Who, What, When, Where, Why Your Religion?

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If you want to know the truth, immerse yourself in first-century history as I did. You could start with The Founding of Christendom, Volume I of a 6-volume history of Christianity written by Warren H. Carroll, the distinguished Columbia-trained historian and founder of Christendom College, one of the 10 best liberal arts colleges in the U.S.

Choose your “historians” carefully. I read only the works of university-trained, accredited historians whose work is reviewed by their peers. None of those Bible-college graduates have the credentials of an objective, analytical, academic who is trained in the methods of historical research. There are many “wannabe’s” who call themselves “historians,” but have no credentials. They write garbage and pass it off as history. Some people will believe anything:p.

In the early centuries of Christianity there was the Catholic Church and there were the heresies. Period. “Roman” is the name of one of the Rites of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I was once an atheist, but common sense overcame me.

Ex-Southern Baptist, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist, ecstatic to be Catholic
Yes “some people wil believe in anything”. And I’m not one of those. The stories of the first century have NOTHING to do with Catholicism, only really early churches that don’t exist anymore. I’ve yet to find a credible historian that believes that the catholic or orthodox churches actually date back to the early first centrury.

“”"""Matthew 16:18
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

That was Jesus speaking."""

And that’s you misinturpreting. The bible is NOT a credible sourse of information.

"Those who were around at the time (The Early Church Fathers) disagree with you - and I believe they know better than you do:


God bless you (even if you don’t believe in Him, He believes in you),

That’s a load of nonsense. How do you know they are not using “catholic” as universal? They can’t even find anything that dates past the 2nd century that uses “cathollic” as regards to a church in rome do they? I didn’t think so.

In order for god to “believe” in something, he must exist, right? Well that’s something that your god does not.
From the Catholic Answers Library:

Jesus said his Church would be “the light of the world.” He then noted that “a city set on a hill cannot be hid” (Matt. 5:14). This means his Church is a visible organization. It must have characteristics that clearly identify it and that distinguish it from other churches. Jesus promised, “I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). This means that his Church will never be destroyed and will never fall away from him. His Church will survive until his return.

Among the Christian churches, only the Catholic Church has existed since the time of Jesus. Every other Christian church is an offshoot of the Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox churches broke away from unity with the pope in 1054. The Protestant churches were established during the Reformation, which began in 1517. (Most of today’s Protestant churches are actually offshoots of the original Protestant offshoots.)

Only the Catholic Church existed in the tenth century, in the fifth century, and in the first century, faithfully teaching the doctrines given by Christ to the apostles, omitting nothing. The line of popes can be traced back, in unbroken succession, to Peter himself. This is unequaled by any institution in history.

Much more info provided at catholic.com/library/pillar.asp

Where does it say in Scripture that you don’t need to belong to His Body, the Church; that all Christ wants you to do is read the Bible independently of His Church, and decide for yourself?
Panis Angelicas said:
1 Timothy 3:15 tells us where we are to look for Truth and guidance. We are not to look to our own intellect, but to the Church. ***Scripture says so. ***
Now what Church do you suppose Timothy was referring to? :hmmm:

Hi Panis,Maybe Ephesians 4 vs 11 would be a good place. 👍 God Bless.
And that’s you misinturpreting. The bible is NOT a credible sourse of information.
Why is the bible not a credible source of information. If you are going to claim this as true, you’d better have a lot of “credible information” to back yourself up.
Why is the bible not a credible source of information. If you are going to claim this as true, you’d better have a lot of “credible information” to back yourself up.
For the same reasons that you would believe that the Koran is not credible. No one even knows who wrote it, no one knows when it was written, ect… You don’t know anything about it, God did NOT write it, a couple of oddballs did, and they sure succeded! Just I’m sure they would be horrified at what it’s done to the world.
For the same reasons that you would believe that the Koran is not credible. No one even knows who wrote it, no one knows when it was written, ect… You don’t know anything about it, God did NOT write it, a couple of oddballs did, and they sure succeded! Just I’m sure they would be horrified at what it’s done to the world.
Still no credible source to your OPINION. Just as you are entitled to your opinion, others can believe that the bible IS a credible source. Whether these oddballs like it or not, their words have a lot of meaning to them. So I guess you are also saying that Jesus and the apostles never existed or anything in the bible.

So then, what’s your theory?
How is the poll “loaded”? My understanding was that EO is in schism with the Roman Catholic church, and they choose to call themselves Orthodox instead of Catholic. You could say they’re catholic, but you can’t say they’re Catholic anymore than you can call Anglicans Catholic. - This is my understanding, but I am real new to this…

Anglicans are 7 Sacrament catholics. So are the Orthodox. Obviously, they’re NOT ROMAN Catholics…

The poll isn’t “loaded” so much as it is “skewed” - the sampling is imbalanced ( omitting “Anglican” as a choice omits 72 million souls)

Are there even 10 million Mormons in the entire world ?
What is your religion?

