Why are Protestants so good with radio and TV?

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A very good Christian radio minister will not promote himself. A very good Christian radio will promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Him only. A good Christian radio minister will only preach what is taught in the Bible and nothing else. That is what makes a good minister of the Gospel to the people. Also, a good minister of the Gospel will do this from the pulpit. He will be faithful to the Word.

2 Timothy 4:2-4 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Gee,** I think the Roman church is guilty of this.**

Therefore if you cannot substantiate it with the Bible, he is a false minister. I am not talking about someone who says “this is what the Bible says”! I am talking, that if you cannot find it in the Bible, it is not true.

So let’s look to our Bibles; everyone. Is that what your church says is true?
A very good Christian radio minister will not promote himself. A very good Christian radio will promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Him only. A good Christian radio minister will only preach what is taught in the Bible and nothing else. That is what makes a good minister of the Gospel to the people. Also, a good minister of the Gospel will do this from the pulpit. He will be faithful to the Word…

I don’t know if you kenw this or not but… Jesus preached a “verbal” Gospel. Gospel is verbal. Jesus founded a Church not a book. Jesus also used and quted from the LXX. The Bible, no matter which version, is just a collection of written Scripture books.

Jesus preached Gospel. Some preachers only teach Bible, a tool of the verbal Gospel. Gospel includes Scripture but Bible preaching omits Gospel.

Using the Bible alone is like a mechanic throwing away ALL his tools except an allen wrench. Who wants to go to a mechanic with only an allen wrench? I’ll go to a mechanic who uses all the tools and skills given him by the Master Mechanic!
A very good Christian radio minister will not promote himself. A very good Christian radio will promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Him only. A good Christian radio minister will only preach what is taught in the Bible and nothing else. That is what makes a good minister of the Gospel to the people. Also, a good minister of the Gospel will do this from the pulpit. He will be faithful to the Word.

2 Timothy 4:2-4 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Gee,** I think the Roman church is guilty of this.**

Therefore if you cannot substantiate it with the Bible, he is a false minister. I am not talking about someone who says “this is what the Bible says”! I am talking, that if you cannot find it in the Bible, it is not true.

So let’s look to our Bibles; everyone. Is that what your church says is true?
Malachai4U did a great job answering this already, however, I pose this question to redeemed1 - Did not Jesus say he was the way the truth and the light, how come there are so many Protestants out there who seem to interpret his words differently. The truth is the truth and not some argument that can be parsed and interpreted.

As for the Roman Church comment, the correct identification is the Latin rite of the Catholic Church. The One True Church founded by Christ. The Catholic Church is calling you home Redeemed1.
This is a great question and one I have been thinking about for thirty years or so. I think the reason is because we aren’t here to entertain the audience.
And, yet, I think that is a problem. For such communication media must, to be used effectively, be employed in an entertaining manner. Now, by entertainment, I don’t necessarily just mean fun and games lightheartedness. I mean that one had to get and hold someone’s attention such that they become enraptured and feel drawn in and involved in what you are offerring them.

One of the reasons Mother Angelica’s live show was always so successful, for instance, was that it was enormously entertaining. Same with Bishop Sheen in presenting what was essentially nothing more than a “class”.

The message can be communicated in an entertaining manner and need not be water down or sacrificed by doing this. It just takes the right people with the talent and know how. Like any other thing in life, you need people who can develop and employ the skill to do the things necessary to the task well. The problem often is when you get people who aren’t able to communicate well under the circumstances and just end up sounding boring. Catholic TV/radio attempts over the years, however, have usually just been dry and pietistic, maybe heady.
…My question is this, why are protestants so successful with radio and TV networks and Catholics so far behind? This is not about the quality of programming as much as the shear number of stations.

Is there a TV and radio gap?
without 2000 years of tradition and an incomplete thology is it surprising that they are successful with the medium of the “sound bite”
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