I actually had a somewhat funny experience with a woman I assume to have been a “born-again” Protestant. I was getting on a bus and noticed this woman smiling at me. At first I thought maybe she knew me from somewhere–a former student of mine who I sometimes run into–and then, when she kept smiling but said nothing, I thought maybe she was trying to pick me up, and I was kind of flattered, especially at my age since she was much younger. So I couldn’t avoid sitting next to her, and then it happened. Still smiling, she asked me if I knew Jesus. Normally, I might have said nothing, but, not wanting to appear impolite or unfriendly, I engaged her in a brief conversation about my own faith. She then insisted that the NT is the promise of the OT, and that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and the only means to salvation. She seemed to want me to convert on the spot. Since I had reached my stop, she told me she would pray for me, and I returned the favor. This was my most recent experience with a born-again Christian.