Why are Catholics told to be tolerant?

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I think Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s “Plea for Intolerance” is helpful here. Note, he is not against proper tolerance, which is what I think the priest in the OP is getting at. The problem is, people noawadays have problem’s making distinctions.

From his essay:
What is tolerance? Tolerance is an attitude of reasoned patience towards evil, and a forbearance that restrains us from showing anger or inflicting punishment. But what is more important than the definition is the field of its application. The important point here is this: Tolerance applies only to persons, but never to truth. Intolerance applies only to truth, but never to persons. Tolerance applies to the erring; intolerance to the error.

What has just been said here will clarify that which was said at the beginning of this chapter, namely, that America is suffering not so much from intolerance, which is bigotry, as it is from tolerance, which is indifference to truth and error, and a philosophical nonchalance that has been interpreted as broad‐mindedness. Greater tolerance, of course, is desirable, for there can never be too much charity shown to persons who differ with us. Our Blessed Lord Himself asked that we ʺlove those who calumniate for us,ʺ for they are always persons, but He never told us to love the calumny.
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Altho I think Christ said to live those who calumniate us, not those who calumniate “for” us.
Now you are twisting my words. I was never bigoted or prejudiced. I explained why the moral side is upset about gays in the other thread, as well as how they have higher rates of STD’s. Nobody could counter what I said about those statistics. Nothing I have said is non-Christian unless you mean by Christian belonging to a faith community that is pro-gay such as the United Church.

I never said anything about the death penalty.

I want all people in the Church who support its teachings and do not undermine them.

And absolutely there is a gay agenda.
It’s the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. That’s all that matters to me.
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It is a fact, a statistically proven fact that gay men account for more than half of all AIDS cases in North America. This cannot be a coincidence. I pray for those who feel same sex attraction, that they resist giving into temptation and avoiding what can lead them to sin. I pray for those who are rampant fornicators too. Homosexual desire is a trial for them and they are called to chastity. Anybody who is not living the vocation of marriage is called to chastity. Period! And marriage by Catholic definition is one man and one woman to have sex for unitive and procreative purposes and love one another. Lara, I know you don’t hate gay people, but some people will hurl insults at you and call you bigoted for speaking the truth about our awesome faith. Using the logic of some people on these forums, we could say that they’re being rather hateful towards Catholicism.
I couldn’t care less if they were sitting in the same pew. I’ll say this one more time: We don’t hate those who feel same sex attraction. I’ve had my hair cut by gay men multiple times, I’ve socialized with gay people and they know I’m Catholic, and I feel silly for having to illustrate my point. So, do you think the Catechism promotes hatred towards gay people? Are you tolerant of faithful Catholics, sir? Oh you are! Yeah, unless they’re sitting in the same pew! Do you not see how flawed your logic is?
I couldn’t care less if they were sitting in the same pew. I’ll say this one more time: We don’t hate those who feel same sex attraction.
I am sorry, @GerardAubyn, my comment about not wanting to share the same pew was about Lara, not you. Lara wants them out of the building, and does not make any distinction between persons suffering with same sex attraction (who are chaste) and practicing “homosexuals”.
So, do you think the Catechism promotes hatred towards gay people?
No, but I think some people on CAF do. I did not mean to imply you were among them.
Are you tolerant of faithful Catholics, sir? Oh you are! Yeah, unless they’re sitting in the same pew! Do you not see how flawed your logic is?
Actually I would distinguish the “faithful Catholic” from what might be very unchristlike behavior.

