Why are there so many homosexuals?

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In his statement from February this year, he said that with the support of his wife and daughters, he has ‘had to come to terms’ with the fact that he is gay. It doesn’t sound like it was easy for him.
It would appear he has inclinations both ways. Does “come to terms with…” mean he now requires the freedom to openly pursue same sex relationships?
It seems ‘come to terms with’ is his way of saying he feels he has to admit he has an attraction to men. He did specifically say come to terms with the fact he is ‘gay’, rather than bi-sexual, so I’d assume it could mean that, like some other gay men, while he may have married a woman, he never really felt a sexual attraction to her or had any feelings for her.

I honestly don’t know, but what’s weird to me is why a guy in his position, at this stage in his life, would make such a life changing decision now, if it were not based on very strong feelings he has. It’s probably something he has been thinking about for a long time.
It seems ‘come to terms with’ is his way of saying he feels he has to admit he has an attraction to men.
You mean “tell the world”?
it could mean that, like some other gay men, while he may have married a woman, he never really felt a sexual attraction to her or had any feelings for her.
Yet he proposed marriage, married and lived what we understand was a broadly happy marriage, fathering two children.
why a guy in his position, at this stage in his life, would make such a life changing decision now, if it were not based on very strong feelings he has.
No doubt strong feelings. He strongly desires a different kind of relationship(s) now.

One wonders why divorce was not the (sole) subject of his announcement?
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it could mean that, like some other gay men, while he may have married a woman, he never really felt a sexual attraction to her or had any feelings for her.
Yet he proposed marriage, married and lived what we understand was a broadly happy marriage, fathering two children.
I do know a lot of gay men, although usually from an older generation than mine, who did get married to a woman. But in many cases, these men did this when they were young and still struggling with or unsure about their sexuality. And some of them got married to a woman because they sincerely hoped that this would somehow help them to become straight which it almost never does. And sometimes, too, gay men get married to a woman because their parents don’t know that they’re gay and were putting pressure on them to get married and give them some grandchildren. And many of these men do love their wives in an emotional sort of way, but without feeling much sexual attraction for them. And finally, we have no idea whether this was a “broadly happy marriage” for the gay man. He might have been struggling internally with this for decades in secret.
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And some of them got married to a woman because they sincerely hoped that this would somehow help them to become straight which it almost never does. And sometimes, too, gay men get married to a woman because their parents don’t know that they’re gay and were putting pressure on them to get married and give them some grandchildren.
A dreadful thing to do to spouse and prospective children.
And finally, we have no idea whether this was a “broadly happy marriage” for the gay man.
We can only go by observation. They speak Well of each other. He spoke of the joy of having children. They are not certain if divorce is in their future. He said nothing to the contrary in his announcement to the world.
And many of these men do love their wives in an emotional sort of way, but without feeling much sexual attraction for them.
But sufficient it would seem.
And many of these men do love their wives in an emotional sort of way, but without feeling much sexual attraction for them.
But sufficient it would seem.
Yes, perhaps a 5 on the Kinsey Scale: “Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual.” Or even a 4 on the Kinsey Scale: “Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual.”

There aren’t. They make up a small portion of the population they just have influence far greater than their numbers should reflect.
This. 100%.

I also think that because we live in a society that is influenced by a corrupt media that bombards us with sex and perversion day in and day out, more people are being encouraged to experiment sexually than ever before. It’s almost “in” to be gay, bi, trans, etc. I’m not saying that homosexuality was not an issue in the past, but I do think it’s a bigger issue now just because of how we live and what we are exposed to.
That’s why I basically asked why God has created so many people with same sex attractions?
God created them male and female. Disorder comes from the fall.
A lot of our disorder comes from the way our bodies work. With the DNA in the cells in our bodies being frequently recopied, genetic mutations often occur spontaneously and naturally. Or sometimes they occur because of our environment. But without mutations, there would be no evolution. Some mutations are beneficial like the one that has allowed many humans to consume dairy products as adults. Some are neutral like the one that occurred about 10,000 years ago that has caused me and others to have blue eyes. But some mutations are harmful and make some people more susceptible to various diseases and psychological disorders. Many cases of cancer are probably caused by genetic mutations.
There aren’t. They make up a small portion of the population they just have influence far greater than their numbers should reflect.
This. 100%.

I also think that because we live in a society that is influenced by a corrupt media that bombards us with sex and perversion day in and day out, more people are being encouraged to experiment sexually than ever before. It’s almost “in” to be gay, bi, trans, etc. I’m not saying that homosexuality was not an issue in the past, but I do think it’s a bigger issue now just because of how we live and what we are exposed to.
So you think that some guy might say to himself, “It’s kind of cool to be gay, so I’m going to find some way to make myself become sexually attracted to other guys.”

Maybe things have changed a lot recently, but most straight guys I know would recoil at the thought of kissing or having sex with another guy.
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There aren’t. They make up a small portion of the population they just have influence far greater than their numbers should reflect.
This. 100%.

I also think that because we live in a society that is influenced by a corrupt media that bombards us with sex and perversion day in and day out, more people are being encouraged to experiment sexually than ever before. It’s almost “in” to be gay, bi, trans, etc. I’m not saying that homosexuality was not an issue in the past, but I do think it’s a bigger issue now just because of how we live and what we are exposed to.
So you think that some guy might say to himself, “It’s kind of cool to be gay, so I’m going to find some way to make myself become sexually attracted to other guys.”

Maybe things have changed a lot recently, but most straight guys I known would recoil at the thought of kissing or having sex with another guy.
No kidding.

To the other posters (who don’t have SSA):

Does this sound like something that would interest you?

Do you ever think, “Hey, this homosexuality sounds like a lot of fun! I ought to check it out!”

