Why are the scrupulous forbidden to become manualists

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Thank you. As to the underlying issue of scrupulosity. It is anxiety, a thought disorder, cases of which run from almost imperceptible to debilitating. According to professional psychological associations, 20% of any given population suffers from some form of anxiety. One in five humans, at least in western society. That amounts to 66 million in the USA alone.

The illness must first be addressed and treated as best as possible for the individual to flourish. Until and unless this is addressed, the opportunities for spiritual growth might be extremely limited.
How exactly is reading a manual different from the Catechism?
What, exactly is a “manual”? I have catechisms.
Moral theology manuals are much more detailed, and focus entirely upon, well, moral theology. Their primary use is by priests in the confessional, as well as to clarify what is a sin and what is not, what is mortally sinful and what is only venially sinful, and so on. They can be used profitably by educated laypeople, but in the hands of the scrupulous (who might be very intelligent and/or highly educated as well), they could create problems for such a person. I don’t recommend them in that case.

Again, find one solid, orthodox confessor, explain your situation, and look to him to give you certain bedrock principles of moral reasoning, upon which you can base your formation of conscience. A scrupulous person needs the guidance only a good confessor can give.
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I’m Autistic so…
As am I and my son (and possibly my husband). My new secular institute has a prolife ministry. My ministerial outreaches in the same are the Leonie League (Autism) and the Compassionate Friends of the Comatose (self-explanatory).

If interested, please let me know.
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