Who Likes Star Wars?

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Gottle of Geer said:
## Tolkien’s characters inhabit a world of of detailed and elaborate languages and history and geography; it is a three-dimensional world, which lives even when one is not reading the books. The world of “Star Wars” is a world of cardboard characters & formulaic violence, which is instantly forgettable and instantly forgotten once one leaves the cinema. There is no reason for the characters to have their names - in Tolkien’s world, names mean something. Tolkien’s creations are mythopoetic; those of Star Wars, are artificial, and they show it. ##

I’m a huge fan of the Tolkien universe so I know what you’re referring to there, but are you sure you’re talking about the same Star Wars that we are? The one where fans were impatiently waiting for over 10 years for the next movie? How do you get instantly forgetten out of the Star Wars fandom? If anything, it’s been the most loved fandom by the largest amount of individuals. And there are reasons behind several of the names–Darth Vader, for one–and that’s a huge one!
As long as Jar-Jar dies in this one I will be happy. If Darth wipes the slate clean of the first two movies all will be well in the world…
I agree, It only proves that Lucas didnt write parts 1-3. You hit the nail on the head.
Actually, I watch the first Star Wars (or was that the 6th. episode) in 1978.
It was good and exciting, but after that I lost interest byt he time the next movie in 1980 came out.
You know, I don’t think there are any of the Star Wars movies I don’t greatly enjoy watching (with the possible exception of Episode I, simply because we own it and, consequently, I’ve seen it waaay too much), including the two prequels, as (seriously) flawed as they are.
I’m quite looking forward to Episode III, as it looks like it may have some substance along with the eye candy. Some students at the high school my dad teaches at got a hold of a big, hairy lump of tickets for the opening day and were giving them out to people, and my dad got a hold of two for the both of us, so we get to be nerds and see it on opening day.
As long as Jar-Jar dies in this one I will be happy. If Darth wipes the slate clean of the first two movies all will be well in the world…
I agree, but it’s too bad that it’s practically illegal to kill off comic relief characters (no matter how irritating they are). Jar-Jar ain’t gonna bite it, but I still entertain this image in my head, in which Jar-Jar is floated out in front of the Death Star with it’s tractor beam, and, as he floats there, Anakin glides up in his new, evil ship, and blasts him to glorious smithereenies (oh, and for a final, morbid touch: As the laser beam from Anakin’s ship comes screaming toward Jar-Jar, he let’s out a death cry of “OOOOHHHH NOOOOO!!!”, Mr. Bill style).
Big Star Wars fan here, and big Darth Vader fan as well. Only a few more days to go before Episode III. Can’t wait to see how Darth Vader came about. Hopefully this one will really be promising, as we saw somewhat of a preview of this in the final moments of Episode II.
Dispite having two rather fair prequal trilogies, mainly because of Jar Jar Binks. I favor the Original Trilogy
I believe I am the last remaining person on the planet who has not seen a single Star Wars Movie.
carol marie:
I believe I am the last remaining person on the planet who has not seen a single Star Wars Movie.
That’s bad. You’re missing out a lot.
It’s HERESY!!!

One must stick only to the revealed truths, and that’s Star Trek (only the live action stuff; the novels are not part of the deposit of truth).

Capt. Porthos E. Leven.
Commanding Officer
USS Beagle
I just don’t get the whole Star Wars thing. The first movie was OK, when I as a kid. I now find it basically unwatchable. The second movie was much more mature. The third movie with the guerilla warfare teddy bears was awful, and after that I’ve never gone back. The way some (not all) fall over themselves about these movies is a little creepy and cultic–sometimes I wonder how many fans have flocked to the last couple of entrees because they actually liked the films, or is it because they have developed a sort of blind devotion to the Lucas universe.

I happen to love Star Trek, but I am willing to admit that there are some real stinkers in that franchise (both in the TV episodes and the movies).
Like another poster said, Star Wars is good, but Star Trek ROCKS!! 👍
I love Star Wars…it is the only Sci-Fi I can stomach…I think they are great movies…on a side note, I love that new commercial where the guy is doing a Pepsi scratch off and it says he has won 1,000,000 dollars…then his doorbell rings and it is Darth Vader who says, “Jason, I am your Father” (I believe he calls him Jason…and if anyone has seen the older Star Wars movies, they will see the humor in this)…and the guy says, “No you aren’t, you just want my money”…then Darth Vader pauses and says, “Jason, I am your uncle”…but the guy slams the door on him while he is saying that last line…I thought it was hilarious.

What am I missing?
I love Star Wars…it is the only Sci-Fi I can stomach…I think they are great movies…on a side note, I love that new commercial where the guy is doing a Pepsi scratch off and it says he has won 1,000,000 dollars…then his doorbell rings and it is Darth Vader who says, “Jason, I am your Father” (I believe he calls him Jason…and if anyone has seen the older Star Wars movies, they will see the humor in this)…and the guy says, “No you aren’t, you just want my money”…then Darth Vader pauses and says, “Jason, I am your uncle”…but the guy slams the door on him while he is saying that last line…I thought it was hilarious.
Don’t forget the classic Spaceballs line:

Dark Helmet: Before you die there is something you should know about us, Lone Star.
Lone Starr: What?
Dark Helmet: I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.
Lone Starr: What’s that make us?
Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become.”
Anakin, you must release what you fear to loose.

Sounds Catholic to me.
I liked all of the Star Wars movies, even the ones that supposedly sucked… a couple of the characters -Jar jar binks and the 2 young Anakins (kid and teenager) sucked big time, but the movies still rocked… the space critters are way cool and the special effects still rocks…
Only the original Star Treks are watchable. The spinoffs are tough to stomach - if it doesn’t have Scotty, McCoy or Spock in it, I don’t want to see it… I know, it’s heresy, my brother in law loves them all.
Anakin, you must release what you fear to loose.

Sounds Catholic to me.
Or, “There is no hate, there is love.”

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
carol marie:
I believe I am the last remaining person on the planet who has not seen a single Star Wars Movie.
You will be in for a real treat IF you ever get around to watching them. The first one Star Wars (Episode 4) really is, still the best one, followed closely by Epidode 5 -Empire Strikes Back…

But you really should see them on the big screen if possible (the bigger the better). There is nothing more impressive than seeing the Star Destroyer come across a big screen. IT’s like the opening scene in 2001 Space Odessey.

It really is worth all the hype, and well worth the few hours spent watching them. Let us know what you think if you ever get around to it.
My husband and I dated as teenagers. We saw “Return of the Jedi” together. When we got back together as adults, Episode I was released. We were thrilled! It reminds us of our childhood and dating as teenagers. I know it sounds corny but not only do we love the films, they kind of have extra special meaning to us. Yeah, we’re geeks, we know. But we’re geeks together!

You will be in for a real treat IF you ever get around to watching them. The first one Star Wars (Episode 4) really is, still the best one, followed closely by Epidode 5 -Empire Strikes Back…

But you really should see them on the big screen if possible (the bigger the better). There is nothing more impressive than seeing the Star Destroyer come across a big screen. IT’s like the opening scene in 2001 Space Odessey.

It really is worth all the hype, and well worth the few hours spent watching them. Let us know what you think if you ever get around to it.
The rumor now is they will all be re-released in 2007 in 3-D.
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