Why are they still protesting? What do they want?

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New member
As the George Floyd protests continue through the second week, I am still not clear what it is that the protesters want to see happen. I know that they want equality, love, peace, justice, etc. But, what is it that they want to see happen today? What would satisfy them now? If you are one of the protesters, then share with us - what do you want? Do you want no more police? No more Trump?
They are still protesting precisely because of questions like this.
If you are one of the protesters, then share with us - what do you want? Do you want no more police? No more Trump?
I think what they want are stricter rules in place for police that will prevent another George Floyd from happening, as well as greater accountability for the results of police actions.
As the George Floyd protests continue through the second week, I am still not clear what it is that the protesters want to see happen. I know that they want equality, love, peace, justice, etc. But, what is it that they want to see happen today? What would satisfy them now? If you are one of the protesters, then share with us - what do you want? Do you want no more police? No more Trump?
They want to stop this type of events happening all the time: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/05/indianapolis-police-arrest/
As well as all of the above I believe people want greater awareness of discrimination and the dismantling of societal structures which hold up inequality.
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There are those (a remnant) protesting justly. But the looters, rioters, those there just for the drama of it all etc. is a whole other matter… They are doing this because, sadly, this is how people who are lacking in Christ feed their yearning for Him. Their hearts are restless. Anarchy is akin to a final act of despair, reaching for a reason.
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Yes. I understand all of that. But what do they want today. As I watch the crowds gather once again in all the major US cities, my question is - what do you want to see happen today?
I know what the looters want. My question is addressed to the social justice warriors. I too want no more racism, love, peace and all that. But that is a long term project. The utopian dream is difficult to achieve and is likely to take years, decades, millennia. But, what do you want to see happen this week? What will get you off the streets?
Pretty sure if you asked 1000 different protesters, you would get 300 different answers! Some want stricter rules, some want to advocate for a completely non-violent or no police force. Some want to bring awareness to poverty and other forms of racial inequality that lead to aN increase in racial profiling and over-policing of minorities. There’s a lot more going on than Mr. Floyd’s unfortunate demise. That was just the kindling to the wildfire.
Pretty sure if you asked 1000 different protesters, you would get 300 different answers! Some want stricter rules, some want to advocate for a completely non-violent or no police force. Some want to bring awareness to poverty and other forms of racial inequality that lead to aN increase in racial profiling and over-policing of minorities.
So this is just a very large summer outing with some shouting and bonfires at night?
They are still protesting precisely because of questions like this.
Maybe they are protesting because they don’t know what they want? Where is the list of demands that can be met? Where is the leader who will stand up and say; we want this to happen?
I think the purpose of continuing protests is to put pressure on lawmakers to make drafting new laws a priority. If they protested once and then stopped them many lawmakers would assume that the problem has just gone away and no more needs to be done.
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What will get you off the streets?
Personally I think you’re asking the wrong question here. What I believe people want today, this week, this month etc, is simply to be heard. To be acknowledged, to no longer treat inequalities faced as part of life as a black person. To have their anger, their worries, their voices listened to.

It isn’t as simple as having a checklist to work down. This protest started because of the treatment of the life of George Floyd and too many others who have been killed by police, and that remains the focus. But it’s also about how life as a black person means facing institutional inequality, discrimination and microaggressions that a majority are not even aware of. And that’s what people are protesting for - to make people aware.
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Maybe they are protesting because they don’t know what they want? Where is the list of demands that can be met? Where is the leader who will stand up and say; we want this to happen?
If you don’t know by now there’s nothing I can say.
I have edited my post-there is indeed only but a remnant protesting justly. Most others are there for the wrong reasons. Social justice does not exist without Christ- we know this. Unfortunately there are many who are not blessed with this knowledge. Some may even have knowingly rejected it. This is the heart of the matter though.

Wounded people, seeking reason.
Maybe check “black lives matter” offical website, here are some things they advocate for.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…

We foster a queer‐affirming network.

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege…

We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered."
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