Who would you date?

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That would change everything no doubt.

My complaint is about women who claim to believe in these things, but don’t even make an attempt to practice what they preach.

I pray that one day I can meet a practicing Catholic or Protestant women that I can court.
I agree, at the time however I just assumed by Catholic it would be understood in context to what I was saying as meaning a practicing Catholic. however I do now realize the ambiguity. Sorry to any confusing that ensued because of my error.
In re-reading what I have posted, it does sound a bit harsh. My point really is much the same as yours.
I assumed that :). I didn’t think you meant it the way it sounded, but there are a lot of people on these boards, and who knows how many lurkers. Maybe I am overly sensitive because I work very hard to prove that some women do rise up above this. But I felt the need to provide the other point of view for those who might read this and REALLY feel this way…
Many single mothers are just as irresponsible as they were before they had a child. The responsibility is forced upon them when they have no desire to live responsibly at all (that is why they ended up pregnant out of wedlock in the first place). They still wish for the days of wine and song as it were, and the care of a child is more of an inconvenience than a blessing for them.
I completely agree with you. I finished my degree taking evening classes at my local college. These classes seem to be full of these types of girls who have children, put them in daycare while they work, then again when they go to class three days a week.

I can’t tell you how many times, they’d be on their cell phones setting up the evening activities with their friends full of “wine and song” as you so adequately put it. It made me want to throw up. I could only think of these precious little children cuddle alone with their blankets and stuffed toys waiting for ‘mom’ to get home.

Once men in my classes realized my own “familial” situation, they seemed to turn off- I’m sure for the very same reason. The prevailing example of single motherhood were these twits we went to classes with.
Their search for a “good guy” is out of necessity, not out of want. They still dream of the rich, cool guy in the hot car that can show them a fun time.
Again, you hit the nail on the head.

Such a shame…
I think the term “used up” might be replaced by excessive emotional baggage. Only the most spiritual and strongest of women can deal with the pain of the father of their child(ren) being indifferent about the child’s life. The single mothers that I have dated still in their hearts long for the father to come back and it created problems in our relationship. They constantly complained and about the father and at the same time wanted him back even when it was impractical.
The actions of these women is abominable. They seem so selfish! Gag me with a spoon…

And again, I sadly concur… 😦
Of course this has been my own experience and while I haven’t dated any, I think there are some single mothers out there that can overcome this hardship and have a successful marriage to someone that isn’t the child’s father.
Shiann, your ability to take responsibility for your actions are commendable and beautiful, a rare trait among people today. I hope that nothing I wrote hurt your feelings. :o
Thank you for the kind words. I apologize for the above ‘tongue lashing’. It really wasnt’ meant for you personally- but at those who would automatically see a woman in this situation and assume the worst.

The very sad part is, they’d be right 99.9% of the time… 😦
I was dead set on only marrying a Catholic until I met my wife, who was a non-practicing Jehovah Witness when I met her.

When we married, she still had not converted, but has since converted to the faith.

I will qualify my statement that taking one’s religious faith should be strongly considered before considering a marriage proposal.
you marry who you fall in love with… you fall in love with whom you date… you date who you associate with… 👍

be careful the company you keep :cool:
this is quite a curious thread. I do find it quite awesome to go to Mass with my current boyfriend. I know that it helps me grow in my own faith journey (and I can hope that it likewise helps him)

now the idea of dating “other” people of “other” religions…I dont really know if I can truely say that it is a bad thing.
I think it would really depend on the indivdual and where they are in their spiritual life.
Ideally I would like to date a Catholic, but a protestant would be fine if they had a good perspective of Catholicism. I put Catholics and other Christians.
I don’t rule anyone out b/c of religion yet, but that’s b/c I’m only 16. 😃
The only thing I can add is that my brother is Catholic and his wife is Pentecostal and their kids, ages 17, 15, 13 and 7 are not even baptized because they can’t make up their minds. I’m sure they never thought that would happen. However, I think that as long as your basic beliefs are the same, the rest can be and should be discussed. Especially what religion the kids will be…Thank God my oldest nephew (19) was baptized by my ex-sister-in-law. Now my nephews ans neice need to be next. They are afraid to ask to have that done because they think they would be in trouble for asking.
While my hubby went to Mass with me while we were dating, he doesn’t now. Promised he’d go after we had our first child, then the second. He works and works and works so that I can stay home. He is a wonderful father and a wonderful husband. My one little wish (huge in my book) is that he would go to Mass with us.

