Why are Catholics told to be tolerant?

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I just got back from Sunday mass (celebrated today), and I didn’t receive communion because I felt as though I was not in a state of grace.

I thought about the gospel reading, how a nation divided against itself will fall. And I thought to myself, Yep, that’s right, that’s what leftist and liberal parties are doing. They are putting people into boxes like transgender, black, white, oppressed, people of colour, et cetera. It’s a globalist divide and conquer strategy which I feel is prevalent here in Canada too by our Prime Minister who should be excommunicated in my opinion since he has it as a requirement that one needs to support abortion in order to receive federal grants.

During the homily the priest was talking about the oppressed, using women getting the right to vote as an example, and also mentioning that muslims are oppressed and that people “of the other gender” are oppressed and that we need to be tolerant. He said the early Christians were seen as unpatriotic by the establishment, and I felt as though he may have been attacking President Donald Trump, whom I believe is the best politician for standing up for religious liberty. I may be paraphrasing a bit, but I’m pretty close.

During confession I mentioned my sins against chastity, masturbation and viewing pornography, and missing a holy day of obligation when I could have put it more effort to attend, but I also mentioned that I sometimes feel anger and I worry about it having the potential to consume me. I explained I’m angry that it seems acceptable in our mainstream media to attack Christianity and say we are intolerant, but our own Prime Minister attacks Catholics in particular because we are pro-life. I mentioned that we have an entire month dedicated to gay pride here, and I said that while I believe gay people should be treated with dignity and respect, it is still a sin, gravely disordered according to the catechism. And I mentioned that Coptic Christians are slaughtered in Egypt, but that goes largely ignored. I told him that I was thinking about his gospel reading and I believe that the divide and conquer people are not Christians, but those who put us in boxes based on race, sexual orientation, et cetera. I even mentioned that nobody can name one right in the western world that men have that women don’t. I had no plans of mentioning this to the priest in confession, but I ended up doing it because his homily put me in that mindset. I don’t believe I’m consumed by anger, I believe I’m consumed by love for the one true church. Now I’m wondering if this was an indirect way of telling the priest that I don’t agree with his homily. Well, maybe I do agree with him that we should be tolerant, but I feel as though his homily did a disservice to the faithful.

I respect this priest; he even took the time to hear my confession after mass when it’s usually scheduled before mass.

What are my fellow Catholic’s thoughts on this? Is this parish what some call the “Church or nice?” Why are Catholics told to be tolerant when it seems like we are the most tolerant bunch around? And why should we be tolerant of sin? Pantomiming sodomy at gay pride parades is surely a sin.
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“Tolerant of sin”? Sin is defined by our beliefs. There is not universal consensus and in pluralist society we can be advocates for our beliefs but at the same time some degree of tolerance is also needed. Because others are tolerating us. Be cautious about applying faith to politics. Rather than saying, “yep, the liberals”, a humbler approach is, How am I personally convicted. If you want to live in a state of grace, that is.
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I’m curious as to the priest’s response to this? Did he make your penance harsher, like making you diagram the Angelus?

I understand your frustration, although personally if the only issue was that I simply disagreed with his homily my style would be to tell him after Mass or at another opportunity.
My penance was to do an act an act of charity for somebody afflicted by an illness. I picked up some chamomile tea for my mother who has anxiety, just a one act among many that I’ll be doing for her.
tolerance and love are two different things. We shouldn’t be tolerant, as that implies grudgingly bearing something. We are called to love, willing the good of another, whether that be their bodies and their souls
Facts don’t care about feelings, and it is a perversion by definition, since it is contrary to the intended purpose of sex. Again, I treat those who experience same sex attraction with dignity and respect, but government should respect and be tolerant of my right to not openly endorse that lifestyle or to support abortion.