As I said, Jesus instructed His disciples to allow the wheat and the tares to grow together until the harvest. This is Christian tolerance. It does not mean we approve of sin, participate in sin, or promote sin. It means that we trust the Angels will do the harvesting.
I’m sorry but so many of these posts about tolerating or not tolerating homosexuals comes off so disgusting and presumptuous. Kind of like who do you think you are? It’s one thing to hold a belief, but when you start talking about not tolerating other people, or even having to have a debate about people who are not hurting anybody looks so bad on everyone. If someone is not hurting someone, what right do you have to try and restrict their freedoms? Homosexuals are fellow human beings living out their lives. There is nothing to “tolerate”.
The point of the post is that there is hypocrisy and a double standard at play. The vast majority, overwhelming majority of Catholics DO NOT persecute gay people or abortionists. Yet, we are told in some parishes that we need to tolerate LGBT, muslims and others. But, that’s just it! We do more than tolerate them, we respect them as human beings and treat them with dignity and compassion and even pray for them. A church-goer might go away thinking, “Gee, I feel guilty on behalf of my Catholic friends.” Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of Canada - today - just ruled that Trinity Western can’t be a valid law school because it is Catholic. Also, we are denied federal grants here in Canada because we are pro-life. And us Catholics get zero government handouts. Yet, our government pays for mosques for people who literally preach hate. And our media ignores the fact that Christians are slaughtered in Egypt and other majority Islam countries, and that gays are thrown off of buildings and the penalty for being gay is death in 11 Islamic countries. I love all of humanity, I am tolerant, but my government isn’t.
You have totally misunderstood me again. If they are entering the Church wishing to change it, wishing that homosexual activity be not only tolerated as a sin, but accepted and endorsed, then it’s better that they not receive the Eucharist unworthily. Go back and re-read the other thread. Purification of the Church is not something I personally have the power to do, because it occurs naturally when somebody leaves the Church of their own accord, somebody who is not in alignment with Its teachings. That is a good thing. We will all be purified later if we get to purgatory too.

I have drawn a distinction between practicing homosexuals and chaste people with SSA. For some reason, you are having trouble seeing the Church’s teaching on this.
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You sound like somebody who doesn’t want any acrimony or conflict in your life. That’s fine. But as Catholics, we are supposed to defend the truth of marriage. I’ve never once stepped on any homosexual’s freedoms. I’ve only upheld the Church’s teachings. Now, it is to be done with charity, but apparently, the defenders of LGBT people are never content with the charity shown them because they are holding out for acceptance and endorsement within the Church.
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Exactly, I always treat those who experience same sex attraction with dignity and respect. I don’t think they should be jailed or punished as this violates the non-aggression principle that I adhere to. What consenting adults do in private is not my business. But I don’t like to put them into an LGBT group because identity politics is what creates communism, which is form of idolatry because it worships government and not God. I see them as individuals, who just happen to experience same sex attraction. Now, that being said, the government may recognize same sex marriage, but the Catholic church is very clear on what marriage is - a sacrament, a union between a man and woman for procreative purposes and loving each other. It isn’t those with SSA that I have a problem with, it’s radical leftist activists. When they want to call us intolerant and have the government force us to rewrite our religion so they can “marry” in the church, they are overstepping their bounds, violating the non-aggression principle, and are being intolerant of our freedom of religion.
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My initial reaction to the original post is that none of the complaints about politics belonged in confession. The sacrament of reconciliation is about you asking forgiveness for your sins pure and simple, not a ‘get-the-priest’ opportunity for you to passively-aggressively list your disagreements with his homily. The issues you raise, in my view, are valid ones, but you chose absolutely the wrong time and place to air them. You could have spoken to the priest and scheduled an appointment to talk with him about what you perceived as his errors. However, the damage is done, and I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for why we are told to be tolerant.
Well said, we are all called to chastity if outside the vocation of marriage. Fornication with those attracted to the opposite sex is also a sin against chastity. Jesus and the Catholic church are very clear on what marriage is - one man, one woman for unitive and procreative purposes.
tolerance and love are two different things. We shouldn’t be tolerant, as that implies grudgingly bearing something. We are called to love, willing the good of another, whether that be their bodies and their souls
I couldn’t agree more. Anybody who has been just tolerated will tell you it sucks. Love people. If all you can do is tolerate them, it’s time to look inside of yourself instead of looking at them.
I’ve been reading this whole thread, and as a well intended outsider I’m going to point out two things:

There are more mortal sins than lust. Pride and anger comes to mind on reading the posts here.

If a priest delivers a homily on tolerance and charity, I’m willing to bet he is convinced his congregation is in need of a hefty dose of charity and ”what you do to the least of these you do to me”. Apparently the OP doesn’t see it that way.
Like I said, he couldn’t have worded it in any way that wouldn’t be seen as uncharitable. The very fact that Catholics rely on God’s way as the best way in sexual matters will provoke any fun-loving LGBT person to think you’re being uncharitable.
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