In kindness I will say that the Protestant message is “Good News” and those receiving it react to it as such. In 50 years as a Catholic I can’t say that I understood how someone could refer to the Gospel message I received as “Good News” (
***I too used this rationalization to leave the Catholic Church. Why worry about sin and saying the act of contrition. ***
The Protestant path seemed like simple common sense. In reality it breaks in one of two directions; cheap grace, bolstered by false assurance of absolving yourself or ultra legalism. Visit any little pious bible chapel and watch what happens when someone comes in with their hair too long, too short or starts smoking, or joins a self help group to quit smoking that is not 'christian .
***Calvinists can be damned legalistic. That is why I went from the bible chapel to Methodism. Heck, its almost Catholic, but without the responsibility. Besides, great hymns, good preaching, engaging sunday school classes, an almost eucharistic approach to communion. ***
Many fallen away Catholics find Methodism a good fit. Anglo Catholicism would have made me homesick sooner.
The problem with the Methodist Sanctuary is not that the people don’t love Jesus, or that He is not present among the people in that warm fuzzy kind of way when you hold hands and sing ‘blest be the tie that binds’.
The problem is there is no Sanctus in the Sanctuary because the Tabernacle has been excluded and replaced with a mere book on a Table and divine sacrifice with a man, a very nice and well educated and compassionate man, but a man giving a lecture.
God is present, but not in the way He instituted. The Eucharistic Sacrifice is not a matter of indifference.
***We love the theif on the Cross too by the way. As a matter of fact, Catholics, all things being equal, usually have a better handle on the passion story, because meditating on the suffering Christ, the Stations of the Cross, the Seven Last Words, has always been seen as a means of deepening ones conversion. ***
And we see the connection between the Passion, the Last Supper and the Incarnation, which is why Catholics get why Jesus bequeathed His Mother to the Beloved Disciple.
As an Anglo Catholic, you still hold to these connections more than say a presbyterian, so you value Catholic Treasures. You simple want them at what you feel is a more reasonable price.****
Suffering saints, fasting, penance, purgatory, hell, rules, laws, and more laws, etc,
So what would you say to the Christians who were martyred by Valerian or Diocletian? Or those being murdered today in the Sudan? Would you send them a copy of the Jabez Prayer book or The Purpose Driven Church? Is there really too much penance in the Church? I saw more cars in the lot at the abortion mill this morning than I saw Catholics in line for confession and I see everybody taking communion.
I am so grateful to have saints like Benedict, Francis of Assisi and St Patrick to teach me how to live for Christ. Indeed those three are admired far beyond the borders of the Catholic Church.
***I will never leave the church again. There is nothing in Christ in protestant Christianity that is true and good that I am deprived of as a Catholic and to be outside Her is to be without treasured the Saviour Himself bequeathed to me. ***
But I can readily understand, that life can be more agreeable as a protestant. In the end, I came to understand I could no more walk away from the call of my Catholic Sacramental graces by calling myself a born again or a Methodist than I could swim the Atlantic by calling myself a fish.
Yours in Peace and Christ,