Who is your Saint?

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My Patron Saint (St. Wojciech, aka St. Adalbert), bishop, martyr. Was killed while converting pagans (territories of East Prussia) in Xth century.
And soon to be St. John Paul II
I claim all of the Teresas but right now I am learning so much from Teresa of Avila and my blessed mother.
St Pio (Padre Pio) my confirmation name. He helped guide me into the church and ever since. I also ask St Anthony to watch over and intercede for my grandkids.
Did you know that St. Pio accepts the entire family of his Spiritual Child? I think that is so great. He is definately a power-saint. 👍
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is my Patroness Saint, however i feel very close to Saint Michael and to Saint Jude and Saint Raphael because of my nightmares. Saint Elizabeth Ann was an adult American Convert just like me so i was drawn to her right away.
Oh, so many! To pick one, it’d have to be…

St. Therese! :cool:
In this order:
The Blessed Mother
Saint Philomena
Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Jude Thaddeus
Saint Rita of Cascia
Blessed Margaret of Castelo
Our Blessed Mother is first, then there is St. Therese the Little Flower, St. Michael and Archangel, and St. Raphael the Archangel.
St. Bernadette
St. Therese the Little Flower
St. Barbara

Also, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Joseph of Cupterino lend a hand as needed. 🙂
St Helen is my patron saint.

I love Padre Pio (who doesn’t?)

and the Cure of Ars, St. John Vianney for humbleness and simplicity
Anthony's Mom:
I claim all of the Teresa’s but right now I am learning so much from Teresa of Avila and my blessed mother.
Same here, but both Carmelite Doctors are the ones teaching me a lot lately.

I’d also a recent devotion that’s grown on me to the Three Seers of Fatima, Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia.

For confirmation this year I chose Ignatius - both Ignatius of Antioch and Ignatius Loyola.

Now I am totally in love with St Faustina for all sorts of reasons, even though I haven’t even finished her diary yet.
St. Rose of Lima is my Confirmation saint…she was my grandmother’s saint and her middle name, and I was born at Rose Hospital…I’m also very in love with St. Anne, my grandmother’s first name and the patron saint of Brittany, which is my name…I love them both, I think they’re two of the most beautiful women of Christ I know
Saint Joseph, Foster Father of Our Lord, Protector of the Mother of God, and Saints Thomas `a Becket and Thomas More.
The Blessed Mother
my patron Saint Mary Magdalane
Saint Michael the Archangel, Padre Pio, and Saint Benedict because of my nightmares
Saint Joseph is my husbands patron and has proven himself to be a most faithful benefactor
Saint Thomas, the Apostle. Because I also doubt sometimes.

Under the Mercy,
St. Michael the Archangel –

Because if all you do in today’s culture is simply live a Catholic and pro-life life, you are going to face opposition and ostracism. If you actually state your beliefs publicly and people see that you do in fact live according to your beliefs, you are going to face even more emboldened forms of persecution. And when it comes to the war against terrorism, who better to call on for angelic help?
“For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” – Ephesians 6:12
I am named after St. Gerard Majella, with Mary as my middle name, and took St. Francis of Assisi as my patron saint at confirmation. I have a great respect and affection for St. Teresa of Avilla, St. Catherine of Genoa, St. Therese the Little Flower, St. Louis de Montfort and St. Philip Neri. I am presently reading “The Life and Doctrine of St. Catherine of Genoa” and find it fascinating.

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