So for me, I guess it really made no difference. I just wouldn’t date anyone if I didn’t feel that they would be a husband for me some day.
Not only did I date a non-Catholic — I married him. He comes to Mass with the whole family all Sundays and HOLIdays… and I am praying that one day in God’s time he will convert.

He is of the baptist origin … and just about has given up on the Baptist faith … most specifically 5 out of 7 baptist churches he had attended turned out to be anti-catholic … his folks and sister attend an anti-catholic baptist church … but we don’t step foot in them, because of it!

I hate to think how much I would have missed out if I only dated a certain criteria … although it isn’t easy being a mixed marriage … more so from outside influence rather than inside.

Not only did I date a non-Catholic — I married him. He comes to Mass with the whole family all Sundays and HOLIdays… and I am praying that one day in God’s time he will convert.

He is of the baptist origin … and just about has given up on the Baptist faith … most specifically 5 out of 7 baptist churches he had attended turned out to be anti-catholic … his folks and sister attend an anti-catholic baptist church … but we don’t step foot in them, because of it!

I hate to think how much I would have missed out if I only dated a certain criteria … although it isn’t easy being a mixed marriage … more so from outside influence rather than inside.

Hi there - Mgeising, seek out and buy a Green Scapular - get it blessed. Hide it under his side of the mattress. This is the scapular used for conversions.
Pray daily for his conversion the prayer associated with the scapular, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

This is a powerful tool for conversions. Have faith and let God and Our Lady work. I will pray for you.
Hi there - Mgeising, seek out and buy a Green Scapular - get it blessed. Hide it under his side of the mattress. This is the scapular used for conversions.
Pray daily for his conversion the prayer associated with the scapular, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

This is a powerful tool for conversions. Have faith and let God and Our Lady work. I will pray for you.
👋 Hi Jrabs — is this for true? Or are you joking with me? He is very close to converting. But I am not sure if he will do it when his folks are still alive. They are staunch Baptists … who are out to convert all Catholics…

:eek: :eek: :eek:
this is quite a curious thread. I do find it quite awesome to go to Mass with my current boyfriend. I know that it helps me grow in my own faith journey (and I can hope that it likewise helps him)
I am sure it does help him.
My mother has told me that in order to have a happy marraige, I need to have somebody that shares my religion so that raising the children would be mutual and not only from one parent. I have a question… How long did most people date before they got married??

God Bless–JMJ
Laura 🙂
my husband frowns on dating, but back in the dim dark days when I did date, it was unthinkable to date a non-Catholic. I got static because I lived on the west side and he lived on the east side, that was enough of a battle. His parents got static because she was Irish and he was German, even tho both were Catholics. bottom line is the more differences, the more problems you will have to overcome in marriage. The difference between man and woman is great enough without erecting more barriers and misunderstandings.
I don’t know who I’d “date.” I tried staying within certain types for a long time, but as my faith waxed and waned, it complicated matters. (Long stories…) I recently made up my mind not to bother with non-Catholic girls, but then I started hanging out with this Protestant girl I’d been friends with for a while, and well, here I am again–in a great situation with a great big BUT attached to it.

Now, I really REALLY mean it–no more non-Catholics. My girlfriend is incredible, and we’ve talked seriously about marriage, but until she could guarantee me that the NFP and Catholic kids issues wouldn’t BE issues, I won’t be ring shopping. (If, on the other hand, she was Catholic, we’d be engaged by now–she breaks almost all my Protestant stereotypes). If it doesn’t work out for us, then, after a long getting-over-her period, I’ll limit myself to the relatively small number of eligible, faithful Catholic girls out there*. I’ll probably date a lot less, but really, I could use the free time…
  • I was once slammed for saying there are “no good Catholic girls out there.” Well, theoretically they’re out there somewhere, but I haven’t run into many. When I do, they’re usually on the arm of some Catholic professional…

  • I was once slammed for saying there are “no good Catholic girls out there.” Well, theoretically they’re out there somewhere, but I haven’t run into many. When I do, they’re usually on the arm of some Catholic professional…
You sound just like my 36 year old son!😃 😉
I answered the poll as only Catholics. But I think I would have answered it differently if I wasn’t married. Back then I wasn’t thinking about the package of marriage, just getting married. Now I know my spouse would have to be Catholic because my faith really is important to me and I want him to share in it. I want my kids to a great understanding of the faith through their religious classes but also through our example living the Catholic faith.

It’s a good thing thing God lead me to the perfect Catholic man! I had no clue what I was doing. Proof that God works in our lives without us even knowing! 😃

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