Why do you choose to practice a non-Catholic religion?
I’m Catholic, but I would have considered this a bizarre question back when I was a Methodist. I did not define my religion as one that was “non-Catholic”. Religion for me was not particularly defined in opposition to something else. My fellow younglings didn’t define it that way either.
Hi Cubby. I would not want to keep you in darkness. 😃 The Five Fold Ministries are as outlined in the book of Ephesians 4 vs 11 1.Apostles.2.prophets.3.evangelists.4.pastors.5.teachers. in roles of service for the faithful to build up the body of Christ.I hope this helps. We are constantly learning fromthe word of God. 👍 God Bless.
Once again, this is new to me, however, in today’s broadest spectrum of Christ’s catholic church, I have yet to come across a prophet. How about you?

Still no credible source to your OPINION. Just as you are entitled to your opinion, others can believe that the bible IS a credible source. Whether these oddballs like it or not, their words have a lot of meaning to them. So I guess you are also saying that Jesus and the apostles never existed or anything in the bible.

So then, what’s your theory?
I gave you my thoughts. It’s people’s OPINION that the bible is credible.

What’s my theory? I don’t know. But theorys will be discovered. Just because it says something in the bilbe does not mean it happened or that it’s true. The effects of it being man-made are clearly seeable if you look past those CCD teachings.
Anglicans are 7 Sacrament catholics. So are the Orthodox. Obviously, they’re NOT ROMAN Catholics…

The poll isn’t “loaded” so much as it is “skewed” - the sampling is imbalanced ( omitting “Anglican” as a choice omits 72 million souls)

Are there even 10 million Mormons in the entire world ?
First, let me apologize for not including Anglicans in the poll. There was only room for 7 choices. Obviously I could have structured it better by listing the top 7 non-Catholic religions. My bad.

I’m Catholic, but I would have considered this a bizarre question back when I was a Methodist. I did not define my religion as one that was “non-Catholic”. Religion for me was not particularly defined in opposition to something else. My fellow younglings didn’t define it that way either.

This thread is defined as “non-Catholic” - in that light, I don’t understand your post.

Once again, this is new to me, however, in today’s broadest spectrum of Christ’s catholic church, I have yet to come across a prophet. How about you?

A prophet is one who speaks for God. Every Pope is a prophet. JP2 is a prophet.

Led Zeppelin75:
I gave you my thoughts. It’s people’s OPINION that the bible is credible.

What’s my theory? I don’t know. But theorys will be discovered. Just because it says something in the bilbe does not mean it happened or that it’s true. The effects of it being man-made are clearly seeable if you look past those CCD teachings.

You’ve really spiked my curiousity. If you are an atheist than why are you hanging around on a Catholic website?

Long live the Queen!


You’ve really spiked my curiousity. If you are an atheist than why are you hanging around on a Catholic website?

Long live the Queen!

To open some minds.
If you belong to the Church of England (Anglican), your religion was founded by King Henry VIII in the year 1534 because the pope would not grant him a divorce with the right to remarry.
Anglican love to say they are Catholic.

By their very foundation THEY ARE NOT CATHOLIC. WHY?

They were started by a King of England, he was PROTESTING against the Catholic Church, therefore Anglicans are Protestants!

Secondly their Bishops are not in the Apostolic line, meaning their Priests and Bishops are not valid, not Catholic !
Led Zeppelin75:
To open some minds.
As an atheist, how do you understand creation? Or miracles (not just Biblical miracles - but modern miracles as well)? Or even more interesting, what is your purpose for living? What are your beliefs in regards to death? Do you celebrate Christmas (even if it’s just a secular celebration)? Do you feel responsible to keep your children from becoming involved in religion or do you still respect their rights to find God?

Anglicans are 7 Sacrament catholics. So are the Orthodox. Obviously, they’re NOT ROMAN Catholics…

The poll isn’t “loaded” so much as it is “skewed” - the sampling is imbalanced ( omitting “Anglican” as a choice omits 72 million souls)

Are there even 10 million Mormons in the entire world ?
True it is that the Eastern Orthodox all have the identical seven sacraments as Catholics. They were once Catholic, and are in schism, not heresy.

Anglo-Catholics have seven (in theory, but not in reality), but other branches of the Anglican Church do not.

Roman only refers to one of the Rites of the Catholic Church.

As an atheist, how do you understand creation? Or miracles (not just Biblical miracles - but modern miracles as well)? Or even more interesting, what is your purpose for living? What are your beliefs in regards to death? Do you celebrate Christmas (even if it’s just a secular celebration)? Do you feel responsible to keep your children from becoming involved in religion or do you still respect their rights to find God?

  1. Science undrstands creation, not religion.
  2. Miricles are easliy faked. What about pagan miricles? They are claimed to have happened? Why do theyh have any more credibility than yours? Don’t rely on such handed down second-hand sources.
  3. There is no purpose. Not even religion can prove a purpose. Try me
  4. Eternal sleepness, like it was before you were born.
  5. I actually do (because my family does). I liek the feeling, there is christmas free of religion!
  6. I don’t have children (yet). If they wanted to be religious, fine. But I’d remind them they’re throwing their freedoms away.
Religion: a system of belief; an order of worship;

I guess communism qualifies as a religion. since it has personal cult(except khmir rouge). plus it’s exclusive. one can’t join the communist party with (other) religious believes
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