Who is John MacArthur?

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If he has the conviction that what he said is wrong, then I’m glad he repented of that. But, to be honest with you, unless I’m just misunderstanding what he said, I don’t really see much of a problem with it.

I’m always a little leary of people who have to go back thirty-five years to find something they don’t like, but I’m happy to say that what MacArthur teaches today is right on the money.
You know, I’m mistaken; I didn’t read the link, but assumed that it had to do with a controversy concerning the eternal sonship of Christ.

There was, in fact, no controversy concerning the Blood of Christ, I had forgotten about that, and agree with you; MacArthur said nothing wrong with that, so there was no retraction.
Do you have any references that show he retracted that?
It wasn’t a retraction, but, Here.
In order to understand the MacArthur Study Bible in its Protestant context, it might help to realize that a number of other scholars have done the same through the years. The practice goes back almost as far as printing itself, and there’s a case to be made that the Massoretes did the same thing by adding vowel points to the Hebrew text. In every case, the goal is to provide help to the reader.

Catholic writers have done the same. I cannot say what place the notes occupy in a Catholic reader’s mind, but Protestants such as MacArthur emphasize that their notes are not to be taken as authoritative.

Thus understood, it’s a benign action.
“Council of Trent said: “If anyone says the blessed apostle Peter was not constituted by Christ our Lord prince of all apostles and visible head of the church, a primacy of honor and true jurisdiction, let him be anathema.” So you’re damned if you assault the priesthood, and you’re damned if you assault the papacy of Peter. According to Christ’s law in their dogma – and I’m drawing most of this from a book by Ludwig Ott. It’s called Catholic Dogma. It is one of their own systematic theology books which I have read through the years.”

This can be found in the original link posted where we could see what he had to say. Would anyone agree with his interpretation? Going a little further, IS anyone damned who questions what Trent had to say on this issue?
MacArthur (and all such anti-Catholics that repeatedly dig up this old bone) are operating on a false premise since they misunderstand what the Church means by anathema.

So you won’t ever have to make the same mistake, here’s the scoop:


Does that help? 🙂
This was an interesting discussion. It is a pity I’ve come to it almost 9 years too late to participate.

Have any of you heard about the recent conference hosted by John Macarthur called Strange Fire?

Do you see his critique of Charismatic and Pentecostal practises and theology as applicable to any of the Catholic Charismatic movement?
To return us to the thread at hand, John MacArthur is the head pastor at Grace Community Church here in Southern California (Sun Valley). He is broadcast here in San Diego at 8 a.m., so I get to hear him fairly often. The biggest issue with him is not so much that he teaches a lot of error, but rather his ego. If you listen to him over time, as I have, I suspect that you would be amazed at the amount of pride that he has. I think this pride, as pride does for all of us, blinds him from the truth.

Granted, not everything he teaches is wrong, but a lot has subtle shades of error built in.
Excellent Point!

It seems macArthur despises Catholicism so much because he sees their authentic claim of authority as in conflict to his. He wants to be the Pope of Protestantism and his ego drives him. He makes no qualms about being the end all on doctrine. He even had started his own seminary.

He is a rabid anti catholic
He also thinks maricles stopped happening when the last apostles passed away
He is in a huge fight with mark Driscoll right now and Steve Gregg
Go figure he is in a fight with them…two other authoritarians. Driscoll had the nerve to write a book called, “Doctrine; What a Christians should believe”.

He apparently believes he has the authority to declare “what Christians should believe”

It’s the battle of the Protestant “popes”
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