In re-reading what I have posted, it does sound a bit harsh. My point really is much the same as yours.
I assumed that

. I didn’t think you meant it the way it sounded, but there are a lot of people on these boards, and who knows how many lurkers. Maybe I am overly sensitive because I work very hard to prove that some women do rise up above this. But I felt the need to provide the other point of view for those who might read this and REALLY feel this way…
Many single mothers are just as irresponsible as they were before they had a child. The responsibility is forced upon them when they have no desire to live responsibly at all (that is why they ended up pregnant out of wedlock in the first place). They still wish for the days of wine and song as it were, and the care of a child is more of an inconvenience than a blessing for them.
I completely agree with you. I finished my degree taking evening classes at my local college. These classes seem to be full of these types of girls who have children, put them in daycare while they work, then again when they go to class three days a week.
I can’t tell you how many times, they’d be on their cell phones setting up the evening activities with their friends full of “wine and song” as you so adequately put it. It made me want to throw up. I could only think of these precious little children cuddle alone with their blankets and stuffed toys waiting for ‘mom’ to get home.
Once men in my classes realized my own “familial” situation, they seemed to turn off- I’m sure for the very same reason. The prevailing example of single motherhood were these twits we went to classes with.
Their search for a “good guy” is out of necessity, not out of want. They still dream of the rich, cool guy in the hot car that can show them a fun time.
Again, you hit the nail on the head.
Such a shame…
I think the term “used up” might be replaced by excessive emotional baggage. Only the most spiritual and strongest of women can deal with the pain of the father of their child(ren) being indifferent about the child’s life. The single mothers that I have dated still in their hearts long for the father to come back and it created problems in our relationship. They constantly complained and about the father and at the same time wanted him back even when it was impractical.
The actions of these women is abominable. They seem so selfish! Gag me with a spoon…
And again, I sadly concur…
Of course this has been my own experience and while I haven’t dated any, I think there are some single mothers out there that can overcome this hardship and have a successful marriage to someone that isn’t the child’s father.
Shiann, your ability to take responsibility for your actions are commendable and beautiful, a rare trait among people today. I hope that nothing I wrote hurt your feelings.
Thank you for the kind words. I apologize for the above ‘tongue lashing’. It really wasnt’ meant for you personally- but at those who would automatically see a woman in this situation and assume the worst.
The very sad part is, they’d be right 99.9% of the time…