You know, I’m mistaken; I didn’t read the link, but assumed that it had to do with a controversy concerning the eternal sonship of Christ.If he has the conviction that what he said is wrong, then I’m glad he repented of that. But, to be honest with you, unless I’m just misunderstanding what he said, I don’t really see much of a problem with it.
I’m always a little leary of people who have to go back thirty-five years to find something they don’t like, but I’m happy to say that what MacArthur teaches today is right on the money.
There was, in fact, no controversy concerning the Blood of Christ, I had forgotten about that, and agree with you; MacArthur said nothing wrong with that, so there was no retraction.
It wasn’t a retraction, but, Here.Do you have any references that show he retracted that?