Who would you date?

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It has always seemed to me that it is best to date/marry within my religion. I guess I would just find it odd if my parents went to two different churches and taught me two different things. I don’t think I wouldn’t want that tension in my family, and I would want a marriage that is sacramentally recognized by the church.

My father was a ??? before he met my mother. He converted to Catholicism before their wedding. He is one of the strongest Catholics I know. God doesn’t limit Himself only to Catholics and I don’t think we should either.

Peace everyone,
Trevor 😉
My mother has told me that in order to have a happy marraige, I need to have somebody that shares my religion so that raising the children would be mutual and not only from one parent. I have a question… How long did most people date before they got married??

God Bless–JMJ
Laura 🙂
I agree with your statement, Fashina. Both my parents are Catholic, but my mom is a “lazy” Catholic. She only goes to Mass on Easter (not even Christmas!). However, my dad takes me to Church every Sunday. He is the head usher for our Mass time, and he seldom misses Mass. He tries to make it to Mass daily, also.

My mom is a good parent and all, and she’s raised me in the Church, but she’s not that great of an example of Catholicism. My dad, on the other hand, is a great example. I can talk to my dad about things that trouble me, because he gives me what he feels is what God would tell me, because that is the best advice.
My father was a ??? before he met my mother. He converted to Catholicism before their wedding. He is one of the strongest Catholics I know. God doesn’t limit Himself only to Catholics and I don’t think we should either.

Peace everyone,
Trevor 😉
I would have missed the best thing that had ever happen to me if I didn’t date my husband of 20+ years … who was babptist … and although not converted, goes to Sunday and Holy-Day Mass with the rest of our family.

God will work his timing, I am sure, but my husband is a shining example of the best christian on this earth.

God Bless and Stay Warm for us in the blizzard — so beautiful! 👍
I’m a 42 year old widow with young children. Not much of a chance for dating with me 😦 ,but then again, my children are my FIRST priority)

If I were to date though, I would prefer a good solid practicing Catholic man. One who would attend Mass regularly with me and the kids, and who I could share our faith with.

But with all that said, God knows what is best for me. I will follow His Will in my life. 👍
I’m a 42 year old widow with young children. Not much of a chance for dating with me 😦 ,but then again, my children are my FIRST priority)

If I were to date though, I would prefer a good solid practicing Catholic man. One who would attend Mass regularly with me and the kids, and who I could share our faith with.

But with all that said, God knows what is best for me. I will follow His Will in my life. 👍
So young to be widowed … you trials must be many – but you thoroughly seem that you are with the Lord.
For myself, I will only date catholics and other christians too.:yup:
I voted to not rule anyone out, but only because that is what I actually did.

Having said that… if your religion is important to you–and let me tell you, being married to a non-Catholic has its difficulties even if your spouse is both very moral and very supportive of your faith–only date Catholics. If you aren’t willing to convert to their religion and aren’t willing to have your children raised there, don’t date there. I am very lucky. My husband supports me and supports raising our children Catholic, and it is still hard. When you marry someone, you marry them as they are. I’m not saying never–I can’t imagine not being married to my husband-- but if you aren’t willing to take him just as he is with all the briars that will grow up on that path, don’t even go on the first date.

I will tell you, though: I would take a non-Catholic who actually lives a giving life over a luke-warm Catholic any day of the week, for two reasons. One: a poor example of Catholicism is a worse example for children than none at all. Two: someone who walks their talk will make a real Catholic when they convert. Someone who puts themself at the center of the universe even though they have been placed in the very bosom of the Church is a much harder nut to crack. That’s the “fixer-upper” you should run from!
I started this poll to see how many people are like minded with me on this subject. I was wondering, what are your rules concerning the people you date and their religiousity. Personally, I have a rule that says I will only date orthodox Catholics, because for several reasons. Being that I view dating as a precursor to marriage, I wouldn’t date anyone whom I wouldn’t marry, and I refuse to marry a non-Catholic. Also, since living the chaste life is difficult for me alone, I wouldn’t want to date someone who had lax morals which make me more susceptible to compromising my own morals. I would also want to be with someone who I could go to Mass with often, since it is important to me. My faith is important to me and I would also like to be able to discuss it with someone of like mind. Anyways, thats a few of my reasons. Any thoughts?
I like your thinking but i think that it may be a little to harsh. You see i agree with everything but one thing. I feel that you dont have to limit yourself to just orthodox catholics women. Ok my brother was about 16 when he found a girlfriend ok he is now dating the same girl and he is now about 20. Over this patient time he has endured with a very beautiful and great girl. He has not only turned her catholic but they attend church a few days a week, together. They are both in almost constant prayer. It is never to late to convert the woman you love. Find a woman and instill your religious beliefs in them but don limit yourself.
I’d like to change my answer. I think I originally maintained some sort of open-minded optimism about dating non-Catholics. Well, no longer.

