What is your religion?
Why do you choose to practice a non-Catholic religion?
Why do you choose to practice a non-Catholic religion?
Religion: a system of belief; an order of worship;I dont see my self as following a religion unless you mean christianity is a religion. I consider my self a christian who is a follower of Jesus Christ. I see it more as a intimate relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. I see christianity as a body of christians and not any set denomination.God Bless.
How is the poll “loaded”? My understanding was that EO is in schism with the Roman Catholic church, and they choose to call themselves Orthodox instead of Catholic. You could say they’re catholic, but you can’t say they’re Catholic anymore than you can call Anglicans Catholic. - This is my understanding, but I am real new to this…Christianity is not a religion. It is a Person, Jesus Christ, who supplants religion in the hearts of His Elect.
My Christian denomination is Anglican, because of God’s grace and mercy.
By the way: Eastern Orthodoxy is a Catholic denomination. It’s just not a Roman Catholic denomination.
Someone here at Catholic Answers needs to conduct a class on how to create polls which don’t contain ‘loaded’ questions. No offense intended.
Hi Cubby, I prefer this style because by keeping your eyes on Jesus and the Holy Spirit as the Teacher how can I go wrong. All I have to do is what His Word has instucted. The bible is all that I believe is necessary to live a Christian life. Please understand that im not ignorant to the fact that He left us the Five Fold Ministies. God Bless.Religion: a system of belief; an order of worship;
So, you’re non-denominational? Is there scripture or tradition that backs up your conviction to worship Christ outside of a structured denomination? Why do you prefer this style of Christianity?
I know an Orthodox priest who will not refer to himself as Catholic, only Orthodox. Anyway, where in the Bible can I find the “other cases” where relifion is referred to as a contrast to the true worship of God?Orthodox are Catholics. And Anglicans are ‘catholic’ with a small ‘c’, at least in many cases. And the word ‘religion’ is employed in a neutral sense in only one passage of Scripture, in James. In all other cases it is referred to disparagingly and contrasted with the true worship of God.
Allrighty, you may not be ignorant of the Five Fold Ministries, but I sure am! Will you enlighten me?Hi Cubby, I prefer this style because by keeping your eyes on Jesus and the Holy Spirit as the Teacher how can I go wrong. All I have to do is what His Word has instucted. The bible is all that I believe is necessary to live a Christian life. Please understand that im not ignorant to the fact that He left us the Five Fold Ministies. God Bless.
Since the Bible doesn’t make that claim, why do you believe it?Hi Cubby, I prefer this style because by keeping your eyes on Jesus and the Holy Spirit as the Teacher how can I go wrong. All I have to do is what His Word has instucted. The bible is all that I believe is necessary to live a Christian life.
Hi Cubby. I would not want to keep you in darkness.Allrighty, you may not be ignorant of the Five Fold Ministries, but I sure am! Will you enlighten me?
If you are a member of the Jewish faith, your religion was founded by Abraham about 4,000 years ago.
If you are Hindu, your religion developed in India around l,500 B.C.
If you are a Buddhist, your religion split from Hinduism and was founded by Buddha, Prince Siddhartha Gautama of India, about 500 B.C.
If you are Roman Catholic, Jesus Christ began your religion in the year A.D. 30.
If you are Islamic, Mohammed started your religion in what is now Saudi Arabia around A.D. 600.
If you are Eastern Orthodox, your sect separated from Roman Catholicism around the year 1054.
If you are Lutheran, your religion was founded by Martin Luther, an ex-monk in the Catholic Church, in 1517.
If you belong to the Church of England (Anglican), your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.
If you are a Presbyterian, your religion was founded when John Knox brought the teachings of John Calvin to Scotland in the Year 1560.
If you are Unitarian, your group developed in Europe in the 1500s.
If you are a Congregationalist, your religion branched off Puritanism in the early 1600s in England.
If you are a Baptist, you owe the tenets of your religion to John Smyth, who launched it in Amsterdam in 1607.
If you are a Methodist, your religion was founded by John and Charles Wesley in England in 1744.
If you are an Episcopalian, your religion came from England to the American colonies. It formed a separate religion founded by Samuel Seabury in 1789.
Hi Jay,You are right that the apostles did not walk with a bible in hand,but they did walk with Christ who was the Word. I praise God that today we do have Gods written Word called the Bible.Okay so you want to give Catholics the praise for putting it into a book form. Im with you on that.But the fact is the Bible is sufficiant to meet all our needs if we take all that is written and put it into practice.He also left us with the Five Fold Ministries to help us.God Bless.Since the Bible doesn’t make that claim, why do you believe it?
Christ didn’t leave us a book when He returned to heaven. He left us a Church (Mt 16:18-19). He expects his followers to belong to the Church that he founded for the salvation of the world; the Church is His representative on earth. The Church speaks for Chirst (Luke 10:16). The Church wrote the New Testament. Neither the NT nor the Bible existed as we know them until the Church was nearly 400 years old.
The Catholic Church did not come out of the Bible, as all Protestant churches do. The Bible came out of the Church.
A little knowledge of history does a person a world of good. Sola Scriptura is a fallacy.
Protestants blame the Holy Spirit for each of the thousands of conflicting and competent denominations by claiming that the Holy Spirit leads everyone to the “truth.” Well, if the Spirit didn’t lead the 7th Day Adventists or the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Mormons or the Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists to the “truth,” what makes you think he’s leading you?
Matthew 16:18The Roman Catholic church is NOT the church founded by jesus. Jesus didn’t found any church, his diciples did.
Those who were around at the time (The Early Church Fathers) disagree with you - and I believe they know better than you do:Until about AD 300 "catholic (lower-case “c”) was used to describe the universal body of Christians. Then a cult called Roman Catholic (upper-case "C’) was founded.
If you want to know the truth, immerse yourself in first-century history as I did. You could start with The Founding of Christendom, Volume I of a 6-volume history of Christianity written by Warren H. Carroll, the distinguished Columbia-trained historian and founder of Christendom College, one of the 10 best liberal arts colleges in the U.S.PART 2 OF 2
Very entertaining, however very insulting. The Roman Catholic church is NOT the church founded by jesus. Jesus didn’t found any church, his diciples did. Until about AD 300 "catholic (lower-case “c”) was used to describe the universal body of Christians. Then a cult called Roman Catholic (upper-case "C’) was founded.
“”""If you are an atheist, you do not believe in the existence of God.
–End of Article""""
They always save the best, and true, “religion” for last! http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
Why do you believe that since the Bible doesn’t say it?Hi Jay,You are right that the apostles did not walk with a bible in hand,but they did walk with Christ who was the Word. I praise God that today we do have Gods written Word called the Bible.Okay so you want to give Catholics the praise for putting it into a book form. Im with you on that.But the fact is the Bible is sufficiant to meet all our needs if we take all that is written and put it into practice.He also left us with the Five Fold Ministries to help us.God Bless.
This five-fold ministry you keep talking about is just somebody’s spin.
================================================Yes Jay, Its St. Pauls spin in the book of Ephesians ch 4 vs 11. But why should we listen to him.?God Bless