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No kidding.

To the other posters (who don’t have SSA):

Does this sound like something that would interest you?

Do you ever think, “Hey, this homosexuality sounds like a lot of fun! I ought to check it out!”

If there was a pill that resolved SSA would you advocate for it?
No kidding.

To the other posters (who don’t have SSA):

Does this sound like something that would interest you?

Do you ever think, “Hey, this homosexuality sounds like a lot of fun! I ought to check it out!”

If there was a pill that resolved SSA would you advocate for it?
Maybe I would, if someone took it voluntarily and wasn’t forced to take it against their will.

I don’t see what that has to do with my post.
I accept Catholic Church teachings on homosexuality, but I won’t pretend, sometimes when I think about it, there is something I find difficult to understand.

The issue I have is that there seem to be so many homosexuals around. It’s difficult not to study or work in a environment where there are at least some homosexuals.
I actually do not think that are “so many homosexuals.”

I don’t think there are more homosexuals (percentage wise) than in centuries past.

However, what I think that has changed is the following:
  1. Half of society either doesn’t think homosexual acts are sinful or they think all sexual sinners should be allowed to publicly do what they want. Many of these hetrosexual people say “if I commit hetrosexual sins, how can I denouse homosexual sins?”
  2. Younger people today are more open to experimentation, even if they are not truly homosexual. Plus, fornication (esp with lot of partners) can cause a hetrosexual person (esp a woman) become antagonistic towards the opposite sex. If said person experimented with homosexual acts, they might be open to a homosexual relationship, even if they are not truly homoseuxal.
  3. Homosexual acts (just like fornication, masturbation, etc) are being viewed as normal & not sinful by a majority of younger people. So if it’s “normal and not a sin,” then the attitude becomes “why not try it?”
  4. In regards to the workplace, homosexuals TEND to be politically & ideologically liberal. Liberals tend to gravitate towards careers in education, law, entertainment, social activism, and other white collar professions. But some industries such as education, law, entertainment, & social activism really have a very high percentage of liberals, thus it’s only natural for homosexuals to gravitate towards those careers due to their political ideology & worldview. Education, law & entertainment & social activism tend to be the most visible jobs, so we notice the higher percentage of homosexuals in these industries & it has a tendency to inflate our view about the number of homosexuals worldwide.
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I accept Catholic Church teachings on homosexuality, but I won’t pretend, sometimes when I think about it, there is something I find difficult to understand.

The issue I have is that there seem to be so many homosexuals around. It’s difficult not to study or work in a environment where there are at least some homosexuals.
I actually do not think that are “so many homosexuals.”

I don’t think there are more homosexuals (percentage wise) than in centuries past.

However, what I think that has changed is the following:
  1. Half of society either doesn’t think homosexual acts are sinful or they think all sexual sinners should be allowed to publicly do what they want. Many of these hetrosexual people say “if I commit hetrosexual sins, how can I denouse homosexual sins?”
  2. Younger people today are more open to experimentation, even if they are not truly homosexual. Plus, fornication (esp with lot of partners) can cause a hetrosexual person (esp a woman) become antagonistic towards the opposite sex. If said person experimented with homosexual acts, they might be open to a homosexual relationship, even if they are not truly homoseuxal.
  3. Homosexual acts (just like fornication, masturbation, etc) are being viewed as normal & not sinful by a majority of younger people. So if it’s “normal and not a sin,” then the attitude becomes “why not try it?”
  4. In regards to the workplace, homosexuals TEND to be politically & ideologically liberal. Liberals tend to gravitate towards careers in education, law, entertainment, social activism, and other white collar professions. But some industries such as education, law, entertainment, & social activism really have a very high percentage of liberals, thus it’s only natural for homosexuals to gravitate towards those careers due to their political ideology & worldview. Education, law & entertainment & social activism tend to be the most visible jobs, so we notice the higher percentage of homosexuals in these industries & it has a tendency to inflate our view about the number of homosexuals worldwide.
My opinion of what has changed is really simple.

In the old days LGBT were “out there”; you just didn’t know who they were. It might have been detrimental to someone’s career to be identified as such.

My aunt’s ex-husband’s brother was a typical example. He was a prominent musician and conductor. There was a little whispering in the family about whether he was or wasn’t but that was as far as it got.

Whereas today it’s less frequent for someone to be fired or harassed for being LGBT.
What is this obsession some Catholics have with homosexuality?
Is it insecurity?
Fear of being attracted to the same sex?
If it’s sin; what exactly is the sin?
Murder is a sin.
Stealing is a sin.
Lying is a sin.
If a same sex couple who love each other and wish to express there love are committing a sin, what’s the sin? Will the act change the world? Will the couple go to hell along with Hitler?

God said “be fruitful and multiply.” He didn’t say EVERYONE.
I believe Paul said “it’s an abomination.” God didn’t say it. Maybe it was a personal bias by Paul or whoever wrote it.
There are many animals that practice homosexuality. God created them also.

SO WHAT IS THE SIN and what are so many Catholics afraid of?
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It does appear most homosexuals were sexually molested early in life. Most found it pleasurable and say it impacted their later life sexually. So, it’s not impossible to think of it as largely a learned addiction or proclivity, contracted early in life through a predator.

I’ll concede you might be right, as to part of it.

I was just reading on a pro-gay site that there indeed seems to be a correlation between early child abuse and adult homosexuality, at least according to some studies.

But the site makes the suggestion that the child’s homosexuality could be the cause of abuse, not the result of it. LGBT youth may experience isolation or exclusion, which may make them more vulnerable to abuse.
But the site makes the suggestion that the child’s homosexuality could be the cause of abuse
Doesn’t really seem too likely to me. This puts the kid in the position of being the seducer of the predator.
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