I will add that from a woman’s perspective the above passage applies to men as well.
Psalm89 you took the words out of my mouth.
But I feel the need to point out something regarding the following statement:
Now that I am thirty those same types of women have been used up, are single moms and claim that they want a nice guy to treat them kindly. This isn’t the case really. Most of them long for the “fun days” of partying and living fancy free (whatever that is.)
I will submit to your general theme here. The majority of young single mom’s out there (those who became pregnant out of marriage- not divorced mom’s generally) are still very selfish and look out for numero uno before anyone. And often their children are their last priority.
But as a Faithful single mom myself, I have to point out that there are those of us out there who- like you - have removed themselves from the dating scene. In my case it is to focus on mothering.
Maybe the women who you would find interesting and be compatible with- are at home, mommying.
I also would like to point out, that for every single mother floozy you have run into- there is a man who refuses to properly acknowledge the children they’ve made. They date freely without regard to sickness, and weekly piano lessons and even birthdays.
You called single mom’s “used up”, and though you may not have meant it as it may seem, it truly is a very uncharitable term for mothers like me who spend their entire life sacrificing for their children. Yeah, we put ourselves in that position- and a few of us take full responsibility for those bad choices.
But God teaches that we are NEVER beyond redemption. We can be made whole again with God. You might see me as used up, but hopefully God sees much more.
::stepping off soapbox::
As I noted before, I choose not to actively seek a spouse.
If I were to date, my preference would be to date someone Catholic. I would consider dating another Chrisian, but only after much consideration on our compatibility.