More lies about Vatican II, but why not? To confuse the faithful. That’s why. The radicals and anarchists inside and outside the Church launched a coordinated attack against the Church starting right after the Second Vatican Council ended. I was there before and after Vatican II. No, life was not perfect then but we did not lock our doors at night. Most neighbors were good neighbors. And no, we did not all go to the same Church but we had shared community values. Sure, there were a few bad apples, but we were to avoid such people, not confront. To say hello, and be polite.
When the Hippies and Anarchists came into our neighborhoods, we did not see them for the wolves they were. “Don’t trust anyone over 30!” “We’ll burn this country down if we have to!” The Weather Underground. The Students for a Democratic Society. “Have sex with your girlfriend.” “Smoke dope” and use other dangerous illegal drugs.
NONE of the changes that occurred after Vatican II were even suggested by Vatican II. 'Blame it on Vatican II." Make Vatican II the scapegoat. I watched it as it happened. More illegal drugs appeared in our neighborhoods and NOT out of nowhere. Cohabitation and have sex with anyone was preached constantly. In the 1970s, was it an accident that topless bars, strip clubs and Adult Bookstores opened everywhere? NO. 1000 times NO. Who paid for all of it? Who started designing and funding ugly churches? Who made hundreds of books on Eastern mysticism appear in bookstores by colleges? Christ was out. The Church was out. Mom and dad were out. And they moved into our neighborhoods to serve as very bad examples. And if anyone questioned them - anger. “We’re grown adults!!! We’ll live how we want!!!”
Heartbreak for parents as their sons and daughters began a steady decline into sexual perversion, scandal and addiction to the flesh.
That’s the truth.