Here’s what The Roman Catholic church has to say about it…

" Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,140 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.“141 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
Again, I treat those who experience same sex attraction with dignity and respect
You sure had me fooled. Your hatred is hard to disguise. Don’t try to justify it by wrapping it in a cover of Christianity. Everyone can see right through it.
I hate the sin but love the sinner, always have. If we disagree with the magisterium then we’re not faithful Catholics. But you have to admit, it’s a bit hypocritical to tell Catholics to be tolerant when we’re persecuted by our own government. Denied federal grants, doctors on the brink of being forced to remove genitals of children because they identify as the opposite gender. I don’t use force to get people to do or not do something, but at the same time I only ask for the same in return.
I don’t hate people who experience same sex attraction. Gay isn’t who they are, it’s a small tiny part of their life. They shouldn’t be relegated to a lifestyle. And I pray for them.
How about we set aside the fashionable modern concept of “tolerance” and, instead, speak of “charity”? Let’s put aside your priest’s choice of wording, and ask this instead: does it seem to you that your opinions of political opponents, gay people in general, our fellow human brethren who happen to fill government posts … well, do they seem particularly marked by the virtue of charity? Are you generally willing to refrain from assuming and accusing the worst where one needn’t?
There is a lot to unpack here so understand that when you wall of text someone they cant respond to you simply.
I thought about the gospel reading, how a nation divided against itself will fall. And I thought to myself, Yep, that’s right, that’s what leftist and liberal parties are doing. … It’s a globalist divide and conquer strategy which I feel is prevalent here in Canada too by our Prime Minister…
First off I’m Canadian too, second that’s not even remotely how the parties work. At all. See the average person in power is going to appease their keys, the people who get them into power first otherwise they wont be in power very long. After doing that they are going to shore up what interests them because most people believe if they dont no one else will.

This is depressing but encouraging for us down here in the mud. It means that everyone up top is just as selfish not only to us but each other. There is not global or even national conspiracy aside from give the people enough so we get votes but not too much otherwise they wont need our promises.

Governments make or break holding its citizens on that knifes edge. You’ll know its working though when its bad enough you should get your torch and pitch-folk but… not bad enough either.
During the homily the priest was talking about the oppressed, using women getting the right to vote as an example,…I may be paraphrasing a bit, but I’m pretty close.
Attacking your president or prime-minister is the most patriotic thing to do. It keeps that guy honest especially after what I said above.
… our own Prime Minister attacks Catholics in particular because we are pro-life.
I skipped your confession part cause it wasn’t entirely reverent but I applaud you for being brave enough to share.

Justin isnt attacking Catholics because your pro-life, hes attacking you because abortion is seen as a cure to problems most people don’t have to deal with or understand.
I’m not saying abortion is good, far from it. The fact anyone feels like they need one is a sign something horrible happened.
Christains for the most part dont help with the problems that lead to an abortion and mostly lean hard on the fact the child has a right to live. (Which is true, relax, I’m prolife I can hear you slamming on your keyboards already.) However often in the states many of these programs run by Christians to prevent abortions dumb mother and baby right back into the hell that spawned the problem in the first place.

Hes wrong to attack you but justified in his anger. Christianity is failing these mothers jsut so we can “save” one more baby. Really think on that.
I mentioned that we have an entire month dedicated to gay pride here…
So? Let them celebrate, their gayness doesn’t effect you.
And I mentioned that Coptic Christians are slaughtered in Egypt, but that goes largely ignored.
You know about them because they are catholic but they have a support system. They are the underdog where they live grant you but they have western support already even if you don’t see it. You know who has no international support? Gaza.
Well, maybe I do agree with him that we should be tolerant, but I feel as though his homily did a disservice to the faithful.
And thats fine.
What are my fellow Catholic’s thoughts on this? Is this parish what some call the “Church or nice?”
Yes because everyone needs the freedom to find their own path.
Pantomiming sodomy at gay pride parades is surely a sin.
No one does that, its illegal.
Please don’t use the word pervert. It’s really not nice.
For all the “language police” out there who are trying to derail/deflect/distract the deeper points of discussion, please keep in mind that the word “pervert” and its associated conjugations are used in the bible:

“Warn a heretic once and then a second time; after that, have nothing to do with him. You must recognize such a person as perverted and sinful; he stands self-condemned.” (Titus 3:10-11)
You are right in that at some pride parades, children are exposed to things they shouldn’t see, whether the people are gay or straight, so I agree with you there. In those cases, it’s not about sexual orientation because I’ve seen some heterosexual people do things in public that they shouldn’t as well. It’s more about basic, decent behavior in a public place and especially when children are there.

I don’t think condoning this kind of behavior is what the Church means when She asks tolerance of us. I think it just means kindness and basic human respect of others when we run into them in our daily life. It doesn’t mean we can’t protest, write our Congressman, or hold that some behaviors are sinful.

(Also, there are teens who view this site so perhaps you should delete the video.)
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