both of my brothers have turned their backs on the faith. But, I must admit that they were not ever strong. Our mother did not really teach us much in the way of faith.
Our priest has warned me that family is rarely called to preach to family. He says to pray and be patient and not to try to ‘convert’ anyone unless the opportunity drops in my lap!
Interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it put like that. I am not sure that everyone would agree with that statement…?? Any thoughts?
My husband returned to the sacraments some time after our Marriage Encounter week-end, 30 years ago. I’m a secular Carmelite now. 👍
In His Love…M.A.
How did you get him to go to the Marriage Encounter if he was a fallen away Catholic? Just curious…!!!
In the meantime, my wife and I hope to make up for these losses with strong Catholic children of our own (five down, one to go). We try to bring our Catholic faith into everything we do and pray together often. 🙂

Pray for us!
It is wonderful that you pray together. I think that is one of the key elements of a strong marriage. It’s one of the things I miss most since my husband has fallen away.
loveCatholic, I think I will join your support group at Yahoo.

I indeed am married to a semi-fallen away Catholic. My story is much too long here, but sufficed to say, we married at a courthouse when we both were fallen away, and since then I came back to the Church in full, then we married in the Church, but he says he only did that to please me, not to become some holier than person, like he says I am.

I admit I am a judgmental person, it is one of my biggest flaws, and coming back to the Church has probably made me be more sensitive to sin, kinda scrupulous, and it is just very hard to explain. But I guess I have an excuse to not being more active in the Church than I am now, or was even last year. When I pick at his flaws and failings, and he ignores or retreats from the “teaching” I have given him, I feel like maybe I am not a good CAtholic, so if not so good, then why bother doing any more in the Church? It is stupid, but I feel stuck, and I hate feeling stuck. I would love for both of us to join some groups at Church and get involved and do things with other Catholics, but he has no desire to do that, and doing things by myself seems like the opposite of what a family should do to get closer. So I don’t know, I am stuck and unhappy, bigtime.

I also have fallen away siblings, and MANY fallen away friends and coworkers. It is sad. Divorce and the secular society have destroyed many cradle Catholic’s ideas of what is God’s will…and I am a living example of what not to do when your spouse is not interested in religion, spirituality, or even prayer. Don’t nag them, it doesn’t work, and often makes things worse.

I struggle with scrupulosity too. It can be very painful. I will pray for you and your husband. God bless!
My little brother and far far too many friends are non-practicing Catholics
I’m surprised that siblings wasn’t a seperate choice. My brother and sister-in-law, as far as I know, are still gone from the Church.
I pray for them every night to come back.
Sorry, that would be a good choice! Guess I don’t think of it as readily since I am an only child! I’m sure there are many cases where one sibling is fallen away, but another is not.

God bless!
My husband just decided tonight he doesn’t want to wear his wedding ring. He has done this a few times before, and it is very upsetting to me. Please pray for him. Please pray for us. Thank you.
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