Why are there so many homosexuals?

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Why is the compulsion of alcoholism which results in drunkenness but is beyond the alcoholic’s control, considered a sin? Does the Church not recognize that the person who is alcoholic is COMPELLED to drink?
Yes, she does. Sin is always in the will, a will that freely chooses to do evil.
Imputability and responsibility for an action can be diminished or even nullified by ignorance, inadvertence, duress, fear, habit, inordinate attachments, and other psychological or social factors.
The Church teaches that drunkeness is an objective evil.
This question really isn’t charitable to those on CAF who have same sex attraction but do not act on it.
This question really isn’t charitable to those on CAF who have same sex attraction but do not act on it.
Perhaps if it were re-worded: Why do some people experience same sex attraction?
OK, but doesn’t the Church say that acting on homosexuality is a PERSONAL sin, the sin of lust and sodomy? Does the Church also say that acting on alcoholism is a personal sin, the sin of drunkenness? If not, why is alcoholism different from sodomy?
The Saints say that no sin is private or personal in the end analysis, not even thoughts. Everything affects everything else.
Maybe G-d isn’t so hung up about homosexual attraction and behavior as we are. Maybe we have interpreted the Bible all wrong with regard to homosexuality. There is indeed a Jewish interpretation in favor of homosexuality, or at least not opposed. Or maybe the Bible got it wrong altogether because of the prejudiced attitudes of the time and culture, probably even more prejudiced than today.
That doesn’t have weight in a Catholic framework.
Why do some people experience same sex attraction?
Because Adam and Eve became unable to be a total gift of self to one another. Down the slippery slope to the objectified human body they went. The objectified human body becomes a means to resolve the suffering attached to the lack of love between man and woman. Some of that suffering is numbed by same sex attraction.
Why do some people experience same sex attraction?
Because Adam and Eve became unable to be a total gift of self to one another. Down the slippery slope to the objectified human body they went. The objectified human body becomes a means to resolve the suffering attached to the lack of love between man and woman. Some of that suffering is numbed by same sex attraction.
Are you married, Eloy? I’d like to think that you don’t treat your wife as an ‘objectified human body’.
If I’m reading EloyCraft correctly, he is contrasting total self giving with partial self giving. I think this contrast makes sense.
If I’m reading EloyCraft correctly, he is contrasting total self giving with partial self giving. I think this contrast makes sense.
Then I’m not sure how it fits in with the op, Jeanne. I’m sure Eloy will clarify in due course.
Just a bit upthread, dolphin objected to the title of the OP and I tried to suggest a way to get at the question through rephrasing. My apologies if I’ve shifted the thread off course.
I’m not sure if I should be wishing you a good evening or morning Freddy, but I hope all is well with you.
Take care,
Just a bit upthread, dolphin objected to the title of the OP and I tried to suggest a way to get at the question through rephrasing. My apologies if I’ve shifted the thread off course.
I’m not sure if I should be wishing you a good evening or morning Freddy, but I hope all is well with you.
Take care,
Cocktail hour here, JT. Take care…
Every generation begins all over, they adapt to what is going on in their environment. Same old wrong choices occur with different designs but Gods Truth never changes.
This thread title makes me chuckle every time I see it. “Why are there so many homosexuals?! They’re everywhere! They’re in the wire! Destroy the radios and burn the classified! We can’t hold ‘em much longer! We can’t-“

Sorry I took so long. I objectify others in ways I know of and I reject that way of seeing things. There are ways I am not conscious of no doubt.

Adam and Eve were a disinterested gift of self. In that original state ‘other’ was in the place that is now occupied by ‘i’. Egoless.
Every single person on earth has concupiscence in one form or another as a result of original sin. This is just one form out of many. Here’s how the Church defines concupiscence:
CCC 2515 Etymologically, “concupiscence” can refer to any intense form of human desire. Christian theology has given it a particular meaning: the movement of the sensitive appetite contrary to the operation of the human reason. The apostle St. Paul identifies it with the rebellion of the “flesh” against the "spirit."302 Concupiscence stems from the disobedience of the first sin. It unsettles man’s moral faculties and, without being in itself an offense, inclines man to commit sins.303
Why does God permit concupiscence to remain, even after Baptism? The Church teaches in the Roman Catechism:
The second reason why bodily infirmity, disease, sense of pain and motions of concupiscence remain after Baptism is that in them we may have the seed and material of virtue from which we shall hereafter receive a more abundant harvest of glory and more ample rewards. When, with patient resignation, we bear all the trials of life, and, aided by the divine assistance, subject to the dominion of reason the rebellious desires of the heart, we ought to cherish an assured hope that if, with the Apostle we shall have fought a good fight, finished the course, and kept the faith, the Lord, the just judge, will render to us on that day a crown of justice which is laid up for us.
All of the young men I’ve worked with
And you appear to keep assuming that your personal experience, filtered through your preconceptions, is general reality. well, believe it or not, it isn’t.
I’m aware this is an anecdotal example but I’ll use it anyway.

There’s a British television presenter named Phillip Schofield. He’s had a great career. He currently presents a morning program on a mainstream British TV channel. He’s famous, has money, has a family of his own. As far as I know he didn’t have an unusual or difficult upbringing filled with abuse or parent issues etc. Then suddenly, in his 50s, he comes out as gay.

Why would he do this, unless he really did just feel he was attracted to men and couldn’t do anything about it? He has nothing professional to gain from this. Such an announcement also had the potential to destroy his family. In his statement from February this year, he said that with the support of his wife and daughters, he has ‘had to come to terms’ with the fact that he is gay. It doesn’t sound like it was easy for him.

So what could it be? Boredom? Is his life so good he got bored and wanted to try something different? Or is it, as Catholic canon law states, a disorder some people just have to suffer with?
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