Why are there so many homosexuals?

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In times past, homosexuals very often would go ahead,marry someone of the opposite sex, and have a family, even if it wasn’t their orientation, because society expected it. The generative act isn’t difficult to perform even if it’s not in your nature to perform it.
Would these persons then by definition have a bisexual orientation? I have heard homosexual men say they have nil attraction to women and could not have such relations. If they are able to have them, perhaps it is in their nature and something else is at work that takes them in the other direction?
I am forced by law to send my own son into that kind of household from time to time (split custody, though he is with me practically all of the time), I have taught him that it is a mortal sin to live in an adulterous “marriage”, and he understands this.
You’ve taught your son to think of his mother in this way???
We don’t candy-coat sin in our home. While I teach my son to love, honor, and respect his mother, and I emphasize her good qualities — of which she has many — I will not have him thinking that it is “okay” for her to be in an invalid, adulterous non-marriage, no more so than I would have him think it were “okay” if she were involved in organized crime, cruelty to animals, racism, or what have you. I call the sin for what it is, and though I can’t discuss how I know this, it is not a “Josephite marriage”. The entire story cannot be told here.

I saw enough of children of divorced-and-invalidly “remarried” parents in high school — and that was over 40 years ago — being defensive of their parents’ sin, because “they’re my parents and anything they do is okay, no matter what the Church says”. That’s not the way.
In the case of men, it may be because they don’t develop an inner sense of masculinity during adolescence. We see this in the way that a lot of gay men talk and act: using more feminine gestures and speech than straight counterparts.
No, there are many gay men with their “inner sense of masculinity” in tact. Construction workers, football players, whatever is your definition of masculine, there are men that break your stereotype of having “feminine gestures and speech.”
Now as to why they don’t develop this sense, there are many possibilities, some of which are:
  • Not being accepted by other men / boys
  • Not developing strong male friendships and connections
  • Being abused
More stereotyping on your part.
In times past, homosexuals very often would go ahead,marry someone of the opposite sex, and have a family, even if it wasn’t their orientation, because society expected it. The generative act isn’t difficult to perform even if it’s not in your nature to perform it.
Would these persons then by definition have a bisexual orientation? I have heard homosexual men say they have nil attraction to women and could not have such relations. If they are able to have them, perhaps it is in their nature and something else is at work that takes them in the other direction?
I don’t know, I’m neither gay nor bisexual, so I don’t know how that works. To be as delicate as I can possibly be, maybe they could “think about a man”.

Not condoning this, just offering the idea.
Well that’s the point I’m making. Why would you choose to be attracted to someone? That’s why I basically asked why God has created so many people with same sex attractions?
Why has God created so many people who lie? Who steal? Who break their marriage vows?

Or, on the other hand, who.end up addicted to alcohol or drugs?

Or suffer from mental illnesses such as schizophrenia - or physical.diaabilities?

We live in a fallen, broken world. It has been thus since Adam and Eve. God did not break it.

And we all have our different crosses. All hard to bear.
Now what you could have done there is make some comparisons such as ‘people who like football or prefer red wine or enjoy riding or are vegetarians or have green eyes’.

But what you did was select all negatives for your comparison and compared gay people to drug addicts, those with mental problems and the physically disabled.

Being gay is only a cross to bear if it’s seen by others as a problem.
And it could be just the opposite; those “possibilities” could be the result of somebody being gay (i.e., that other men/boys don’t accept them for that reason) rather than why they “turned gay.”
No doubt boys who identify as gay get picked on & excluded; at the same time I know multiple gay men who said they were called “gay” before they even knew what the word meant, so I guess there may be evidence for both.
No, there are many gay men with their “inner sense of masculinity” in tact. Construction workers
Of all the construction sites I’ve worked on over the years, I’ve never met a masculine gay construction worker. I’ve worked both in residential (houses) and commercial (buildings). The only gay construction worker I ever knew of, though, talked very femininely.
football players, whatever is your definition of masculine, there are men that break your stereotype of having “feminine gestures and speech.”
True, but football is more of a hobby; you can be raised playing it and like it no matter how masculine you are. Same with soccer, hockey, etc…
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Of all the construction sites I’ve worked on over the years, I’ve never met a masculine gay construction worker.
Not everyone talks about their sexuality, so you might not even know they are gay.
True, but football is more of a hobby; you can be raised playing it and like it no matter how masculine you are. Same with soccer, hockey, etc…
I don’t even know what you are trying to say here.
You ever knew if. There’s the key. I wonder how many you met without knowing they were gay.
If you’ve ever worked with construction workers, you’ll find that they (unfortunately) do not hold their tongue about sexual matters… 😬
Not everyone talks about their sexuality, so you might not even know they are gay.
See above ^
I don’t even know what you are trying to say here.
Nevermind it
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If you’ve ever worked with construction workers, you’ll find that they (unfortunately) do not hold their tongue about sexual matters…
Unless they are gay and don’t want to listen to a bunch of obnoxious guys making fun of them. So they say nothing about their relationships, or they may even lie when on the job.
If you’ve ever worked with construction workers, you’ll find that they (unfortunately) do not hold their tongue about sexual matters… 😬
Do you really think that a homosexual would out himself among fellow construction workers?! More than likely, he’d play along and assume the role expected of him.
Unless they are gay and don’t want to listen to a bunch of obnoxious guys making fun of them. So they say nothing about their relationships, or they may even lie when on the job.
Do you really think that a homosexual would out himself among fellow construction workers?! More than likely, he’d play along and assume the role expected of him.
All of the young men I’ve worked with (unfortunately) do not hold back talking about their (heterosexual) encounters, and some also frequent the strip clubs with the other guys. Many of them have girlfriends, others show me the girls they’re taking out on Tinder. It’s just not conceivable that they’re doing all this to “play along and assume the role”. If they are all fooling us, it’s one heck of a show they’re putting on. But I’m going with Occam’s razor and saying they’re straight.
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Because hell wants as many souls as possible eternally damned, and knows it only has a limited amount of time left to get them; this is one of the ways it can be done. 😔

🙏 sheep > goats when ⌛ here runs out.
Homosexuality is much different than alcoholism. Alcoholism is an addiction and it’s addiction to a substance. Homosexuality is not an addiction and it does not have anything to do with a substance
Being called gay in high school doesn’t make one gay. One is either homosexual or not. It’s something so easily changed or influenced by what others think
Alcoholism is
Homosexuality is much different than alcoholism. Alcoholism is an addiction and it’s addiction to a substance. Homosexuality is not an addiction and it does not have anything to do with a substance
Alcoholism is more than a substance. It’s a whole complex. Homosexuality (and heterosexuality) does include hormones generated in our bodies. Sexual addiction is now often grouped with substance abuse for that reason. I’m not saying homosexuality is an addiction, just saying there may be a little commonality here.
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To the main question posed in the thread, the answer is murky.

There seems to be both biological and social factors that contribute to an individual identifying as a homosexual.

What’s likely is that there are multiple “types” of homosexuals. But again, the research on the topic is lacking given the ethical concerns on absolutely all sides of the discussion.

There are instances of gay and straight identical twins, families where all the kids identified as homosexual, folks who participate in homosexual behavior in some social situations and not in others.

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