Nan S:
When Episode I was released, some guy who had waited in line for days was quoted in our paper as saying, “I don’t need religion. I’ve got Star Wars!”
I can’t help wondering if he’d like to spend eternity watching Star Wars over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over . . .
There is something to be said for this.I do enjoy the movies - always have - and will probably see #3 on the first or second weekend.
I was very distubed, however, by a national magazine interview George Lucas did at the time The Empire Strikes Back was released. In that interview, Lucas revealed that he was a New Age practioner - he really did believe all that stuff about an “all-powerful force” which could be accessed by anyone who had the spark.
What better way is there to draw our kids away from Jesus than to package New Age beliefs glamourously? As a 20-year-old in 1979, The Force was VERY appealing to me and my friends.
Consequently, when the original trilogy was re-released in 1997 and I was a parent, I had serious discussions with my kids about understanding the difference between spiritual truth and New Age fantasy before I let them see it.
When Episode I was released, some guy who had waited in line for days was quoted in our paper as saying, “I don’t need religion. I’ve got Star Wars!”
I can’t help wondering if he’d like to spend eternity watching Star Wars over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over . . .