I was dating a devout Protestant girl who, while being firm in her beliefs was at least open to hearing Catholic doctrine. She even said she had to revise her whole opinion of Catholics because she found one who knew how to defend the Church, AND he loved to. (I’m speaking of me, of course…) I was attracted to her because she was the first “normal” girl I’d ever met who was both prayerful and knowledgable, humble and wise. If she was Catholic, I probably would have gone ring shopping.

But, we broke up a couple of days before Valentine’s Day. (You might think that’s tragic, but I’m a terrible Valentine’s celebrator, and the relief is incalcuable.) The official reason is “doctrinal differences.” Despite how we felt for each other, we’d gotten to the point that we needed to make some decisions if we were going to move on. Basically, I won’t compromise on how we raise our children–Catholic–and she’s uncomfortable with that.

It’s an old story. I think it’s best just to plan to be single and Catholic, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be one of those rare, lucky people who meets someone who shares the same love of the Faith.

(If anyone is moved to feel sorry for me, please don’t. Despite the very normal, common disappointment at the end of such things, I’m optimistic. I now have more time and money for “cave time.” Nights out with the buddies, camping, hiking, etc. This could be very, very good…)
I am divorced and have my annulment in progress. I was a virgin when I got married and have led a pure, chaste life since my divorce. If I am granted my annulment, I will only date men that place God first in their lives and are free to marry in the Church.

I must admit that it gets very lonely but I stay close to the sacraments.

One of my friends said that they would never marry a non-Catholic.I pointed out though that my beliefs are closer to his than probably anyone else in our Catholic school. And I’m Lutheran. It was just to point out that although most of the people in our school claim to be Catholic, they just don’t practice their faith and because I do practice mine, our beliefs are closer.
No one is ruled out because of religion. I am not going to marry a religion, I’m going to marry a person. Morals and beliefs of the person count, although to be unable to receive the Holy Communion together is a sad circumstance.

I don’t date anyone whom I wouldn’t marry. I realised it was pointless before I realised the Church was against non-marital sexual relationships.
I wouldn’t marry someone unless they were a devout Catholic. I just think the best foundation for a marriage is a love for Jesus and His Church, followed by a love for one another. I think it’s especially important for the spiritual development of kids to have both their parents on the same page religiously. Theoretically I would date a non-Catholic if conversion were a possibility, but in practice I stick to devout Catholics.

I would never date someone I wouldn’t marry, because as I see it, you never know when you’ll meet the love of your life, so why be stuck in a dead end relationship if you could be out meeting “the one.”
Religion isn’t important to me when dating. Hell, I dated a 7th Day Adventist (that was weird!!) for a while in the past.
I look for a woman who is intelligent, personable, fun, open-minded, not prudish, and above all… *Hot! *
bonus said:
You can date who you like, but plan for the golden years.

My wife and I have been married for over 40 year now, I met my wife two year before we got married, she was Catholic and I was lost. We talked about our faith and how we would like to bring up our family. We both agreed that the best way to bring our kid and keep our family together was in the Catholic Church, which we both have done. Our kids are all growing up now and we have eight grandchilden, My son is adopted and is the owner of a large company and a Deacon in this church, My oldest girl is a manager of a large bank, my youngest girl is a manager of a insurance company. All my kid were bought up Catholic and went to a Catholic school. I have my God and Church to thank for that and the 40 years of marriage to the Crown of our house my wife (Rosemary). Without her this lost man would be lying next to the road.

Beautiful story, thanks for sharing it!!

I hope I’m as lucky as that. 🙂
I would only marry another Catholic so I would only date another Catholic.
Although I have gone to movies or out for pizza with boys of different religions. I would never have even thought about getting married to man of another religion.
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